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09 junio, 2013

Monsanto faces third lawsuit regarding rogue wheat

An environmental group and a Washington farmer each filed suit against Monsanto yesterday, bringing to three the number of lawsuits the company faces over claims it failed to prevent genetically modified wheat from contaminating regular wheat fields.
The Center for Biological Diversity and Dreger Enterprises, a Washington farm, each filed suit in Spokane, Wash., yesterday, Bloomberg reports. A Kansas farmer filed a similar suit against Monsanto earlier in the week.
In its suit, the Center for Biological Diversity's lawyers said they seek to represent all people and entities that grew soft white wheat since May 13. The suit seeks a court ordering finding Monsanto negligent, compensation for the plaintiffs' losses and an order requiring Monsanto to decontaminate wheat fields.
Kansas farmer Ernest Barnes filed suit Monday against Monsanto following last month’s discovery of Monsanto’s experimental wheat in an Oregon field.
In the suit, Barnes said Monsanto’s failure to contain the wheat in Oregon placed his farm and others at risk financially, given the backlash now facing the U.S. wheat industry. Since the discovery of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready wheat in Oregon in May, South Korea and Japan suspended imports of U.S. wheat.

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