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25 abril, 2014

A Brief #100Year #History of #911

A Brief 100 Year History of 9/11 and the Jekyll Island Banks
Peter Drew – MSc, Independent Journalist

False Flag Attack – an act of terrorism or military aggression organised and perpetrated against one’s self and then blamed on the enemy in order to justify taking certain desired actions against that enemy

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) – founder of the House of Rothschild banking dynasty - “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” 

The following is a 100 year time-line of key events in history which paint a much broader history and context of the events of 9/11. As demonstrated in this time-line, 9/11 was just one piece of a very large and lengthy jig-saw puzzle, albeit an extremely important piece. It also demonstrates a much clearer rationale for why experts from all over the world are claiming that the true events of 9/11 are very different from what we have been told by our government officials and by our media.

Enormous amounts of irrefutable scientific evidence and eye-witness accounts have now proved beyond all reasonable doubt that the official story of 9/11 is completely false. The evidence instead strongly suggests that the real perpetrators of 9/11 were in fact rogue elements of the US government and the ‘Military Industrial Complex’, as part of an extremely powerful and controlling global banking cartel, both inside and outside the US, and that 9/11 was in fact the largest False Flag attack in history. This time-line provides the broader context for demonstrating this claim.

Note: The historical points below can all be officially verified, however there are several points where a personal interpretation of a confirmed event has been made based on extensive research.
'The Clubhouse' on Jekyll Island, Georgia, USA. Birthplace of the United States Federal Reserve System

1910 - Top secret meeting of the most powerful global bankers at Jekyll Island, Georgia, led by the Rothschild and Rockefeller banking dynasties. There they hatch a grand, long term plan to take control of the world through totally controlling the world’s finances. Three key strategies for achieving this grand plan include; 1) manipulating the formation of central banks which appear to the public to be federal/national banks, but are actually under their private control, 2) continually creating wars through false flag attacks and then funding and supporting both sides of these wars for direct profit from the war machine via the ‘Military Industrial Complex’ (war is extremely profitable), and also for strategic geopolitical purposes, and 3) controlling what the public thinks by owning and controlling the media

1913 - The Jekyll Island bankers con US President Woodrow Wilson and US Congress into agreeing to the formation of the US Federal Reserve Bank, a privately owned bank, owned and run by the Jekyll Island bankers, including JP Morgan, which can print its own money out of thin air and then lend it to the US government at interest

1914 - The Jekyll Island banks secretly fund both sides of WW1

1917 - President Wilson admits that he has made a huge error by creating the Federal Reserve Bank and that he has destroyed the future of the US; “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated”

It is not widely known that the famous cartoon banker of the 'Monopoly' board game was based upon John Peirpont "J.P." Morgan himself.

1917 - JP Morgan conducts a research project to look into how much of the media would need to be bought and controlled in order to control what the public thinks. JP Morgan then buys up that amount of the US media (the top 25 newspapers). The Jekyll Island banks continue to buy up more and more of the media over the next 90 years until 95% of today’s mainstream media is owned and controlled by just 6 mega corporations (GE, News-Corp, Viacom, Disney, Warner, CBS), which are ultimately all owned by the Jekyll Island banks

1929 - Bursting of the first big financial bubble created artificially and intentionally by the Federal Reserve Bank

1933 - The Reichstag false flag incident is used to promote the rise of the Nazi Party and to create the political tensions with the Soviet Union which eventually lead to WW2

1939 - The Jekyll Island banks, including Prescott Bush (George Bush Senior’s father), fund both sides of WW2. Bush’s involvement in this is discovered by US authorities and his company’s assets are stripped from him for ‘trading with the enemy’

1941 - The US military, desperate to get into WW2, waves the red flag at Japan and then allows Pearl Harbour to occur in order to justify entry to WW2

Operation Paperclip essentially served as a German / Nazi technology transfer programme

1945 – ‘Operation Paperclip’ secretly moves hundreds of Nazi Secret Service Officers and scientists to the US

1947 - Under the guidance of the Nazi SS Officers, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is formed to gather global intelligence about the Soviet Union and the Cold War. This is the birth of the modern day 'Military Industrial Complex' and the shadow government controlled by the Jekyll Island banks

