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05 noviembre, 2018

#Trump #Sanctions, #WarCrimes in #Syria

By Global Research News

Url of this article:https://www.globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-trump-sanctions-war-crimes-in-syria/5658768
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Raqqa: A City Laid Waste, the Law Laid Low
By Christopher Black, November 02, 2018
Tens of thousands of strikes and heavy artillery bombardments over a period of a four months, from July to October 2017, the use of white phosphorus, a banned weapon, thousands killed, a city destroyed and for what, no one seems to know, except there exists a ruthless contempt for the norms of civilized behaviour and international law in the governments and armed forces of the “coalition” of gangster states that are committing theses crimes.

New Iran Sanctions Risk Long-term US Isolation
By Patrick Lawrence, November 02, 2018
The next step in the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran comes this Sunday, Nov. 4, when the most severe sanctions will be imposed on the Islamic Republic. Crucially, they apply not only to Iran but to anyone who continues to do business with it.
By Zoom in Korea, November 02, 2018
At 12:01 on November 1, North and South Korea began a halt to land, air, and sea military exercises and began the operation of a designated no-fly zone along the military demarcation line (MDL). The measures are in line with September’s Agreement on the Implementation of the Historic Panmunjom Declaration in the Military Domain, signed by the two Koreas’ defense ministers on the sidelines of the fifth inter-Korean summit in Pyongyang.

Cuba Scores 27th Victory at the UN on “Ending the US Blockade”. Overwhelming Vote in Favor, Two Against (U.S. and Israel)
By Nino Pagliccia, November 02, 2018
In an attempt to sway the vote against the resolution, this year the US surprisingly introduced eight aggressive amendments forcing the UN General Assembly to debate them. This was a manipulative tactic to compel a discussion on the issue of human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals in Cuba.

History of World War II: Conduct of Hitler’s “Operation Barbarossa” against Russia
By Shane Quinn, November 02, 2018
In Soviet territory, Hitler demanded his men undertake “war of annihilation” procedures. These murderous assaults eventually rebounded onto the Germans, who were dealt little mercy as they themselves had shown. By indiscriminately targeting Soviet soldiers and civilians, the Nazis were already sowing the seeds of their own defeat, though they did not yet know it.

Trump’s Back Door Return to the TPP Free Trade Agreement in 2019/20?
By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 02, 2018
In the absence of the US, Japan has served as proxy for the US in continuing the TPP negotiations, now concluded this past week. In coming months and the rest of Trump’s first term, watch for the US under Trump to re-enter the TPP. That re-joining will not be as a signatory to the revised, multilateral TPP just concluded by the other countries. Rather, it will be US re-joining it on a country-by-country, bilateral basis.

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