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25 noviembre, 2021

Appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò


By Howard Bertram, November 23, 2021

This PDF is a Notice of Liability to: Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, Dr Theresa Tam Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Attorney General for Canada David Lametti and Superintendent Brenda Lucki, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Read more...
By Dr. Leon Tressell, November 23, 2021

Dr Paul Marik, one of the world’s most published intensive care specialists, has filed a lawsuit against Sentara Norfolk Hospital to overturn its prohibition on him using FDA approved repurposed medicines in the ICU he oversees. Read more...
By Julian Rose, November 23, 2021

Independent small and medium sized farms have been handed a death sentence by Klaus Schwab head of The World Economic Forum. Schwab, and fellow architects of top-down control, have officially let it be known that under the policy known as ‘Green Deal’ traditional family farms are no longer wanted and the foods they produce are to be replaced by laboratory and genetically engineered synthetic lookalikes. Read more...
By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 23, 2021

If you suspected censorship was being coordinated on a global scale, you’d be right. The International Grand Committee on Disinformation (IGCD) consists of “an international array of legislators, policy advisers, and other experts” who work together “to forge international alliances that bring shared, effective strategies into the battle against online disinformation.” What could possibly go wrong? Read more...
By Matthew Ehret-Kump, November 23, 2021

Where China and Russia are currently leading a new paradigm of cooperation and development, it is too easily forgotten that America itself had once embodied this anti-colonial spirit under the foreign policy vision of John F. Kennedy. Even though the young leader died in office before the full effect of his grand vision could take hold, it is worth revisiting his fight and stated intention for a post-colonial world governed by win-win cooperation. Read more...

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