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13 marzo, 2013

Israel’s Iron Dome to Protect Obama From the Same Terrorists He Supports

New missile interceptor stationed to defend Air Force One
against Obama-backed militants in Syria
Paul Joseph Watson
Israel is stationing a new Iron Dome missile interceptor at Ben Gurion International Airport in preparation for next week’s visit by President Obama as a defense mechanism against a potential attack by the very same terrorists Obama supports in Syria.
Iron Dome. Image: Wikimedia Commons
“The innovative counter-missile weapon is to be deployed there, not just as a spectacle to honor the US president for his contribution to its development, but out of necessity for his safety,” reports DebkaFile. “Air Force One might be seen as fair game for the ground-to-ground missiles wielded by Al Qaeda units fighting Assad in Syria and its affiliates in the Sinai Peninsula at the very moment that the US President steps down to the strains of the IDF welcoming band.”
The fear is that Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists who have poured into Syria to lead rebels in the fight against Bashar Al-Assad over the last 12 months could target Air Force One using missiles loaded with poison chemicals.
The newly positioned Iron Dome will remain in place for three days while Obama visits Israel and Jordan. Existing missile defense systems positioned north and south of Tel Aviv were deemed insufficient to protect against the possibility of a rocket attack targeting Obama’s plane.
The spectacle of Israel having to put new security measures in place to protect Obama from the very same terrorists benefiting from his administration’s support of the insurgency in Syria is absurdly ironic.
Although the administration was forced to list Jabhat al-Nusra, a group responsible for killing US troops in Iraq, as a terrorist organization back in December, 29 different US-backed Syrian opposition groups immediately responded by pledging their allegiance to the Al-Qaeda-affiliated outfit.
Numerous reports confirm that Al Nusra is now the leading front line fighting force in Syria and is commanding other rebel groups.
Jabhat al-Nusra is an offshoot of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, another group responsible for killing US troops in Iraq, which recently claimed responsibility for the slaughter of 9 US-trained Iraqi soldiers along with 48 Syrian troops.
Al Nusra has been responsible for innumerable terrorist attacks, including targeting schools, beheadings, and has been filmed on several occasions torturing captured civilians its members accuse of working for Assad. The group recently claimed responsibility for a bus bombingwhich killed 60 civilians.
Despite efforts by some Syrian rebel groups to distance themselves from Al Nusra, numerous videos have emerged of FSA militants and their supporters burning US flags, chanting anti-American slogans and singing the praises of Osama Bin Laden while glorifying the 9/11 attacks.
Recent reports confirm that US Special Forces and contractors are training Syrian rebels in Jordan, militants who will almost immediately fall under the command of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists once they enter Syria. The US has also looked the other way when American citizens who fight alongside terrorists – people like and Eric Harroun and Matthew VanDyke - fly around the world and re-enter the United States.
The Obama administration’s prosecution of the war on terror has lost all credibility. After some of the same Libyan militants the US helped overthrow Gaddafi attacked the US consulate in Benghazi, Israel is now being forced to defend Obama against the same terrorists his administration has backed with hundreds of millions of dollars in Syria.
Iron Dome. Image: Wikimedia Commons

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