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14 abril, 2016

This is How the #World is #Controled - Must Read

Jim Stone
This was sent by someone who is proven hostile. This response was triggered by a very insulting mail to him that I sent to myself, because I knew he was reading and over writing mails via a hack on the server (where the mails go before a mail application opens them, and they can be modified and censored there once they get a hack in place) The troll then responded with the following, which amounts to an admission that he was indeed the one hacking the in box. This troll is obviously not very smart. 


After reading the initial insults (the first two paragraphs) there appears to be something of substance, but when reading this, consider it was sent by someone who has hurt this web site horribly and is a sworn enemy. It might be legit info, but it would have been a lot better if he simply sent this and never tried to destroy this web site. 

In response to a mail he never read because he was not supposed to be hacked into my box, reading it, ENEMY WROTE: "Hey asshole, see what a real truther talks about and then we also found another who knows about the connection between the CIA and CHINA AND RUSSIA whore face. The beautiful thing about this is, we found the truth through actual research and connections through ancient migration patterns, ancient maps, ancient artifacts, religious connections, etc!! Where no lies are told by "man" but instead discovered with FACTS that cannot be denied! Then only recently did we come across "man" speaking of the same thing and talking about people being harassed, threatened, abducted and murdered over the years for knowing the truth WHORE! Here you go, learn about the NWO/non-illuminated assholes you work for and your royal whores you NEVER speak of except to say the british family may be involved... hahahahaaha We told you their were hiden royal families and the whore queen lizzy is the lowest form, your form, the bottom of the totem pole, and the first to go, the first left behind for the people, to slow us down, or simply to direct you to your bunker and BLOW IT UP!! Level One: Local level: (anytown, USA)
Sister groups
There will be between ten and thirty sister groups in most metropolitan areas, dependent on the size
of the city. The larger the city, the more sister groups. There are Illuminati groups in EVERY major city in the US and Europe. This first level is what is known as the "anarchical" or "low level". It is what most people reporting [satanic] ritual abuse discuss: a high priest and priestess preside over each group, which also contains a group of two to four trainers, and others with jobs. The sister groups unite on rare occasions, are aware of each other, but each one is fairly independent, and reports only to their leadership council.

Level Two: Metropolitan leadership council:
This is what the local leadership council over these groups will look like. It will also cover scattered groups in outlying rural areas.
Baalim (head) (1), assistants to the head (2) administrators over finances and day to day happenings (4), head trainers (oversee and teach other trainers) (6).
The total: 13 members
The Baalim and his two assistants report to:

Regional Leadership Council
The United States has been divided into seven different regions geographically. Each region has a 13 member leadership council that coordinates with the local leadership councils (are you getting the idea by now? The Illuminati are set up a lot like "Amway" or any other well-organized business enterprise with a flowchart of accountability for each member). This council will look something like this:
Head of council (1), Military (2 seats), Spiritual (2 seats), Scholarship (2 seats), Finances (2 seats), Training (2 seats), Sciences (2 seats).
Total: 13 members
The regional councils will represent the different areas of interest and knowledge that the Illuminati pursue. The membership will change over time as members are promoted or demoted.
The seven regional councils each have a leader as noted above, who reports to the:

National Council (The nations in Europe also have national councils, Mexico and Canada do as well, as does the Soviet Republic and China).
The national council will look much like the one above, with this difference; these are influential bankers with OLD money such as: The Rockefellers, the Mellon family, the Carnegie family, the Rothschild family etc. I know I shouldn't name names, but I will.
The heads of the National councils report to:

The Supreme World Council.
This council is already set up as a prototype of the one that will rule when the NWO comes into being. It meets on a regular basis to discuss finances, direction, policy, etc. and to problem-solve difficulties that come up. Once again, these leaders are heads in the financial world, OLD banking money. The Rothschild family in England, and in France, have ruling seats. A descendant of the Hapsburg dynasty has a generational seat. A descendant of the ruling families of England and France have a generational seat. The Rockefeller family in the US holds a seat.
This is one reason that the Illuminati have been pretty "untouchable" over the years. The ruling members are very, very, very wealthy and powerful. I hope this information is helpful. How do I know this? I was on a local leadership council (a head trainer), but I talked to those on regional. Also, every Illuminati child is taught who their "leaders" are, and told to take an oath of allegiance to them and the "New Order to come".

