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10 diciembre, 2015

#NorthAmerica's #Crazy #Enemies

By Mike King

When we look back at Globalist-owned America's long history of making war against various 'Bad Guys' from A-Z, the discerning student of history can't help but notice the conspicuous absence of "the other side of the story". Why is that? Consider; even serial killers such as Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz ('the Son of
Sam'); and mass murderers like Charles Manson were given their day in court. Shouldn't the related courts of history and current events at least present the version of affairs that the "bad guys" put forth?

If it's all lies, then it would be a simple enough task to present the lie, and dispel it with facts. Even if all of history's "bad guys" were either "crazy" or just lying through their teeth; shouldn't we get to hear their lies, for the sake of historical curiosity if nothing else?

It is often said that truth does not fear investigation. If that is so, then why are "the bad guys" always muzzled in the world press? Are we like little children that must be shielded from the cunningly persuasive arguments of "the bad guys"? Or perhaps there is another reason why "the bad guys" have been silenced, even in death. In the interest of historical curiosity, and self-professed "American justice", we present just a small sampling of the numerous claims of innocence issued by "the bad guys" - past and present, who dare to oppose Holy America. Do with them as you wish.

Berkowitz - Manson - Bundy
Vicious mass-murdering psychos get to speak before a national audience. Why not "the bad guys" of America's foreign wars?

(Note the remarkable consistency of their claims)


Confederate President Jefferson Davis / Burning of Atlanta

"I worked night and day for twelve years to prevent the war, but I could not. The North was mad and blind, would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came." ........ "All we ask is to be let alone."


Spain's Ambassador to the U.S. Enrique de Lôme / False-Flag Bombing of the Maine

"No Spaniard would be guilty of such an act (sinking of the USS Maine). The explosion must have been caused by some accident aboard the ship."


Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany tried to avert The Great War.

"The Slavs have now become unrestful and will want to attack Austria. Germany is bound to stand by her ally - Russia and France will join in and then England...I am a man of peace - but now I have to arm my Country so that whoever falls on me I can crush.

Kaiser's telegram to Russian Tsar:
"I therefore suggest that it would be quite possible for Russia to remain a spectator of the Austro-Serbian conflict without involving Europe in the most horrible war she ever witnessed. I think a direct understanding between your Government (Russia) and Vienna possible and desirable, and my Government is continuing its exercises to promote it. Of course military measures on the part of Russia would be looked upon by Austria as a calamity we both wish to avoid and jeopardize my position as mediator which I readily accepted on your appeal to my friendship and my help." 

"This is the end of negotiations with America, once and for all! If Wilson wants war, let him provoke it and then have it."


Adolf Hitler / Allied firebombing victims (Dresden)

"It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted war in 1939. It was wanted and provoked solely by international statesmen either of Jewish origin or working for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for the control and limitation of armaments, which posterity will not for all time be able to disregard for the responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be laid on me. I have further never wished that after the first fatal world war a second against England, or even against America, should break out."


Emperor Hirohito / Charred remains of America's firebombing of Tokyo

"It has truly been unavoidable and far from our wishes that our Empire has been brought to cross swords with America and Britain.... Eager for the realization of their inordinate ambition to dominate the Orient, both America and Britain, giving support to the Chungking regime, have aggravated the disturbances in East Asia. Moreover these two powers, inducing other countries to follow suit, increased military preparations on all sides of our Empire to challenge us. They have obstructed by every means our peaceful commerce and finally resorted to a direct severance of economic relations, menacing greatly the existence of our Empire.

Patiently have we waited and long have we endured, in the hope that our Government might retrieve the situation in peace. But our adversaries, showing not the least spirit of conciliation, have unduly delayed a settlement; and in the meantime they have intensified the economic and political pressure to compel our Empire to submission."


Saddam Hussein / Scenes from General Colin Powell's "Highway of Death"

"We know that you can harm us although we do not threaten you. ......We do not place America among the enemies. We place it where we want our friends to be and we try to be friends. But repeated American statements last year made it apparent that America did not regard us as friends."


Saddam lynched by U.S. surrogates / Iraqi children and babies killed by the U.S.

"To the American people: I address you in this letter from the place of my confinement, as my attempt on the basis of my moral, human, and constitutional responsibility so that no one among you might say that no one came to you with a message of peace after the war began, refuting the arguments for it and desiring peace for you and for our upright, loyal, heroic people." 


Ex-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also pleaded for peace

"Noble Americans,
Were we not faced with the activities of the US administration in this part of the world and the negative ramifications of those activities on the daily lives of our peoples, coupled with the many wars and calamities caused by the US administration as well as the tragic consequences of US interference in other countries;
Were the American people not God-fearing, truth-loving, and justice-seeking, while the US administration actively conceals the truth and impedes any objective portrayal of current realities;
And if we did not share a common responsibility to promote and protect freedom and human dignity and integrity;
Then, there would have been little urgency to have a dialogue with you.
While Divine providence has placed Iran and the United States geographically far apart, we should be cognizant that human values and our common human spirit, which proclaim the dignity and exalted worth of all human beings, have brought our two great nations of Iran and the United States closer together."


After pretending to offer friendship to Libyan Leader Qaddafi, Obama had him murdered. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton then cackled on CBS: "We came, We saw. He died."

"Americans are good people. They have no aggressions against us and they like us as we like them. They must know I don't hate them. I love them.… I hear it is a complex society inside. Many Americans don't know about the outside world. The majority have no concern and no information about other people. They could not even find Africa on a map. I think Americans are good, but America will be taken over and destroyed from the inside by the Zionist lobby. The Americans do not see this. They are getting decadent. Zionists will use this to destroy them." - Qaddafi

Pittsburgh Press (3 August 1986) "Gadhafi, the man the world loves to hate" by Marie Colvin (UPI)


Kin Jong Un and NBA Basketball legend Dennis Rodman

"Tell Obama to call me. If you can, Dennis – I don’t want to do war. I don’t want to do war."


Dr. Assad and his beautiful family have also been targeted for death by U.S. / Israel

“For two years, the Iraqi people have suffered from the aftermath of a horrific war and occupation by America. The world is beginning to speak with one voice. We want that democracy in Iraq to succeed, and we know it cannot succeed so long as she is occupied by a foreign power and that power is America.”
“While we are after peace, Israel is after war,”

How is it possible that any country would use chemical weapons, or any weapons of mass destruction, in an area where its own forces are located? This is preposterous! These accusations are completely politicized and come on the back of the advances made by the Syrian Army against the terrorists.”


Ignore the media vilification. Russia's Putin is a man of peace. (Newsweek Poland)

“The West is constantly trying to drive us into a corner because we have an independent position, because we maintain it and because we tell it like it is and don’t engage in hypocrisy. But there is a limit to everything. And with Ukraine, our Western partners have crossed the line, playing the bear and acting irresponsibly and unprofessionally.”

Maybe, just maybe....THIS is the REAL "Bad Guy"! 

And let's not forget his hidden handler!  

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