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01 noviembre, 2015

#Study Suggest #AntiVaxxers Deny #GMOs, Against #EnergyProduction


Parents choosing to not vaccinate their children are now being scrutinized with research studies. Here is one. As noted in that previous study, many anti-vaccination supporters reached their ultimate decision over the matter before they conceived a child. Utilizing that same study, apparently data is suggesting that anti-vaxxers typically deny GMOs and carry sentiments against energy production. According to science20.com

Vaccinations are often about children, but anti-science beliefs are often not caused by having
them, which reaffirms the contention that ant-vaccine sentiment falls along predictable cultural lines, and includes a raft of other positions, like denial of GMOs and sentiments against energy production.

Researchers at the North Carolina Children’s Hospital surveyed 170 mothers and fathers in the postpartum ward who had given birth between February and April 2015. A significant majority (72 percent) reported starting to develop vaccine preferences for their newborn before conception. Perhaps not surprisingly, 77 percent of parents of previous children had already thought about vaccines for their new baby before pregnancy, said lead investigator James N. Yarnall, MPH, a fourth-year medical student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. But even among first-time parents, 66 percent of respondents said they were already focused on vaccines before becoming pregnant. 

I really feel like this new approach by pharmaceutical companies and Government agencies to try to identify anti-vaxxers is extremely scary. While the approach isn’t exactly new, it does seem more aggressive as of late. 

Here is another example of what I am talking about. Doctors now “discouraging HPV vaccine.” In this case, Doctors are almost being accused of condoning parents who don’t get their teen children the HPV vaccine, at least according to the wording. But when you read closely, many of the Doctors are pro-vaccine, but their approach is being deemed as harmful to the process. This is research marketing at it’s ultimate strongest. And aside from mandatory vaccination legislation, it suggest that this is the new frontier. In this case, vaccines are treated no differently than Tide Detergent, whereas research marketing tries to wrangle in all the data possible. Why aren’t consumers buying it? Do grocery stores deter sales in ways such as how they push it, where they place it, or how the product is communicated? Great research marketing is extremely effective, something the vaccine industry is quickly learning.

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