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25 noviembre, 2013

Flu Shot


A Healthy 19-Year-Old Man Becomes Sick, Slips Into Coma And Dies after flu shot

Chandler Webb's family believes they know the cause of his death. They say it was a flu shot.
"You can't describe how hard it is to lose a child," said a very emotional Lori Webb, Chandler's mother.
Webb is just one day away from burying her son.
"I hate this. I hate that I have to bury my son," said Webb.
Chandler was said to be in perfect health when he went to get his flu shot on October 15th. 35 days later after he left the doctor's office he died at the hospital.
In Webb's mind the only thing that caused her son's death was, "a flu shot," she said.
Chandler who recently graduated from Brighton High School was just a week away from turning in his LDS missionary papers.
The last thing on his list was a physical.
According to Webb her son walked into the doctor with no health issues. He got a tuberculosis test and a flu shot and the next day he became very ill.
"Sicker than he has ever been in his life. He says he's never shook so hard his whole life. He had the worst headache, throw up, and he slept for about two and a half days and didn't eat anything during that time," said Webb.
Chandler was taken to the emergency room at Alta View Hospital and later released because Lori says the doctors thought he was improving.
Then his condition suddenly worsened and he was taken to Intermountain Medical Center on Sunday October 20th. A few days later he slipped into a coma.
"I could not believe it. I would never in my life would ever think your son is in a coma how does that happen?" said Webb.
At 1:30 in the morning November 19th chandler passed away after Lori says the family had no choice but to take him off life support.
She says only one doctor of many believed he died from a flu shot.
In her mind she believes that was the only cause, even though the state health department says there are no reported cases of anyone dying of the flu shot in Salt Lake County.
"They checked every virus, every fungus, ever tick, west nile they even checked for rabies," said Webb. "and they can't find anything...it was the most senseless, senseless, death."
The Webb's say they told the medical examiner they did not want an autopsy performed. And no official cause of death has been determined at this time as more tests are being done.
The Salt Lake County Health Department says they are aware of Chandler's case and their heart goes out to the family, but they are prohibited from talking about the case because of health laws, but they released the following statement in general terms about flu shots.
"Flu vaccines, like many vaccines, have been proven repeatedly to decrease illness, hospitalization and death, especially in people at higher risk for serious illness and complications.
Vaccine side effects are usually mild and short-lived. The most common side effects are a sore arm and possibly a low fever or achiness. The nasal spray vaccine may cause congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or cough.
The vast majority of people who receive a flu vaccine have no serious problems from it. However, as with any medical procedure, receiving a vaccine may very rarely be associated with an adverse reaction. In almost all cases, receiving vaccinations results in improved protection against debilitating and deadly diseases. Anyone with concerns about receiving a vaccine should discuss it with his or her personal health care provider."

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