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13 mayo, 2013

Britain is run by a Satanic cult

If you ask a local Mason about "The Royal Arch," they might be scared, assuming they know what goes on. Maybe they joined Masonry to progress up the career ladder, get told what to do by a semi-official government official and call it a day.
You can join The Royal Arch after joining the friendly and relatively insignificant local lodge. It is for the people who "will do anything, absolutely anything to get on". A British Intelligence Officer involved - an ex Director General - told me "we have our fair share of sociopaths".
Indoctrination is by degree, but if you are caught by the Royal Arch as a child, as I was, you will be subject to such deliberately traumatic rape, torture and "mind control" that a normal person disassociates.
Injections are administered to prevent recall, and drugs such as Rohypnol are used along with electroshock punishment. Most of the people involved in the Royal Arch would have been through this at the hands of their own "Illuminati" or "multi-generational-Satanic" family. For example, Douglas Hurd (Foreign Secretary) and his son Thomas Hurd ('Diplomat'/MI-6 Officer) Hurd. They will then often suffer displacement - meting out similar punishments to others - and cognitive dissonance identifying with the organization that abused them.
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