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11 octubre, 2024

COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Failure 2x as Deadly for “Vaccinated”

Philippines Investigates Spike in Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign

Ohio State research revealed that COVID-19 “vaccination” induces dangerous antibodies and higher mortality rates

By Dr. Mark Trozzi
Global Research, July 23, 2024
Dr. Mark Trozzi

Researchers in Ohio studied 152 severely ill adult patients who were admitted to Ohio State University Hospital with Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) between May 2020 and November 2022. Of these patients, 112 tested positive for COVID-19, while 40 did not. Among the 112 COVID-positive ARF patients, 20 had received COVID-19 “vaccines” and 89 had not. The death rate during hospitalization was 37% in the unvaccinated group, while it was 70% in the vaccinated group. The vaccine almost doubled the risk of dying from COVID-19 respiratory disease. The death rate was lower among all age groups if they were not vaccinated.

The vaccinated group had higher rates of comorbidities (other health problems); however, even when the data was adjusted for this using the Charlson Comorbidity Score, the results still showed that being COVID-19 vaccinated carried a higher risk of death from COVID-19 respiratory disease.

The researchers also compared antibody levels among the patients. The vaccinated group had higher levels of IgG4 antibodies, which are known to promote immune tolerance or antibody-dependent enhancement of the disease.

In summary, this study showed that among people hospitalized with severe COVID-19 respiratory disease, COVID-19 vaccinated individuals have higher levels of IgG4 disease-enhancing antibodies and are more likely to die than unvaccinated individuals.

From Disinformation to Publication: A Case Study in Academic Failure


In the realm of academic publishing, a 1300-fold error should raise more than eyebrows--it should sound alarms. Yet, at the 14th ACM Web Science Conference 2022, sponsored by SIGWEB, such a colossal miscalculation found its way into the proceedings, calling into question the very foundations of academic integrity in the digital age.

The journey of misinformation from a flawed report to peer-reviewed academic literature is a cautionary tale that underscores the vulnerabilities in our systems of knowledge production and dissemination. This article examines how the controversial "Disinformation Dozen" report, despite its significant methodological flaws, managed to infiltrate academic discourse and spawn a series of studies that further entrenched its dubious claims.

Men's Health Promotes 'Fighting Digital Hate' While Perpetuating Debunked Claims

Posted on: Tuesday, August 20th 2024 at 3:00 am

In a striking display of irony, Men's Health magazine recently published an article titled "How to Keep Your Mind When You Fight Digital Hate All Day," profiling Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). The piece, while ostensibly about combating online negativity, opens by repeating a thoroughly discredited claim that has itself been a source of digital hate and real-world harm.

The article uncritically states that Ahmed's organization "expos[ed] the Disinformation Dozen--the 12 people behind 65 percent of online vaccine misinformation." This claim, originating from a 2021 CCDH report, was decisively refuted by Meta (formerly Facebook) in August 2021. Meta's data showed that the individuals in question were responsible for only about 0.05% of all views of vaccine-related content on their platforms - a far cry from the 65% figure touted by CCDH.

Major Victory: Media Giants Admit Errors in 'Disinformation Dozen' Coverage

Posted on: Tuesday, September 10th 2024 at 7:30 pm

In a turn of events, major media outlets are correcting their coverage of the "Disinformation Dozen," exposing the flaws in a widely circulated censorship campaign.

Quick Summary

  • Major media outlets including The Independent, Forbes, and McGill University correct "Disinformation Dozen" coverage
  • Meta's data shows named individuals responsible for 0.05% of vaccine content views, not 65% as claimed
  • Legal implications emerge as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gains standing in Biden v. Missouri case
  • CCDH and its CEO continue to spread debunked claims despite corrections

Flaxseed Oil Supplementation in IVF: Promising Results for Women with Decreased Ovarian Reserve

Posted on: Monday, September 9th 2024 at 3:00 am

New research suggests flaxseed oil supplementation may significantly improve IVF outcomes for women with decreased ovarian reserve.