1949 – NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) is created. On the back of NATO, the new CIA organisation, guided by the Nazi SS Officers, begins the highly covert and highly illegal implementation of ‘Operation Gladio’ whereby the CIA covertly engages with and supports right wing extremist groups to conduct false flag attacks and create internal social-political unrest in targeted nations in order to facilitate government regime change. This regime change is invariably followed by the insertion of a government that is compliant with the establishment of a ‘central/national bank’ owned and controlled by the Jekyll Island banks. Various high level testimonies in the early 1990’s have now confirmed the existence and activities of Operation Gladio. Operation Gladio is still in full swing today by the CIA, with recent high profile examples being Libya (2011), Syria (2011), Venezuela (2013), and Ukraine (2014). Nearly all nations now have a central/national bank that is actually owned by the Jekyll Island banking cartel

1960 - In his farewell speech, President Eisenhower warns the world, and incoming President Kennedy, about the dangerous and uncontrolled rise of power of the 'Military Industrial Complex' (all linked to the covert and illegal CIA operations and the shadow government/Jekyll Island banks)

JFK: Taken out for trying to end the Federal Reserve amongst other matters

1961 - President Kennedy makes a passionate speech to the world warning them of the rise of power and the covert influence of the Military Industrial Complex, the shadow government, and secret societies. In that speech he pleads with the media to do their job of informing the people of the truth (rather than just obeying the shadow government/Jekyll Island banks and being the propaganda arm of this now extremely powerful cartel)

1962 - President Kennedy rejects the 'Operation Northwoods' proposal for the CIA to implement a major false flag terrorist attack against US citizens to justify war with Cuba. The plan recommended hijackings and bombings of US citizens, followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. The Operation Northwoods proposal was openly confirmed in 1998 with the release of the official documents from the National Security Archive

June 1963 - President Kennedy begins moves to try to shut down the rising power and influence of the Military Industrial Complex and the shadow government/Jekyll Island banks by moving to shut down the Federal Reserve Bank and the CIA

November 1963 - President Kennedy is assassinated. There is overwhelming evidence of a conspiracy, with much evidence pointing towards CIA involvement. This evidence is covered up through the Warren Commission investigation and through classification of a huge number of documents relating to this. These documents were due to be de-classified in 2014, however President Obama deemed that their declassification would jeopardise National Security, so he had the documents classified for a further 70 years

November 1963 - Lyndon Johnson takes over as President and immediately reverses everything that Kennedy was doing to shut down the shadow government/Jekyll Island banks, and instead he hugely increases the push for war with Vietnam which Kennedy was rejecting

1964 – The Gulf of Tonkin false flag incident is used to justify war with Vietnam

1968 - Bobby Kennedy runs for President and says that if he becomes President he is going to find out who killed his brother

1968 - Bobby Kennedy is assassinated

1970s, 80s - The rise of the global resource war for oil

1976 - George Bush Senior becomes the Head of the CIA

1988 – George Bush Senior becomes US President

1989 – Plans are made by the City of New York and the Port Authority to completely dismantle the World Trade Centre towers. These plans were initiated because of the huge problem of asbestos throughout the buildings. Over the next decade these plans were repeatedly thwarted and eventually dropped because the WTC towers were considered prohibitively expensive to dismantle safely (many billions of dollars)

1989 - The Berlin Wall falls and the Cold War ends. The US now needs a new enemy to keep feeding the Military Industrial Complex war machine/profit generator

1990 – George Bush Senior launches the Gulf War as a first attempt to take greater control of the Middle East

1991 - George Bush Senior tells the world that there needs to be a 'New World Order'

1997 – PNAC (Project for a New American Century) is founded. PNAC’s stated goal is to ‘Promote American global leadership’ (clearly linked to George Bush Senior’s call for a ‘New World Order’). Key members of PNAC include Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld

2000 - George Bush Junior steals the US election

2000 – A detailed report by PNAC states that the US needs to take control of 7 specific countries in the Middle East, but that this will be a very long and slow process unless there was a 'catastrophic and catalysing event…….like a new Pearl Harbour' to make the public more accepting of large scale war in the Middle East

