Jim Stone
The theory goes like this: On September 11, 2001, 19 arabs with box cutters and plastic knives conspired to board 4 airliners without ever showing up on the flight manifests. All 4 airlines were successfully hijacked by these conspiring arabs with mere plastic knives, and at most 1 inch metal blades, and flown by failed cessna pilots like experts into 3 of the targets, while the 4th airplane hit a field and left a crater but no debris.
The attack came as a total surprise to the Air Force and Norad, who never saw it coming, and remained blind to it all for a full hour until all planes hit their targets, with the final target being the greatest military command headquarters in the world. Norad suddenly could not see airplanes if their transponders were switched off, thus proving active radar does not work after all.
Somehow, despite being fully rated to take a full speed impact from the similarly sized and faster flying 707, both world trade center towers fell into their own footprints (rather than off to the side in one direction) because Arabs are magic and Allah was with them. And out of sympathy, while mourning for the loss of it's two big brothers, WTC 7 which never got hit by an airplane at all, cried itself to death and fell down too.
And we know this is a true story, because despite never having seat back phones or any satellite uplink available, cell phone calls were made from the planes after they were hijacked, and we know it is true because after Cee Cee Lyle's call ended, her coach told her she did a great job, and if she did not do a great job, the entire Arab plan would have failed. And if you don't believe how GREAT CeeCee did, just listen to her boss tell her how great she did! Her boss would never lie!
So there you have it - the wackiest 911 conspiracy story of all!
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