A new report issued
by the Swiss bank Credit Suisse finds that global wealth inequality
continues to worsen and has reached a new milestone, with the top 1
percent owning more of the world’s assets than the bottom 99 percent
Of the estimated $250 trillion in global assets, the top 1
percent owned almost exactly 50 percent, while the bottom 50 percent of
humanity owned collectively less than 1 percent. The richest 10 percent
owned 87.7 percent of the world’s wealth, leaving 12.3 percent for the
bottom 90 percent of the population.
The Credit Suisse report focused not on the top 1 percent, but on a
slightly smaller group, the 0.7 percent of
adults with assets of more
than 1 million US dollars. This figure includes both financial assets
and real assets, such as homes, small businesses and other physical
The report’s eye-catching “Global Wealth Pyramid” divides the human
race into four categories by wealth: 3.4 billion adults with net assets
of less than $10,000; 1 billion with net assets from $10,000 to
$100,000; 349 million with net assets from $100,000 to $1 million; and
34 million with net assets over $1 million.
Image: The global wealth pyramid
The lowest category comprises 71 percent of all adults and owns only 3
percent of total wealth; the next-poorest group comprises 21 percent of
adults and owns 12.5 percent of the wealth; above this is a group
comprising 7.4 percent of adults and owning 39.4 of the wealth; and
finally the top layer, 0.7 percent of adults owning 45.2 percent of the
This top layer, defined by the report as “high-net-worth
individuals,” is itself divided very unequally, as shown in a second
pyramid: 29.8 million with assets of $1 million to $5 million; 2.5
million with assets of $5 million to $10 million; 1.34 million with
assets of $10 million to $50 million; and finally, 123,800 with assets
over $50 million.
These 123,800 “ultra-high-net-worth individuals,” as the report calls
them, are the true global financial aristocracy, exercising decisive
sway not only over banks and corporations, but over governments and
international institutions as well. Of these, nearly 59,000, almost half
the total, live in the United States. Another quarter live in Europe
(mainly Britain, Germany, Switzerland, France and Italy), followed by
China and then Japan.
The Credit Suisse report notes the particularly rapid rise in
inequality since the Wall Street crash of 2008 and relates it directly
to the stock market boom that followed the bailout of the banks,
initiated by the Bush administration and greatly expanded by the Obama
administration. A key passage reads:
“There are strong reasons to think that the rise in wealth inequality since 2008 is mostly related to the rise in equity prices and to the size of financial assets in the United States and some other high-wealth countries, which together have pushed up the wealth of some of the richest countries and of many of the richest people around the world. The jump in the share of the top percentile to 50 percent this year exceeds the increase expected on the basis of any underlying upward trend. It is consistent, however, with the fact that financial assets continue to increase in relative importance and that the rise in the USD (US dollar) over the past year has given wealth inequality in the United States—which is very high by international standards—more weight in the overall global picture.”
In other words, deepening global economic inequality is being driven
above all by American capitalism, with the United States being both the
wealthiest and by far the most unequal country in the world. The US has
less than 5 percent of the world’s population, but a staggering 46
percent of the world’s millionaires.
Image: Number of dollar millionaires by country
Far from demonstrating the health of the US economy, this
disproportionate growth of the super-rich resembles the spread of a
cancer that is rapidly metastasizing, with fatal consequences for the
entire social organism.
Never have the rich increased their wealth so quickly as in America
since the financial crash of 2008. But side by side with the amassing of
previously unthinkable private fortunes, the infrastructure of America
is crumbling, education, health care and other social services are
starved of funding, and the living standards of the vast majority of the
population, the working people who produce the wealth, are declining.
The Credit Suisse report also calls attention to significant regional
differences within the structure of global capitalism, focusing on the
diverging fortunes of three main regions: North America, Europe and the
Total global wealth declined slightly in 2015, according to the
report, but only because the bank’s calculations were in US dollars, and
thus were affected by the depreciation of the euro, the Japanese yen,
the Russian ruble, the Canadian dollar and many other currencies against
the US dollar.
US wealth rose $4.6 trillion, despite a global decline of $12.7
trillion, with Japan, Russia and the European Union countries showing
the biggest drops, largely because of currency depreciation. Australia
and Canada lost $1.5 trillion in wealth between them, a substantial drop
for the two mid-sized economies, which are heavily dependent on
resource extraction.
China, whose currency is loosely pegged to the dollar, saw a $1.5
trillion gain. But this has likely already evaporated, since the report
is based on figures ending June 30, 2015 and the Chinese financial
markets have plunged 25 percent since then, as the report’s foreword
These disparities between countries, like the growing social
disparities within countries, have immense significance for world
politics. They are a major factor in the increasingly explosive
character of international relations, particularly the conflicts between
the major imperialist powers—the United States, Japan, Germany, France,
Britain—and countries like Russia, China and Iran that are being
targeted for their huge natural and human resources.
US imperialism uses both its preeminent military position and the
role of the dollar, still the world’s main reserve currency, as weapons
in seeking to offset its economic decline relative to its major rivals.
America is both a social powder keg, with class tensions at home
approaching the breaking point, and the most destabilizing force in
world politics, seeking to maintain its position of global dominance by
increasingly reckless and militaristic methods.
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