January 2001 – Extensive work begins throughout the World Trade Centre towers by ACE Elevators, a newly formed elevator renovation company (experts in controlled demolition have since stated that if the World Trade Centre towers were to be brought down by controlled demolition, it would require access to the elevator shafts in order to plant the explosives in the required positions throughout the internal infrastructure of the towers)

June 2001 - Donald Rumsfeld changes the US air defence procedures so that no airliner can be shot down unless he specifically gives the order (previously this decision could be made by the Air Force if the situation required). Shortly after 9/11, this policy reverts back to how it was originally

July 2001 - Larry Silverstein is given the lease on all seven of the World Trade Centre towers and then takes out a massive insurance policy on them against total destruction from an act of terrorism

June-Sept 2001 - The CIA, Condoleeza Rice, and Donald Rumsfeld receive warnings from all directions from home and around the world that a major terrorist attack is imminent on US soil. This includes knowledge that several of the alleged 9/11 hijackers are currently in the US and planning something big. The FBI attempts to get information from the CIA on the whereabouts of the alleged hijackers to make arrests but are prevented from doing so by the CIA (this is later publicly confirmed by Richard Clarke, the Head of US Counter Terrorism at the time)

Sept 10th, 2001 - Donald Rumsfeld holds a press conference to inform the public that $2.3 trillion has gone missing from the Pentagon budget

Sept 11th, 2001 - PNAC gets their 'new Pearl Harbour'. The 9/11 attacks also totally destroy the area of the Pentagon where the investigation into the missing $2.3 trillion was being conducted. As the 9/11 attacks are underway, Donald Rumsfeld cannot be located or contacted as military personnel track the unidentified aircraft heading towards the Pentagon, and Dick Cheney maintains the ‘stand down order’ for shooting down airliners despite being questioned on it as the unidentified aircraft approaches the Pentagon. US Secretary of Transport, Norman Mineta, later testifies under oath to confirm this fact, but his testimony is completely stricken from the 9/11 investigation (but is still available to see on YouTube)

Sept 12th, 2001 - Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are immediately 'confirmed' as the perpetrators of 9/11

Sept 21, 2001 – While visiting the Pentagon, Four Star General Wesley Clarke discovers, and later tells the world, that in response to 9/11 there are plans to overthrow 7 specific Middle East countries in the next 5 years. These 7 countries are the exact same countries as previously listed in PNAC’s report in 2000

Sept 28, 2001 - Osama bin Laden is interviewed by the Karachi, Pakistan, daily newspaper Ummat and denies any involvement in 9/11. The entire Western media, controlled by the Jekyll Island banks, refuses to show this interview and instead they show an alternative interview of a man alleged to be Osama Bin Laden admitting to the 9/11 attacks, but which is later exposed to be a crude fake

October 2001 - The Patriot Act is passed which effectively destroys the US Constitution and gives the US government, which is now very much controlled by the Military Industrial Complex/Jekyll Island banks, the legal right to do virtually anything they want to do, all in the name of national security. This effectively turns the US into a Police State overnight and strips the US public of their 200 year old constitutional rights created by the Founding Fathers

2002 to 2014 - $4 trillion dollars is spent on the 'war on terror'. Much of this astronomical amount of money goes to the Military Industrial Complex/Jekyll Island Banks, and over 1 million innocent lives are lost. 5 of the 7 countries listed in the 2000 PNAC report have major incidents of 'regime change' (several of them driven by Operation Gladio), and the other 2 countries are currently a work in progress (Syria and Iran)

Larry Silverstein’ bought the World Trade Center just months before 9/11 - the $6 Billion insurance plan happened to cover terrorist attacks “by chance”

2007 – Larry Silverstein wins his legal case with his insurance firm and receives payment of $4.55 billion for the total destruction of the WCT towers by act of terrorism. The very expensive asbestos problem had miraculously become a massive financial windfall for Larry instead

2011 – The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology conducts a substantial research project which demonstrates that there is a massive global network of interconnected corporations controlled by just 147 giant trans-national corporations. The study confirms that these 147 trans-national corporations now control 80% of the world’s finances, and they all converge into a small handful of the most powerful global banks, including………the Jekyll Island banks