Study Overview

Researchers in China conducted a randomized controlled trial to investigate the effects of flaxseed oil supplementation on IVF outcomes in women with decreased ovarian reserve (DOR). The study involved 218 women, divided into a flaxseed oil supplementation group and a control group.

2. Participant Criteria

The study focused on women under 40 with specific indicators of DOR:

  • Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) <1.2 ng/ml
  • Antral follicle count (AFC) <7
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) between 10 and 25

Women with ovarian tumors, endocrine disorders, or recent fertility treatment were excluded.

3. Supplementation Protocol

The treatment group received:

  • Flaxseed oil capsules (500mg alpha-linolenic acid per capsule)
  • Dosage: Two capsules daily
  • Duration: Starting 30 days before IVF treatment, continuing until clinical pregnancy

4. Impact on Ovarian Stimulation

New Breast Cancer Screening Requirement Misleads Women

Posted on: Tuesday, September 10th 2024 at 3:00 am

The latest news coverage on breast cancer screening overlooks critical issues, conflating cancer risk with mortality and failing to address the harms of overdiagnosis and overtreatment.

Quick Summary:

  • CNN's article fails to distinguish between cancer risk and cancer mortality, an essential nuance in understanding breast cancer.
  • It ignores the significant harms of overdiagnosis and overtreatment, especially for DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ).
  • The FDA's new rule does little to alleviate concerns about mammography's limitations, while ignoring safer alternatives like thermography.
  • Dense breast tissue may not be as clinically significant as portrayed, particularly in regard to mortality.

CNN's Flawed Reporting: Risk vs. Mortality

Homemade Remedies for GERD: Boosting Acidophilus Naturally for Acid Reflux Relief

Posted on: Wednesday, September 11th 2024 at 3:00 am

Imagine a world where acid reflux can be managed naturally, without the need for long-term medication. Recent research and centuries-old wisdom suggest that probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus could be the key to long-lasting relief. Combining DIY fermented foods with cutting-edge science, this article explores the powerful role of acidophilus in supporting digestive health and preventing GERD.

Quick Summary

Lactobacillus acidophilus, a beneficial probiotic, is shown to support gut health, reduce inflammation, and repair esophageal damage caused by GERD.

Earth Clinic reports numerous success stories from users who experienced relief from acid reflux by incorporating acidophilus into their daily routines.

By making natural, fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut at home, you can boost your intake of live probiotics, improving your digestive health and managing acid reflux holistically.

Acidophilus and Acid Reflux: A Holistic Solution Confirmed by Science and Tradition

Breaking: International Governments Are Criminalizing Free Speech Through Global Coordination; New Files Expose Plot

Posted on: Saturday, September 14th 2024 at 5:00 pm

Written By: 
Sayer Ji, Founder

In a chilling assault on free speech, governments and shadowy organizations are secretly collaborating to silence dissent and criminalize those who dare to question the official narrative.

EXPOSED: The Secret Global Plot to Silence and Criminalize Dissent 

In a chilling assault on free speech, newly obtained documents reveal how international governments are collaborating to silence dissent and criminalize those who dare to question the official narrative. Spearheaded by the Biden-Harris administration in the U.S. and the Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) in the UK, these revelations highlight a disturbing

The Hidden Dangers of Statins: How Cholesterol Drugs May Damage Heart Health

Posted on: Friday, January 12th 2024 at 1:00 pm

Statins rank among the most prescribed drugs globally, taken by 1 in 4 adults over 45 in the U.S. alone[1]. For decades, patients have relied on these cholesterol-lowering medications to prevent heart disease. But emerging research indicates statins may inadvertently accelerate coronary artery calcification and impair heart muscle function[2],[3].

