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14 diciembre, 2013

Mandela Died in June


Nelson Mandela Family Finally Gives Up Charade 
and Admits Mandela Died in June


The Tap blogged Mandela's death last June. We've held on waiting for the 'official' announcement for six months. Now the lies are proving too difficult to contain. How are the world's media going to handle this? They're claiming it was the family that 'kept him alive'. Nothing to do with the political timetable. SA elections are in April. Obama visited SA in July 2013. The Mandela death has proved a huge news blanket, screening out all other news, such as the signing of the new corporate trade structure, where corporations have set up secret courts and a massive new worldwide trade agreement. 

The problem is that the infighting within the Mandela family is so bad that the beans have now been well and truly spilled. The only fallback position for the world's news manipulators is to blame the family for keeping Mandela alive, and a lawsuit. How could this news have been hidden from the world, except with the full cooperation of the world's governments and the world's media? They are the true perpetrators of this worldwide massive deception. The news media and the world's governments will now have to keep face and ask people to trust them again. I think trust is getting almost impossible. All news is deception these days. The true Mandela story is entirely different to the one being fawned over by relatively educated and intelligent people all across the globe. Mandela is a deception from start to finish - the controlled opposition to apartheid, who was trained and managed by MI6, while the Boers were expropriated and murdered, and the Africans sent into yet worse poverty. The only beneficiaries of all this the corporations. That's who Mandela worked for.
His years in prison were years in which he was trained and kept ready. There are rumours of other major deceptions along Paul McCartney lines.
The other possibility is that the internet forced the charade to end - blogs like this that spotted the fact that Mandela died in June. The Satanic gamesters have to cope with exposure nowadays. The majority of people no longer believes much the government says. Is it surprising when they are as cavalier as this with truth so blatantly?
Funeral was planned a year ago
Added by Rebecca Savastio
The Nelson Mandela family has finally given up their charade and admitted that Nelson Mandela is dead by announcing today that the former leader of South Africa is no longer with us. The charade began in June of 2013, and Guardian Express has maintained Mandela has been deceased since we were informed of his passing in June via one of our reporters embedded in South Africa.
That reporter had received a text message from her close friend who works for the South African News which stated that Mandela had died the night prior. Since June, The Guardian Express has come under attack; first from a “denial of service” attack which shut the site down on and off for three days right after we published the news that Mandela had died. That denial of service attack was traced back to South Africa.
The Guardian Express was also attacked by people denying that the Nelson Mandela family was carrying on a charade. However, we stood by and continue to stand by our account that Mandela was declared permanently brain dead with total organ failure in June of 2013. Now, today, the family has finally decided to give up their charade.

We sent an additional reporter to South Africa who returned with an audio recording of two top government officials confirming the fact that Mandela was totally brain dead and was declared so on June 11. However, his family refused to turn off the life support machines hooked up to his body. Thus, the family could keep him artificially “alive.” Their motive? To settle a huge lawsuit against Mandela’s estate.
It was revealed that Mandela’s family was suing him for control of his estate and since it is impossible to sue a dead person, it seems Mandela had to be kept “alive” with machines until a resolution could be found for the lawsuit. Thus far, there is no word on whether that lawsuit had been settled, but there are already many speculations in the press that this announcement today will begin the battles over the Mandela estate afresh.
The Mandela daughters and granddaughters have shown a good deal of greed when it comes to Mandela’s legacy. It has been reported that their fighting over his money got so bad that Mandela “lost faith” in his daughters and worried that their concern over money was overshadowing their concern for family harmony.
The Mandela funeral was planned a year in advance, according to reports. The funeral date is set for December 14 and there is a comprehensive schedule of events leading up to that date. Stay tuned to Guardian Express for complete funeral coverage. The Mandela family has finally given up their charade which they have been carrying on since June and have admitted the great former South African leader is dead. As we have wished him since June, may he rest in peace. 

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