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22 septiembre, 2015

#ISIS Revealed as #Israeli #Secret #Intelligence #Service

by John Bovay

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“…And now a new legendary terrorist leader of the Islamic State has emerged: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, who
allegedly ordered the kidnapping and murder of the 3 Israeli teenagers (which served as a pretext to bomb Gaza) was trained by Mossad: “[He] took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech.” (Gulf News, July 15, 2014)

The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.

According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”. (Gulf News, July 15, 2014)

Let us be under no illusions, the Islamic State is a CIA-Mossad creation. It is an intelligence asset.

The incursion of IS brigades into Iraq in June was part of a carefully planned military-intelligence operation supported covertly by the US, NATO and Israel. In Syria, the ISIL is said to be part of “opposition” fighting government forces. The Israeli military is directly supporting the ISIL out of bases in the occupied Golan Heights…”

Who is Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi? From Al-Zarqawi to Al-Bagdahdi: “The Islamic State” is a CIA-Mossad-MI6 “Intelligence Asset” | Global Research

July 15, 2014
Gulf Daily News » World News » Baghdadi ‘Mossad trained’

The following link includes a microsofttranslator.com (Bing Translator) link to a source article posted on http://www.alsumaria.tv/

GOING GLOBAL EAST MEETS WEST : Snowden: ISIS leader, Al-Baghdadi, is the product of three intelligence cooperation; U.S., Britain, and Israel http://goingglobaleastmeetswest.blogspot.ca/2014/07/snowden-isis-leader-al-baghdadi-is.html

“Alsumaria is an independent Iraqi satellite TV network that transmits on Nilesat, Hotbird, and Noorsat/Eurobird. Established by a group of professional businessmen in 2004, it has 700 employees across Iraq, Lebanon, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan…”

Al Sumaria – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Sumaria

July 15, 2014
US, UK Trained ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi along with Mossad?


ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service?

ISIS is a Creation of the Israeli Mossad | NODISINFO http://nodisinfo.com/isis-creation-israeli-mossad/

Israel helps ISIS with Airstrikes Against the Syrian Government | We Are Change | We Are Change http://wearechange.org/israel-helps-isis-airstrikes-syrian-government/

“…The irony here, is that by launching airstrikes against the Syrian government in response to an attack that was most likely carried out by the Syrian rebels, Israel is actually encouraging future attacks like this. It’s easy for the rebels to launch missiles across into Israel, and Israel’s response is essentially free air support. So clearly it is in the rebel’s interest to shoot over into the Israeli side as often as possible…”
Ironic – Israel Helps ISIS with Airstrikes Against the Syrian Government | SCG News http://scgnews.com/ironic-israel-helps-isis-with-airstrikes-against-the-syrian-government

The Fall of Iraq – What You’re Not Being Told [UPDATED August 8th] | SCG News

The Covert Origins of ISIS [UPDATED 9.03.14] | SCG News

The Covert Origins of ISIS – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMjXbuj7BPI
“…Since 2003, Anglo-American power has secretly and openly coordinated direct and indirect support for Islamist terrorist groups linked to al-Qaeda across the Middle East and North Africa. This ill-conceived patchwork geostrategy is a legacy of the persistent influence of neoconservative ideology, motivated by longstanding but often contradictory ambitions to dominate regional oil resources, defend an expansionist Israel, and in pursuit of these, re-draw the map of the Middle East…”

How the west created the Islamic State — Nafeez Ahmed https://medium.com/@NafeezAhmed/how-the-west-created-the-islamic-state-dbfa6f83bc1f

September 10, 2014
The Book That Really Explains ISIS (Hint: It’s Not The Qur’an) | ThinkProgress http://thinkprogress.org/world/2014/09/10/3565635/the-book-that-really-explains-isis-hint-its-not-the-quran/

Netanyahu: ‘ISIS is good for Israel’ | Rehmat’s World http://rehmat1.com/2014/06/30/netanyahu-isis-is-good-for-israel/

Iran Watch – ISIS Syrian Rebels Burn Palestinian Flag in Aleppo https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=748909831833887

Could Saudi Arabia Be the Next ISIS Conquest? | Vocativ

Did the US Train ISIS Rebels to Fight Against Assad in Syria? | Ben Swann Truth In Media http://benswann.com/did-the-us-train-isis-rebels-to-fight-against-assad-in-syria/

