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31 mayo, 2013

Bilderberg Fringe Festival In Effect Banned By Watford Council and Police

So They Better Get Ready For The Potential Consequences of Their Own Making
David Icke
I have had nothing to do with the organisation of this peaceful protest against the manipulation of world events by the Bilderberg Group at the Grove Hotel in Watford next week, but I did agree to speak there on Saturday, June 8th, along with Alex Jones.
The organisers have played the game absolutely straight, fair and by the rules by consulting with the police and Watford Borough Council to find a suitable location near the hotel that would be non-disruptive to the local community.
The organisers agreed with the police that Cassiobury Park, about two miles from the entrance to the Grove, would be the most suitable location but now Watford Borough Council has refused the request to hold the event next weekend because the application was not made three months in advance.
How can you apply three months in advance when the Bilderberg Group does not publish its intended locations and so they are only uncovered close to their meetings?
This is, in effect, a ban on the festival and there is no right of appeal. Objectors to it going ahead included Hertfordshire police.
What the police and the council should now take into serious account is the anger and outrage there will be among the thousands who were planning to be there at having their right to peaceful protest against a sinister and despicable organisation denied by the same police and council that are licking the arse of the Bilderberg organisers. Yes, sir, no, sir, G4S, sir.
Any protest is now confined to a tiny area near the entrance to the Grove Hotel and what if very large numbers of people who have had enough of the tail wagging the elephant turn up at the entrance to the Grove Hotel itself en masse? I will certainly be there on Saturday and speak in whatever form I can and I am sure that Alex Jones will do the same.
Think on, dark suits and uniforms, think on, because we THE PEOPLE have fucking had enough.
This is a public number for the Herfordshire Police if you want to peacefully make your feelings clear about this: 01707 354000. This number is publicly listed for ‘general police enquiry, advice and information’.

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