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13 junio, 2016

#OrlandoShooting: An #OpenSource #Investigation

So the MSM is identifying the man who shot up a gay nightclub in Orlando as a legal gun owning Muslim who was a registered Democrat and was on the FBI radar for suspicious behaviour. Oh, and his father thinks he’s the President of Afghanistan. Have they got it right? You tell me. Join the open source investigation at corbettreport.com today. 

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submitted 6 hours ago by Babaganoosh117

Despite the massive amount of censorship from MSM and Reddit, people are still getting information from witnesses and official reports that point to a false flag in Orlando yesterday. A big shoutout to everyone on /r/conspiracy and alternative media outlets working to make the truth available. I’ve seen
possibly hundreds more people already questioning the official story and seeking more information. We are making a difference. 



Orlando shooter’s father is running for president of Afghanistan, has backed the Taliban, hosts talk show in California and visits the corridors of power in DC
Seddique Mateen is the father of mass shooter Omar Mateen, 29
Mateen Snr is an Afghan man who hosts the Durand Jirga Show
The show is aired on YouTube channel Payam-e-Afghan, from California
He visited Congress, the State Department and met political leaders during a trip to Washington, DC, in April
He also attended a hearing on Afghanistan security while in the capital
Pictures from 2015 show Mateen meeting Reps Charlie Rangel, Dana Rohrabacher and Ed Royce
Police seen searching his home, located close to where his son lived
See more Orlando shooting news at www.dailymail.co.uk/orlandoshooting

Former CIA – “Every Terrorist Attack in USA is a False Flag”
Published on May 19, 2016
David Steele claims to be a former CIA agent and a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer; he says all the terrorist attacks in the USA are fake.

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