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31 mayo, 2013

Bloc Heads — What is Bilderberg building?

Filmmaker Tim Porter looks at the 10 regional trading blocs being set up to control the world
With the Bilderberg Group’s annual meeting about to start, we should remember that leaked memos from their second meeting in 1955 detailed plans to create the European Union and the Euro. But the globalists’ plans for a New World Order are, of course, global.
Filmmaker Tim Porter looks at origins and the strategy behind the 10 regional trading blocs being set up to control the world in this series of short videos, Bloc Heads — Builders of the New World Order, produced for the Operation Paul Revere Contest. Each group is set up from a banker’s perspective — common currency, common trading region, destruction of national sovereignty.
The series is broken into 9 videos. Included here is the first video, an introduction to the series (which also provides insight into why Muammar Gaddafi had to be removed), and the second video which focuses on the European Union.
The series has 9 videos:
1 – Intro
2 – EU European Union
3 – Eurasia
5 – South Asia
8 – Origins 1
9 – Origins 2
All the entries for the Operation Paul Revere contest are in. We will be reviewing and posting entries until the winners are announced. Showcased videos are selected for general interest and their selection does not imply that they are finalists or have met all the contest requirements. All of the views expressed in the films are not necessarily endorsed by Infowars.com.

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