Statins: The Cholesterol Myth and A Billion Dollar Industry

The medical establishment heralded statins as heroes in the "war on heart disease" based on the disproved hypothesis that cholesterol accumulation is the primary driver of atherosclerosis. Statins suppress cholesterol production which drug makers, national guidelines panels (largely run by pharma insiders)[4], and many doctors insist equates to cardiovascular disease protection no matter the collateral damage incurred[5].

But as the American public pops over a quarter billion statin pills annually, evidence against this "cholesterol myth" continues mounting. No one disputes statins effectively lower cholesterol. The question is - at what cost for the promised benefit?

Over 300 Adverse Effects: A "Magic Pill" Too Good to Be True

How Pomegranate Juice Dramatically Reversed Arterial Plaque in Landmark Study

Posted on: Wednesday, March 13th 2024 at 4:00 am

Could a simple fruit hold the key to reversing heart disease? A groundbreaking study from 2004 suggests that pomegranate juice may possess unparalleled potential in the fight against atherosclerosis, yet this natural solution has been largely ignored by the medical establishment

In the face of an epidemic of heart disease, the search for effective preventive solutions has never been more urgent. While pharmaceutical therapies dominate the landscape of cardiology, a groundbreaking study from 2004 suggests that a natural approach--drinking pomegranate juice--may hold the key to combating atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in the arteries that underlies many forms of cardiovascular disease.

The study, led by Dr. Michael Aviram and published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, followed 19 patients with severe carotid artery stenosis, a narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the brain.1 Ten of these patients consumed 50mL of pomegranate juice daily, while the other nine served as a control group. The results were nothing short of remarkable: after one year, the pomegranate group experienced a significant reduction in the thickness of their carotid artery walls, a key measure of atherosclerosis progression.1

Big Pharma's New Target: Kids? The Alarming Truth About Statin Hype

Posted on: Sunday, September 8th 2024 at 3:00 am

Recent headlines urging statin use in children as young as 15 are based on flawed science, ignore hundreds of known adverse effects, and may be influenced by pharmaceutical industry funding.

Quick Summary

  • New mouse study in Nature claims early cholesterol exposure increases heart disease risk
  • Media and some experts irresponsibly leap to recommending statins for children
  • Statins linked to over 300 adverse health effects in humans
  • Study and media coverage potentially influenced by pharmaceutical industry funding

The Flawed Science Behind the Headlines

Leafy greens protect eye health in surprising ways


leafy-greens(NaturalHealth365)  Macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss in Americans 60 years and older, affects as many as 11 million people in the United States – and experts predict the number will double to almost 22 million by 2050.  Now, new research shows that you may be able to lower your odds of developing this potentially debilitating eye condition by the simple act of eating leafy greens.

The surprising truth is that researchers say that leafy greens owe much of their vision-protecting value to their high content of nitrates.  Once considered dangerous to health, nitrates are now being shown by evolving research to possess important health benefits.  Let’s take a closer look at the studies – and the intriguing “twist” in perception that is causing these once-questionable compounds to be viewed as health heroes.

The research on nitrates in leafy greens challenges conventional ‘wisdom’

6 powerful health benefits of drinking turmeric tea


turmeric-tea-offers-powerful-health-benefits(NaturalHealth365)  Natural healers have long been aware of the healing powers of turmeric, the ingredient that gives curry its piquant taste and bright yellow color.  This South Asian spice has long been valued in the Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine systems for its therapeutic and anti-inflammatory effects.

With extensive medical studies supporting turmeric’s ability to combat many serious health concerns – including cancer and heart disease – this ancient remedy impresses modern-day scientists regularly.  Let’s take a closer look at why this is happening.

Curcumin in turmeric has powerful protective effects

Best essential oils and natural therapies for pain relief


best-essential-oils(NaturalHealth365) Chronic pain, or pain lasting longer than three months, affects about 1. 5 billion people – worldwide!  Are you looking for pain relief?  If so, you’ll want to learn more about the best essential oils to help you feel better.

