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15 enero, 2013

Cancer, Nazis, Obama (Global Research)

Algunos muy buenos artículos publicados en Global Research.

The Cancer Cash Cycle: The Causes of Cancer and Ill Health
By Colin Todhunter
Cancer is big business. Despite massive public screening campaigns and talk of cures, cancer rates continue to soar, and certain companies not only profit from making the chemicals that cause cancer but also from selling the drugs that treat it.

The Age of the Siege: Nazi Military Tactics Revisited

NATO Strategies, Economic Sanctions and the "Responsibility to Protect"

By Felicity Arbuthnot

“Disengage, avoid, and withhold support from whatever abuses, degrades and humiliates humanity.” (Alice Walker, b: 1944.).

[former Danish PM and Secretary General of NATO] Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Du har blod på dine hænder” (“You have blood on your hands”), Danish protester, 2003.


Impeach Obama!
By Tom Santoni
How many Obama-ordered civilian deaths in foreign lands will you tolerate before speaking out and taking action? Three Pakistani children are three too many for me.
In a blatant and unmistakable act of war against a sovereign nation, Barack Obama, four days into his administration on Friday, January 23, 2009, as commander in chief of US armed forces, ordered the US military to launch Hellfire missile strikes on homes in northwest Pakistan, killing dozens of civilians including at least three children. The military was aiming to bomb al Qaeda and Taliban “suspects,” but there was some unfortunate “collateral damage”. Oops.

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