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13 octubre, 2015

How I Prevent #Flu Without #FluShots

image credit: pixabay 

The time of year for pushing flu shots has arrived. Maybe you are as annoyed as I am about it? Probably so. And rightfully so. No one is injecting me with a shot to prevent something which 1) I don’t consider a big deal if I do get it and 2) I can prevent it without an experimental shot. 

We are constantly inundated with information steering us to get a flu shot, but if you notice, our health agencies are rather silent on the front of how we can naturally prevent the flu. Is that because we can’t naturally prevent it? Of course not, it is just because where their aren’t profits, there isn’t propaganda. 

I rarely get the flu. When I have, I’ve gotten over it in a matter of a week. I never get the flu shot. So what
do I do? Well, below are the focus points for me. 

Vitamin D
Ensuring that you (or your children) aren’t deficient in Vitamin D means helping the body stave off the flu.

According to PreventDisease.com
The risk of children suffering from flu can be reduced by 50% if they take vitamin D, doctors in Japan have found. The finding has implications for flu epidemics since vitamin D, which is naturally produced by the human body when exposed to direct sunlight, has no significant side effects, costs little and can be several times more effective than anti-viral drugs or vaccines according to research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (source

Vitamin D is natural and free. While it would seem like sound advice to avoid the sun during the peak sun hours, I do think exposing one’s self to the sun during off hours (think 10am or 5pm) is a good idea. It works for me. I would definitely suggest you further research the ways to get more Vitamin D, and even consider testing you or your children for deficiencies in this area.

Sleep. You love sleeping, right? So make sure you get good quality sleep so that your immune system is prepared to fight off any viruses. 

Check out this article from Mayo Clinic

Yes, lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Studies show that people who don’t get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as a common cold virus. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick. 

Getting good sleep should be the central focus of your health. I can’t really rave enough about the benefits of sleep. I consider it the single most important health factor in my life (yes, I am serious). I don’t touch caffeine just because I’d never want to give any chance at compromising my sleep (that’s not me saying coffee is bad, just me saying I don’t risk my sleep’s success). Getting good sleep means my body rest, revives, has energy and more brainpower. Want to help prevent flu? Research how to improve your sleep. 

Healthy Diet
When you eat a diet full with processed foods and refines sugars, you aren’t doing your body any favors at all. Refined sugars contribute to inflammation. And inflammation contributes to a weakened immune system. Here’s a great article I often refer people to which discusses the scientific effects of sugar on the body. (here). 

In addition, you can eat natural things, such as Omega 3 fats (you can buy the oil itself, or just eat some fish). You can eat oranges for Vitamin C. Eat a plant based diet for lots of good healthy vitamin and mineral infusions. This really isn’t rocket science, folks. 

Wash your hands
Wash your hands, simply and effectively. You don’t need antibacterial soaps or wipes, jut common, natural soap. Something which will serve as a lubricant between your hands. This will help knock off the bacteria which could cause issues. 

I wash my hands with natural soaps (or at least as natural as I can find). I like the Good Soap brand. You can read more about it here

Washing your hands is an often overlooked part of flu prevention. It is simple, effective and cost hardly anything.

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