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29 mayo, 2013

Police Wary of Provocateurs at Bilderberg 2013

Hertfordshire Police liaison officer speaks to Infowars
Paul Joseph Watson
Hertfordshire Police are wary of potentially violent provocateurs that could hijack peaceful protests at the site of the 2013 Bilderberg Group meeting in Watford, UK.
Image: Infowars.com
In a conversation with Hertfordshire police liaison officer Steve Lee, Alex Jones was told that authorities will be vigilant in ensuring that any such provocateurs were shut down immediately and will not be allowed to ruin the event for law-abiding demonstrators.
Jones told Lee that the prime suspects for staging anything violent would be the Bilderberg Group itself, given that they staged a fake bomb threat at the 2011 meeting in St. Moritz.
Police from more than three jurisdictions will be involved at the event which is expected to attract hundreds if not thousands of demonstrators who will protest against the secretive Bilderberg Group’s complete lack of transparency and its role in shaping world affairs behind closed doors with total contempt for the democratic process.
Bilderberg will also be paying for their own private security to patrol the grounds of the Grove Hotel itself.
Lee told Infowars that because the area inside the Grove designated for protesters was private property, bag searches would be conducted at the site to look for weapons and protect against terrorists. It appears that an earlier policy to pat down all protesters entering certain areas has been scrapped.
Jones made it clear that although he respects the Grove’s right to enforce whatever rules it deems fit on private property, he would be free to roam around public property without interference and Lee agreed.
Lee said that his goal was to facilitate the right to free press and the right to demonstrate, which is why the public will be allowed within 5 feet of the road so they can get pictures of arriving Bilderberg Group participants.
Sound devices such as bullhorns will be allowed by police but sirens will not be permitted so as not to interfere with local farmers, Lee told Infowars.
Lee joked that he was looking forward to meeting Alex Jones but that he hoped that Jones’ efforts to have CNN host Piers Morgan sent back to Britain remained unsuccessful.
The officer added that he was an Alex Jones Show listener and will be happy to make an appearance on the broadcast over the next few days if authorized by his superiors.
In a related story, the Bilderberg Fringe Festival, at which both Alex Jones and David Icke will speak, is expecting to hear back on its application to hold a “family-oriented festival” in nearby Cassiobury Park.
“The council confirmed a new application to host an event in Cassiobury Park was received on May 28 and is being considered. It is understood Cassiobury Park was chosen by organisers following a recommendation from Herts police,” reports the Watford Observer.

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