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq – Hariri Insider | nsnbc international http://nsnbc.me/2014/06/22/u-s-embassy-in-ankara-headquarter-for-isis-war-on-iraq-hariri-insider/

Jun 23, 2014
ISIS: Creation Of The CIA – YouTube

July 26th, 2014
ISIS Follows Israeli/CIA Agenda (video) | Veterans Today

ISIS militants blow up Prophet Jonas’ tomb in Iraq – video — RT News http://rt.com/news/175636-iraq-jonah-tomb-mosul/

Jul 15, 2014
ISIS Steals Over 50 U.S. Howitzers, 1,500 Armored Humvees! – YouTube

Jul 19, 2014
Iraq War Defected AlQaeda leader exposes ISIS and US alliance – YouTube

August 4th, 2014
French Report ISIL Leader Mossad Agent | Veterans Today

America’s Allies Are Funding ISIS – The Daily Beast

August 08, 2014
US allies cultivated Islamic State. Now IS plans to ‘raise flag of Allah in White House’ — RT USA

August 14, 2014
ISIS Is A Zionist Plot; A Jew Is Leading The Group – Reports Claim – International Business Times

August 15, 2014
‘ISIS a pretext for US-sponsored regime change in Iraq’ — RT Op-Edge

August 16, 2014
The ISIS Islamic Terrorists are Supported by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia | Global Research

August 13, 2014
The Roots of the Iraq and Syria Wars Go Back More than 60 Years Washington’s Blog
“…It is no coincidence that virtually all Arab nations which the West considers allies embrace Islamic fundamentalism, a repressive belief system which is quite congruent with global monopoly capitalism. Both are based on a return to rule by feudalistic monarchy and a diminished role for government and thus democracy.

Most US Arab enemies embrace secular socialism, which aims to stop the exploitation of oil resources by the Four Horsemen and their Rockefeller/Rothschild owners. Great Arab leaders including the Egyptian Nasser, the Algerian Boumedienne, the Libyan Qaddafi, the Syrian Assad and the Iraqi al-Bakr support(ed) a secular socialism (though Qaddafi proclaims himself precisely to be anarcho-syndicalist), which poses a very real threat to the neo-liberal globalization agenda.

Interventions in Libya and Syria follow the same counter-revolutionary template employed by the City of London banksters in Afghanistan.”

Afghan History Suppressed: Islamists, Heroin & The CIA | Left Hook by Dean Henderson http://hendersonlefthook.wordpress.com/2014/08/05/afghan-history-suppressed-islamists-heroin-the-cia/

So far IS’ media-savvy ‘show reels’, YouTube videos of mass shootings of fellow brown-skinned Muslims, beheadings and burying kids alive etc, have failed to sufficiently incite the predominantly white-skinned, largely TV-brainwashed Western public’s outrage in support of a boots-on-the-ground war against ISIS on behalf of the war-profiteering, Rothschild Zionist International Bankers.

Perhaps some vids of teenage White girls screaming for their mommies in plain english as they’re being stoned to death for ‘adultery’ etc will do the trick?

If this comes to pass (and why ELSE would Western interests who are orchestrating IS / this back door invasion of Syria / an eventual attack upon Iran, leading to WW III with Russia and China, be luring these girls) then any parents involved only have THEMSELVES to blame for not helping their kids to grow a brain by teaching them to verify the veracity of Establishment assertions.

The ISIS Online Campaign Luring Western Girls to Jihad – The Daily Beast
Terrorist ‘Tiger Beat’:
Abu Waheeb Jokes 1. Is It True That If Abu Waheeb… – justpaste.it  
The Covert Origins of ISIS [UPDATED 9.03.14] | SCG News  
“…Since 2003, Anglo-American power has secretly and openly coordinated direct and indirect support for Islamist terrorist groups linked to al-Qaeda across the Middle East and North Africa. This ill-conceived patchwork geostrategy is a legacy of the persistent influence of neoconservative ideology, motivated by longstanding but often contradictory ambitions to dominate regional oil resources, defend an expansionist Israel, and in pursuit of these, re-draw the map of the Middle East…”
How the west created the Islamic State — Nafeez Ahmed https://medium.com/@NafeezAhmed/how-the-west-created-the-islamic-state-dbfa6f83bc1f

Sep 11, 2014
The Geopolitics of World War III – YouTube

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