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17 septiembre, 2015

#ISIS in #America and #Australia was #Jewish #Run

Jim Stone

JEWS BUSTED BY THE FBI BEFORE THEY COULD PRESSURE COOKER BOMB ON 911: Finally the FBI did something right, and clearly busted a Jew for truly (and successfully) setting up 911 terror attacks in Kansas City, which the FBI stopped on September 9, two days before 911. There is a lot to this bust, including attacks on synagogues, and the so-called attack on Pamela Geller's mohammed festival in Garland Texas. This bust proved that ALL of ISIS in America and Australia was Jewish run, there is nothing left here folks, ISIS in America and Australia has been wiped out, the entire thing went down in one shot. 

Check your favorite alternative media venues. If they did not post the PROVEN fact that Jews were busted by the FBI after successfully setting up a 911 terror attack in Kansas City with a pressure cooker bomb, two days before they set it off on 911 - If ANYONE has not reported this yet, they are the fake opposition. 

ADDITIONALLY: Now that this is proven to be 100 percent fact, it has been removed from almost all forums and will trigger bans if anyone mentions it. The MSM in Australia had the guts to peg this squarely on the Jews, even the MSM reports now trigger bans almost everywhere. If you are wondering why this is not being discussed anywhere, THIS IS WHY: 

911 terror attacks thwarted because one of the Jews that was organizing them got busted by the FBI. 
See report "Here is your 911 gift!" by scrolling down to it.


911 "ISIS" terror attack by radical Jewish community stopped on September 9, this really was going to
happen as people predicted but the FBI stopped it and had no qualms about saying the Jews set it all up.

Jewish 911 terror attack in Kansas City was WELL UNDERWAY on August 24th 2015, with the method to be used: PRESSURE COOKER BOMB.

I cannot overstate the importance of the above linked affidavit in that little "ISIS everywhere" riff. Joshua Ryne Goldberg, a 20 year old Orthodox Jew who was the entirety of America and Australia's ISIS, attempted to set up a pressure cooker bombing in Kansas City on 911. To the left here is an excerpt of the above affidavit, which originated at the FBI which busted him, ONLY because he was trying to get people killed in Kansas City on 911 while pretending to be Muslim. For once the FBI did something right, the legitimacy of this affidavit is without question, the Jews have, beyond all doubt been nailed as ISIS and subsequently stopped from carrying out another 911 terror attack, BUSTED BY THE FBI.

The main report on this is farther down the page, when you click the affidavit above, remember that for ultimate compatibility with all systems it is a GIF and needs to be expanded by clicking on it to actually read it. It is huge, if your computer is slow it will take a little while for the text to become clearly readable.

This is the SAME JEW that claimed ISIS responsibility for the "shooting" at Pamela Geller's paint Mohammed art festival in Garland Texas, this is also in the affidavit

Here is a transcribed excerpt of that, from the affidavit linked above. Yep, the FBI also busted the Jews (in addition to the bombing they stopped) they also busted the Jews for the ISIS attack against Pamela Geller's "art festival". There is lots of stuff in that affidavit, it is an absolute route of the Jewish community from start to finish.

"Hello , this is Australi Witness. you might know me for inspiring the attacks in Garland, Texas, where two Mujahideen entered an event mocking the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) with intent to slaughter the Kuffar in it. When I encouraged the attacks in Texas, my biggest inspiration was the Australian Muslim Human Rights Activist...(MV).. who has worked tirelessly and diligently to outlaw blasphemy against Islam in Australia. Any true Muslim knows that blasphemy against the prophets of Allah (SWT) is a capital crime which cannot be tolerated under any circumstances, and M.V's work has provided me with a great deal of inspiration. All who defame the Prophet (PBUH) must be crushed.

Recently I met two mujahideen online - one in Los Angeles and one in Melbourne - and I have successfully encouraged them to carry out Jihad in their respective cities. Both of these mujahideen will, using guns, shoot up local synagogues where the maximum amount of Jews are praying. The entire thing was my idea, and I helped them every step of the way. I gave them the idea in the first place, I pointed them to local synagogues, I helped them coordinate the attacks. All of this was done over the internet." 

For the entire report, scroll down to the post: "Here is your 911 gift"

Obvious case of web based artificial intelligence tasked to steal, which is likely to be an integral component of the Google search engine

Get a load of this - I think this is a clear cut case of web based artificial intelligence being set up to assist in theft. I predicted a couple months ago that things like this would start happening, and believe this is exactly what went on here:

I have had a mortgage for just over 20 years and the payment always came out every two weeks on my payday (Thursday) without a hitch. Just over a year ago the bank changed the payment date (without my knowledge or permission) to two days earlier and started charging me a NSF charge of $45 every two weeks, because obviously the payment could not be there two days earlier than my payday. I contacted the bank dozens of times over this issue and each time the bank refused to return the NSF money and refused to put the payment due date back to the original agreed upon day. I knew the bank was illegally charging me this fee but was getting nowhere with them in trying to resolve it. Here in Canada there is a independent banking Ombudsman who will argue for you, so I looked it up on Google a couple weeks ago but had not yet contacted the Ombudsman. Last week I checked my bank account online and low and behold all the NSF fees had been returned and the online statement showed no indication at all that there had ever been any NSF charges or their return. I never signed up for the banks paperless system so I have all the monthly paper statements indicating the illegal NSF fees charged. I contacted the bank to ask what happened and also asked why the online statement did not mirror the paper statements, the person said they would look into it and get back to me....I am still waiting for a explanation.
It is now obvious to me that my internet is being monitored by someone, since I never did anything but Google "Canadian banking ombudsman" and am now wondering if they will attempt to retrieve the paper copies by some means (I now have them hidden away at a safe location). I can't help but wonder how many other people the bank is doing this to, and how much money the banks are making from this scheme.
Keep vigilant, Don
My comment: This is an obvious case of clear cut theft assisted by artificial intelligence, and it is highly probable that Google triggered an alert to the bank that they would not get away with this. If it was not all intentionally done, the bank's electronic records would never have been modified. I would be willing to bet that an AI program took care of all of this in the background with no human interaction whatsoever, the moment the program learned via your Google search that you could not be successfully robbed. If you had no paper statements, I am sure there would have been messages in your inbox trying to convince you that you were mistaken about it all and probably crazy, the tribe really is that heartless. 

ONCE AGAIN: If it was not intentional theft, the records would not have been expunged. Heads up everyone, DO YOUR FINANCIAL MATH. I am confident this is happening everywhere to millions of people and said it already over a month ago, and it will be all coldly calculated by a well programmed predictive algorithm.


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