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09 agosto, 2015

#NorthAmerica: The #Champion of #HumanRights

NY Times: Kerry Warns Egypt Human Rights Abuses Can Hurt Fight Against Terrorism
Secretary of State John Kerry told Egyptian officials on Sunday that they would not be able to defeat terrorism at home unless they show greater respect for human rights.

So, the Egypt of General el Sisi, which knows how to handle NGO scum as well as the manufactured monster of US-Israel's ISIS, is now being brow-beaten by Secretary FrankenKerry about the need to show "greater respect for human rights", eh? Egypt joins Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, Thailand, Myanmar, North Korea, Venezuela and others as "human rights violators" worthy of subversive slander by the self-righteous scribblers of Sulzberger's seditious Slimes.

Well, in light of America's impeccable record in this regard, Kerry and Sulzberger speak with the moral authority of $5 crack-whores lecturing young girls on the virtue of chastity. From the picture-is-worth-1000 words department, The Anti-New York Times proudly pays tribute to America's shining historical and contemporary records on "human rights".

America's "respect for the human rights" of Filipinos 'water-boarded' during Globalist Teddy Roosevelt's Philippine-American War.

America's "respect for the human rights" of innocent Japanese-Americans interned during World War II.

America's "respect for the human rights" of the 100's of 1000's of German civilians suffocated or roasted alive during the firebombing of Dresden.

America's "respect for the human rights" of 100's of 1000's of Japanese civilians who died as the direct or
indirect result of the wholly unnecessary and unjust Atomic bombings.

America's "respect for the human rights" of Vietnamese civilians napalmed during the unnecessary Vietnam War.

America's "respect for the human rights" of the children that Bill and Killary Clinton burned alive at Waco, Texas.

America's "respect for the human rights" for the 1000's of helpless fleeing Iraqis that Colin Powell mass slaughtered on the infamous "Highway of Death".

America's "respect for the human rights" of the Iraqi civilians killed during the 'Shock and Awe' campaign of the second Gulf War.

America's "respect for the human rights" of the tortured Iraqi prisoners held at Abu Graib.

America's "respect for the human rights" of the innocent Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and his sons -- executed by U.S. proxies.

America's "respect for the human rights" of the innocent Qaddafi of Libya -- sodomized with a bayonet and killed by U.S. proxies in a disgraceful spectacle which Killary Clinton later cackled and boasted about.

America's "respect for the human rights" of the non-violent 88-year old tax protester Irwin Schiff (Peter's father) -- still in prison for "tax evasion".

America's "respect for the human rights" of a Ukrainian-American from Cleveland named John Demjanuk. The retired auto worker was falsely accused of being an SS guard at the Auschwitz internment camp, extradited to Israel for trial, cleared by an Israeli judge, returned to America, and then deported to Germany where he soon died in custody at age 91.

America's "respect for the human rights" of the innocent Palestinians who have, for the past 70 years, endured relentless abuse, dispossession, bombing, torture and death at the bloody hands of its U.S. taxpayer-funded and armed "ally", master, Israel.

America's "respect for the human rights" of the owners of 'Sweet Cakes', an Oregon bakery fined $135,000 and forced to close shop after refusing to bake a "wedding cake" for a pair of angry bull-dike lesbians.

America's "respect for the human rights" of the owners of 'URLoved', a San Francisco photography agency forced to close its photo studio after refusing to shoot same-sex weddings. 

America's "respect for the human rights" of e-mail, telephone and cell phone users whose private communications can be monitored without a search warrant. 

America's "respect for the human rights" of airline passengers, who must submit to genital groping, verbal abuse and see-through body scanners or else be fined $11,000 and banned from flying.

* Israeli Nationals are exempt from TSA screening.

America's "respect for the human rights" of alternative political candidates and parties who are deliberately denied access to state ballots, blacked-out by the Establishment media, and are ignored during the televised debates, if not banned from the debates altogether.

America's "respect for the human rights" of millions of unborn babies, some as old as nine months in the womb, who are brutally dismembered and often sold for parts!

This review barely scratches the surface of the tyrannical crimes routinely committed against innocent people, both foreign and domestic, by the vile Globalist-Zionist entity based in the New York-DC Corridor. And this son-of-a-bitch Frankenerry, cheered on by the hypocritical scum of Sulzberger's Slimes, dares to lecture General el Sisi as to how to handle the CIA-NGO filth of Egypt?! 

America's PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) is as evil as it is insane. Indeed, the projection of one own faults and vices on to others is a classic indicator of a dangerous narcissistic sociopath -- and when it comes to psychotic behavior, no nation (except maybe Israel) surpasses the Disunited States of Amerika; and no newspaper surpasses Sulzberger's Slimes. 

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today Egypt is violating people's human rights.
Boobus Americanus 2: It's important for the United States to apply moral pressure to undemocratic Arab regimes.

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