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11 octubre, 2015

#Putin-Hater Awarded #NobelPrize For #Literature

NY Times: Svetlana Alexievich, Belarussian Voice of Survivors, Wins Nobel Prize in Literature
The journalist and prose writer is best known for works about female Russian soldiers in World War II and the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

Alhough the Globalist CIA agents who almost always win the "prestigious" Nobel Peace Prize are instantly puffed-up on the front page of Sulzberger's Slimes; Nobel Laureates in the scientific or literary fields are generally confined to the inner pages. This is not the case with this year's Literature winner - Svetlana Alexievich of Belarussia (sister state of Russia). 

Far from being back-paged, Ms. Alexievich is prominently plastered smack-dab in the center of the
all-important front page. News of her victory has also been prominently mentioned by the TV talking heads of America and vassaled Europe. This is unusual for two reasons. First of all, she's not an American. Why such hype over a Belarussian? 

Secondly, her works are not even widely read in English - the de facto "international language". So, what's up with the sudden shout-out for Sveltana? Moreover, why was the Nobel Prize for Literature even awarded to a non-fiction writer in the first place? That hasn't happened in 50 years!

The astute and discerning real intellectuals who read The Anti-New York Times will have already deduced a theory behind the unusual and overnight hyping of the previously unknown Ms. Alexievich. Excerpts from the article itself will serve to confirm those suspicions - as they did for your rat-smelling reporter and his rat-killing feline sidekick here. 

Check out these excerpts, and our analysis:

Excerpt: Ms. Alexievich often took risks by taking on contentious elements of Soviet history and challenging the official narrative.

Analysis: Well, the old Soviets were not exactly choir boys. Criticizing the old regime doesn't necessarily make her a traitor. 

Excerpt: She was seen as a traitor, as unpatriotic,” said Gerald Howard, the executive editor at Doubleday. He published Ms. Alexievich’s book “Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices From a Forgotten War,” about the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and the trauma experienced by the Russian soldiers and their families. The title refers to the zinc coffins that dead Russian soldiers were sent home in. “She was vilified all over the place for this book,” he said, “and she didn’t back down for a second." 

Analysis: Red flag! Alarm bells! In 1979. the Soviets were baited into Afghanistan after a CIA rent-an-army overthrew a non-aligned government and set up a hostile regime on Russia's border. This is not to defend the old USSR, but any Soviet writer who cast blame on their own country for the Jimmy Carter-Zbig Brzezinski proxy war in Afghanistan, was, in fact, a traitor to her country.

Instead of blaming Brzezinski and the Globalists for the suffering caused by the proxy Afghan War against Russia, seditious Svetlana blamed her own country. 

Excerpt: Because of her criticism of the government in Belarus, a former Soviet republic, Ms. Alexievich has periodically lived abroad, in Italy, France, Germany and Sweden, among other places.

Analysis: So, long after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, this bitch is still a causing trouble by criticizing the Putin-friendly government of Belarus. Interesting.

Excerpt: In a 2013 interview with German television, she said she hoped the international attention would give her “a degree of protection” in Belarus, where press freedom is under constant threat.

Analysis: Ah, yes. The old "freedom of the press" and "human rights" routine.

Excerpt: "The scope and consistency of her project is unique — the sheer number of people whose stories she’s been able to record,” the writer Keith Gessen, who translated her book about Chernobyl into English, said in an email.

Analysis: Keith Gessen (cough-cough) translated one of her books? Gessen? He wouldn't perhaps be related to Masha Gessen -- the militant lesbian author of a best-selling anti-Putin book who openly stated that she wants to abolish the institution of marriage and traditional family. Nah. It's just a coincidence. But just in case, let us Google: 'Keith Gessen'.

Result: Wikipedia: Russian-born American novelist --- Harvard --- Sibling: Masha Gessen

Preach it, Church Lady -- preach it! Sleazy Svetlana's translator just happens to be the brother of the wicked Putin-hating Masha Gessen (Keith & Masha in Image 2).

Excerpt: Some see an obvious political message in the Nobel committee’s choice. Ms. Alexievich’s honor arrives at a moment when Russia is once again flexing its military muscles, in Ukraine and in Syria. In choosing Ms. Alexievich, the Swedish committee continued a long tradition of using the award to tweak Soviet and now post-Soviet authority.

Analysis: Bingo!

Excerpt: On Thursday, Belarus’s President, Aleksandr G. Lukashenko, who has been a frequent target of Ms. Alexievich’s writing, issued a terse congratulatory note.

Analysis: Double Bingo! The Globalists hate President Lukashenko almost as much as they do President Putin.

Excerpt: At a news conference after her award was announced, Ms. Alexievich pointedly referred to Russia’s actions in Ukraine as “occupation.” 

Analysis: "Here's your Nobel Prize -- and your check for $972,000 (here)--- now do your thing, baby!" 

1 - Lukashenko and Putin -- both targets of Svetlana's poison pen and big mouth.
2 & 3 - Subversion pays nicely, eh Svetlana?

Excerpt: The spokesman for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Dmitri S. Peskov, dismissed Ms. Alexievich’s critique of Russian military aggression. “Apparently, Svetlana just doesn’t have enough information to offer a clear evaluation of what is happening in Ukraine.” 

Analysis: Oh we beg to differ on that, Mr. Peskov. Diplomacy may preclude you from saying so, but not us. This vile villainette, this traitorous tramp, this betraying bitch, has all the information -- as do the sleazy scribblers of Sulzberger's Slimes.

This anti Putin, anti-Russian obsession is really getting more and more ridiculous by the hour -- and more and more ominous as well.

Boobus Americanus 1: A Belarussian woman was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.
Boobus Americanus 2: I saw that. She took a shot at Putin during her news conference. Brave woman.
"Bravery hass nothing to do with it, cretin! It wass a frickin' sset up!"

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