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20 septiembre, 2016

#Trump on #911: "I Think #Bombs Were #Exploded"

As a builder of skyscrapers, surely, Donald Trump understands enough about construction and engineering to know that the official story about two planes pulverizing three buildings on 9/11is about as credible as Killary's "pneumonia" or Obongo's birth certificate. Heck, a mildly retarded 10-year-old who takes the time to watch the events closley could appreciate the physical impossibilty of what is alleged to have happened that day.

What we find particularly intriguing is the recent discovery of a day-of-9/11 interview in which Trump openly expressed his disbelief that aluminum airplanes alone could have taken down the Twin Towers. 

Trump on 9/11:

"I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously because I just can't imagine anything being able to go through the wall."

Is it possible that events of that history-altering day have tormented Trump as it has the rest of us
"truthers?" Could his controversial references to "Muslims seen dancing on 9/11" be a cryptic reference to the five "Dancing Israelis" who were the only suspects arrested on that day? Is it possible that a President Trump, as Professor Kevin Barrett first suggested, may turn the tables on the neo-con evil doers and bring them to justice? Surely, President Putin of Russia, whose underlings have also dropped hints of 9/11 truth, would support him in such an effort.

If Trump is elevated and inaugurated (and the former does not necessarily guarantee the latter!), we will not hold our breaths waiting for a new and honest re-investigation of the false-flag attacks. Trump may be brave, but he is not suicidal. However, on the basis of what you are about to hear in the You Tube video posted below, perhaps there is a long-shot chance that it could happen. Trump, if he were to survive while pulling off a "bully pulpit" 9/11 truth campaign, would go down in history as a heroic American figure -- succeeding where the great Joe McCarthy could not. 

Speaking of the legendary Senator from Wisconsin who tried to smoke out the agents of the New World Order, Trump once referred to McCarthy's right-hand man, new , as one of his "mentors." Though Cohen was a Jewish homosexual who eventually died of AIDS in 1988, he hated the Reds and defended McCarthy until the very end. Just something to think about, and to hang some desperate final hope upon. But again, don't get too excited.

Have a look at the amazing Trump 9/11 video down below, and please share this page.

Young Roy Cohen assisted Joe McCarthy and never apologized for it. Cohen later became a good friend and confidante of Donald Trump. 

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