Unfortunately, for too many pain sufferers, prescription drugs are the only option offered by conventionally-trained physicians.  And, to make matters worse, these drug ‘therapies’ can trigger nasty side effects like constipation, nausea, and a decreased respiratory rate.  Plus, let’s not forget that these problems can get even worse the longer you use these medications.

Fortunately, natural pain relief is possible – with the help of a qualified holistic healthcare provider talking to you about an ‘anti-inflammatory lifestyle,’ including the use of some nice-smelling oils and health-promoting remedies.

Backed by scientific research: Discover the best essential oils for natural pain relief

Bacon for breakfast, dementia for life? New study reveals startling risk


processed-meat(NaturalHealth365)  For many people, starting the day with the smell of freshly cooked bacon is hard to resist.  The sizzle, crispy texture, and savory flavor have made processed meats like bacon, sausages, and ham staples in many households.  These foods often evoke comfort and nostalgia, deeply ingrained in culinary traditions worldwide.  From quick sandwiches to elaborate charcuterie boards, processed meats feature prominently in our diets.  Their convenience and taste have cemented their place in meals beyond just breakfast.

But as delicious as this food may taste, there’s a catch.

new study presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Philadelphia details how the consumption of processed red meat laden with nitrates, chemical filled (toxic) fat, and sodium heightens the risk of dementia.  The question is: Is giving in to temptation – or sticking to a familiar eating habit – worth the potential long-term risk?

Processed meat is a threat to long-term mental and physical health, study suggests

Vinegar: The Surprising Natural Remedy for Depression Symptoms

Posted on: Monday, September 2nd 2024 at 3:00 am

In a world where mental health challenges are on the rise, could the answer to alleviating depression symptoms be sitting in your kitchen pantry? A groundbreaking study suggests that a daily dose of vinegar might just be the unexpected mood booster we've been searching for.

Introduction: The Global Burden of Depression

Depression is more than just feeling blue; it's a pervasive mental health condition that affects millions worldwide. According to the Global Burden of Disease Study, depressive disorders saw a staggering 61% increase between 2009 and 2019, making them the most prevalent and burdensome mental health conditions globally.1 In the United States alone, recent estimates suggest that 18.5% of adults experience depression.2 This widespread prevalence underscores the urgent need for effective, accessible treatments.

The Current Treatment Landscape: Promises and Pitfalls

Conventional treatments for depression typically involve a combination of psychotherapy and antidepressant medications. Yet, antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), have a wide range of serious side effects, including elevating the risk of suicidal depression, as well as harm towards self and other. Also, conventional SSRIs are predicated on the monoamine hypothesis, which has been heavily criticized for being myopic. Given the host of side effects associated with these medications, ranging from mild to severe, and problems with efficacy, their use should be more carefully regulated and patients informed of their true risks.3

Dr. Carol S. Johnston, lead researcher of the vinegar study, notes, "With this lack of consistency regarding the effectiveness and applicability of medical treatment options for depression, research is warranted to further investigate potential treatment methods."4

Enter the Vinegar Study: A New Hope?

Special oil: A natural wonder for health and beauty


castor-oil(NaturalHealth365)  Your grandmother’s medicine cabinet likely harbored a very special oil: castor oil.  If you’ve ever had the dubious pleasure of tasting this pale yellow elixir, the experience is probably etched into your memory.

For generations, castor oil has been renowned for its potent laxative properties.  It’s also gained a reputation for inducing labor, though that’s best left to nature – with perhaps a gentle nudge from your midwife, doula, or OB.

But here’s the plot twist: your grandmother’s humble castor oil bottle held more than just a stomach-churning remedy.  This unassuming liquid boasts a treasure trove of beneficial properties.  It’s a versatile health and beauty ally that’s both readily available and budget-friendly.  Who knew that this infamous laxative had such a multifaceted personality?  It seems Grandma might have been ahead of her time after all.

Castor oil and castor beans:  Separating fact from fiction