Q: To what degree is the European royalty involved, what is their real pecking order and power structure and what is their U.S.-U.K. relationship in terms of financial/political/cult power. Is the Monarchy still running the show?
A: This is hard to answer, but I'll try. The Illuminati leadership state that they are descended from royal bloodlines, as well as unbroken occult heritage.
See, there were two definitions of "royalty" used. Open royalty that is currently seen now, and "hidden royalty" of royal lineage and extreme occult power. Sometimes the two were concurrent, such as with the Prince of Wales.
I never thought of which country/line held the most power, since I was just a peon busily doing my job. But my understanding was: The Hanoverian / Hapsburg descendants rule in Germany over the Bruderheist. They are considered one of the strongest lines for occult as well. The British line is just under them, with the royal family. Definitely, they rule the UK branch under the Rothschilds in the occult realm, even though parliament rules the country openly.
In France, again, descendants of the royal families are also in power in the occult realm, but the French Rothschilds hold the reigns over all or them. The U.S. is considered lower, and younger, than the European branches. This is why the children of leaders are ALWAYS sent to Europe for part of their training; the education is considered better and the U.S. families want to renew their affiliation with the european forebears.
Germany, France, and the UK form a triumvirate that rules in the European cult. The USSR is considered important, and has the strongest military groups. The USSR has been promised fourth position in the New World Order, BEFORE the role the U.S. would have, because the USSR has been more helpful and cooperative over the years with furthering the agenda.
The descendants of the former ruling families there are also involved in the occult leadership, along with the newer ones. There is no marxism in the cult. China will be ranked after the USSR, then the U.S.. But a lot of the current U.S. leadership will be in Europe when the change occurs, and many have homes there. They will be "changing nationalities" overnight, as it were. This is the little that I do remember. Wish I had been a better student of this stuff, but I was too busy trying to stay alive when I was in it."
The Illuminati did not originate as a plot within the government, but through members of a secret society. They have usurped power over the government by controlling the banking cartel. You see, not many people actually understand how our monetary system works; and if they put any research into it and understood the banking terminology (Which is meant to confuse), they'd see that there is virtually no way to pay off the national debt. By controlling the Central Bank, they decide how much inflation a country is subjected to. And by attaching interest to every loan made out, they collect off of additional money that shouldn't exist. The government has traded all its wealth and power for a system of credit and debt.
Government agencies require legal foundations and funds to keep it going. Where the government itself is drowning in debt, you need to wonder where the funds for the CIA and FBI are coming from. There are multiple sources, where the Illuminati have infiltrated these organizations, more corrupt actions have been taken such as human trafficking and drug dealing on the underground black-market. Anything money related you could rest assure the Illuminati is involved. The CIA and FBI do the dirty work, where the Illuminati are so wealthy, they don't have to.
The CIA was known for working on mind control projects during the 1950 - 1970's with MKULTRA. Mind Control is not as complicated as you think and doesn't necessarily have to mean a person's thoughts and actions are completely controlled by the government. The most basic form of mind control is conducted on the mass population with the school systems and media constantly telling people what to think and what version of reality to accept as truth. During the MKULTRA projects the CIA learned how to manipulate the human brain in a variety of ways. In the 1970's when the government had the CIA investigated they submitted their findings to the Rockefeller Commission, lead by Nelson Rockefeller, Vice President to Gerald Ford, and related to one of the wealthiest Illuminati bloodlines.
The CIA actually created Al Qaeda during the Russian invasion of Afghanistan back in the late 1980's. George Bush, prior to becoming Ronald Reagan's vice president was head of the CIA. There are countless connections between the Bush and Bin Laden family. It becomes apparent what organizations and individuals are involved because their names constantly reappear in Illuminati research.
Bill Colby, former director of the FBI, played an intricate part in the Franklin Cover-Up, which lead all the way up to the Bush/Reagan Administration. The Franklin Credit Union was under investigation for money laundering and running a child prostitution ring in the late 1980's, early 1990's. However the investigation was quickly suppressed with the death of Gary Caridori. Of course, nothing ever became of this. All of this was linked to satanic cults. Somewhere along the line, guarantee this related to the Illuminati..."
They are no different than the cia, at all!! Truman was a NORSE-scot-irish-asian whore too!! It is these whores who love to put man or mann in their name so they can pretend they are MAN and are not! http://www.illuminatirex.com/cia-secret-wars/
and Truman knew all about this, just like J EDGAR HOOVER KNEW, becuse they were both infiltrators, you know, that thing the FAKE jews do!!
And this too is for you, and again, we proved the truth through real research, but to then come across someone admitting Turkey and Saudi arabia (incl. the fake United whore prince of the emirates) are behind ISIL/isis the islam threat and who are the wahabi assholes, the rothschild/rockerfeller SAUDS oh and guess what pigs, we also have proof that george soros controls the rothschilds, but gave them France to control, you know that country you just could not figure out why they had a false flag...hahahaha...the scandinavians first country and not that DE' rothschild would not give it away for one with half a brain! de' rothschild, de' rothshcild, de' rothschild, do you get it??!!

MY RESPONSE: Yeah, I get it, did my own infiltration, and know the Ashkenazi Jewish community is the root of ALL OF THIS. Why no mention of THEM, TROLL????
Nice juicy USELESS INFORMATION THERE, because you kept it all nebulous and never called out the enemy in a way we could hunt it down and purge it. Our ineffectiveness, because of A-holes like you who really do obscure the perpetrators will help them destroy the next child with a tainted vaccine (which you will revel in I am sure) and DAMN, if you were not a proven hostile entity it would help a lot, howcome you never sent this before? I publish this kind of thing all the time. This is one step removed from the final truth - that the Ashkenazi Jew is the puppet master of every last bit of this. WHY SUCH SCANT MENTION OF THAT FROM YOU?
Want the solution? the answer sleeps behind the door to your local synagogue. By calling the perpetrators "fake Jews", your method protects the entire lot, despite the fact that practically all of them are fake and trying to destroy us. Why point to Henry Makow as an enemy as you have so many times? He is one of the extremely rare few that is NOT a "fake Jew".
You are stupid beyond belief, yes, perhaps you brushed against the truth in this message, but to even send this after I called you out proves you are a rock stupid hacker troll, too stupid to keep his mouth shut. First off, if you are a real truther, you should not have camped out on my server destroying every tip that came in from real people. Second of all, if you were not an idiot, you would not have answered a mail only myself should have been able to read. THANK YOU for the self-bashing-idiot confirmation.
I tapped the wires like a velociraptor and have rooted out every parameter required to lock this troll out of a completely new server and KEEP HIM OUT FOREVER. This will be paid for with money that has been sitting idle in the hosting account for three months, from donations sent to keep this web site going in the beginning of January. This will happen over the next couple of days. Mails will be gone through and answered every few days and not daily, to reduce the chance of this A-hole ever needing to get the boot again. If the mail censorship ends with this, it will be an interesting end indeed.

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