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21 diciembre, 2015

#CDC Says 1 in 45 Children Now Have #Autism. Don’t Worry, Nothing To See Here

Autism is on the rise. That’s nothing new. But did you know that 1 in 45 children now have it? That’s children ages 3 to 17 which have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Such an astounding percentage of cases must mean there is some kind of a cause, right? Wrong. We are getting the same old company line, which is basically “it isn’t vaccines.” According to the Vaccine Reaction.
A total of 2.24% of U.S. children (1 in 45 children) aged 3 to 17 years have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to new statistics released by the 2014 National Health Interview Survey. The new figure is up from 1.25% reported from 2011 to 2013. The prevalence of
developmental delay fell to 3.57% from 4.84%, while the rate of intellectual disability remained virtually unchanged at 1.1%.1 
By the CDC’s own admission.
The reported prevalence of ASD has increased in recent decades. For example, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) revealed a nearly fourfold increase in parent-reported ASD between the 1997–1999 and 2006–2008 surveillance periods, and CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network revealed a 78% increase in ASD prevalence between 2002 and 2008.
What always stands out to me in these stories of rising autism cases, is that non-vaccinated children are rarely, if ever, studied. The Government takes painstaking efforts to call out the non-vaccinated, but never studies them. The non-vaccinated are just assumed unhealthy and herded into a box of condemnation. But what are the stats on non-vaccinated children and autism?

In this study “proving” that MMR vaccines and autism aren’t linked, almost 100k vaccinated children were studied against only 15k non-vaccinated children. The medical researchers of this already flawed study work for a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group. Read the fine print in the conflict disclosure.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Dr Jain, Ms Marshall, and Mr Kelly report being employees of The Lewin Group. Ms Buikema and Dr Bancroft are employees of Optum. Optum is a wholly owned subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group and The Lewin Group is an Optum company. The Lewin Group operates with editorial independence. No other disclosures are reported.
When will a mass non-vaccinated children study be performed? With vaccination opt-out rates rising each year, acquiring subjects for such a study wouldn’t be overly difficult. And I’d imagine parents of non-vaccine children wouldn’t be too combative in nature in terms of lending support to data. The world is heading towards a neurological catastrophe all while the people in charge simply recite data without any actual reasoning behind what’s causing the data to shift.

The day when all of our society is autistic is upon us. Decade to decade the number of cases rise and slim society’s numbers in scale. This isn’t me saying that autistic people are bad, of course it isn’t; instead this is me saying we need to stop pharmaceutical companies from fueling it. At what point does our society become a nonfunctional herd controlled by a small group of powerful men who they themselves did not vaccinate? This is the question we each must ask ourselves. We are playing into the hands of supreme subjugation by default of pharmaceutical prowess. The longer we continue to simply accept and disregard these findings, the easier we fall prey to being enslaved.

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