And so, the grand, long term plan of the Jekyll Island banks hatched back in 1910 is nearing completion just over 100 years later, and President Woodrow Wilson’s dire prophecy in 1917 has come to total fruition.
The events of 9/11 have been a vital part of consolidating the more recent stages of that grand plan.
The Physical Evidence for 9/11 being a False Flag Attack

The time-line above is a compelling demonstration of the systems and context for 9/11 being a massive False Flag attack. In addition to this, the physical evidence to support this claim and eye-witness accounts from the first responder fire fighters is absolutely overwhelming.
In particular the evidence is overwhelming that the Twin Towers and the third tower to collapse, WTC Building 7, were brought down through controlled demolition rather than from fires from the crashed airliners as the official story of 9/11 has told us. As a starting point for looking into the evidence for this, below are just a few very useful references:

1. The Creature from Jekyll Island – best-selling book by G. Edward Griffin
2. The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 – book by David Ray Griffin
4. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth – www.ae911truth.org
5. 9/11 Synthetic Terror – book by Webster Tarpley
6. Towers of Deception: The media cover-up of 9/11 – book by Barrie Zwicker
7. Loose Change – documentary

How do the Jekyll Island Banks get together to make their grand plans?

For information on how the Military Industrial Complex/Jekyll Island Banking Cartel conduct planning sessions for their global plans and policies, research can be focussed on some of the following organisations which were previously unknown to almost everyone, but are now increasingly having the light shone onto them by a much more aware public;

The Bilderberg Group is a particularly good example. This group, made up of the most influential financiers and political figures in the world, gathers for three days every year at what is supposed to be a top secret location.

Only as recently as the late 990’s, the mainstream media was flatly denying the existence of this group and labelling anyone making this claim as crazy.

However, with the rise of the internet, over the last decade the public awareness of the Bilderberg Group has grown exponentially every year.

At the 2013 Bilderberg meeting in Hertfordshire, UK, the public crowds that gathered outside the Bilderberg meeting venue were so large (many thousands) that a large percentage of the Hertfordshire Police Force had to be called up to try to maintain crowd control.

Not only did this force the mainstream media to cover a Bilderberg meeting for the first time ever, it also forced the existence of the Bilderberg Group to be formally raised and discussed in British Parliament for the first time ever.

Concluding Comments
9/11 has directly led to the death of more than one million innocent lives so far, including thousands of US military officers and hundreds of UK military officers. Indirect deaths will become tens of millions, or more, through the widespread use of depleted uranium weapons which have effectively nuked Iraq , Libya, and other nations .
22 US military officers now commit suicide every day due to the horrific war crimes they have been asked to commit on behalf of the Jekyll Island banking cartel/Military Industrial Complex.
The disparity between the richest 1% and the rest of the population is now the greatest it has ever been in history
Nations all over the world are currently in a state of national debt crisis that is mathematically impossible for them to escape from, and as a consequence they are suffering from brutal austerity measures that are being dictated to governments by the same banks who hold their debt. See Greece, Spain, Portugal and numerous others.

The majority of the debt incurred by these nations has been created by central/national banks which are actually privately owned banks (owned by the Jekyll Island banking cartel). Those privately owned banks have the right to print their own money out of thin air and then lend it to the government of that nation and charge them interest. A large portion of your taxes goes to covering the repayment of the interest on those loans to the government. It is that completely fraudulent debt, created by completely fraudulent interest, that is now crippling nations all over the world with brutal austerity measures.

In 2011, the global public began to wake up in mass to the realisation that there is something VERY wrong with the global banking and finance system. The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest quickly spread around the world to include 900 different cities as it became the largest and longest running public protest movement in history.
Your taxes are what have funded the contrived ‘global war on terror’, and your taxes are what have funded the murder of the one million+ innocent people who have died on the back of 9/11, as well as the genocidal irradiation of nations. Your taxes are being used for highly illegal and highly immoral purposes. More and more of your money is being continually taken from you through so-called austerity measures in order to fund more and more of this grand theft and genocidal activity. Every banking transaction you make, every pound or dollar that you spend at a large corporate store, and every litre of petrol that you pump into your car helps to fund and maintain this system.
This doesn't have to happen. We don't have to keep supporting this and accepting this.
Our governments, politicians, and controlled media certainly will not be stepping forward to tackle this problem.

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