NY Times: Willis Carto, Far-Right Figure and Holocaust Denier, Dies at 89
If a man can be judged by the degree of fecal filth which the enemies of humanity dump upon his head - even just after his death - then surely, Mr. Willis Carto must rank as a heroic warrior for truth. In its obituary for Carto, Sulzberger's Slimes begins savaging Carto right from the opening line:
"Willis Carto, a reclusive behind-the-scenes wizard of the far-right fringe of American politics who used lobbying and publishing to denigrate Jews and other minorities and galvanize the movement to deny the Holocaust, died last Monday at his home in Virginia. He was 89."
Translation: Carto was one the great ones.
Willis Carto was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1926. He was wounded twice in fighting in the Philippines
during World War II and earned the Purple Heart. After the war, he began his career working for Proctor & Gamble in Cincinnati, then moved to San Francisco where he worked for Household Finance Corporation. By 1950, he had become heavily involved in his true passion - what The Slimes refers to as "right wing causes" (ooooh, sounds so scary!) and started a monthly bulletin called 'Right'.
In 1960, Mr. Carto had a profound experience. He visited a San Francisco jail to interview Francis Parker Yockey, who was being held for the trumped-up charge of 'passport fraud'. Yockey was an embittered lawyer who quit his job as a prosecutor in the post World War II Nuremberg trials because he was disgusted by the tactics of the Allied prosecution. He then dedicated his life to exposing Communism & Zionism. Yockey was either murdered or committed 'suicide' in prison, leaving a note in which he claimed that he was committing suicide (by swallowing poison) in order to protect the anonymity of his political contacts.

1- The cruel and deceitful savagery of Nuremberg affected Yockey so deeply that he quit the effort. The "conspiracy theorist" eventually died under FBI supervision.
2- German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop is hanged after Nuremberg.
Inspired by Yockey's writings, insider revelations and strange death, Carto soon took a forbidden turn to the "anti-Semitic" Right. Among the educational and activist organizations which Carto founded were, the Liberty Lobby, which published the 'Spotlight' newspaper, maintained a mailing list of more than 300,000, and eventually broadcast on 470 radio stations.
In 1978, Carto started the Institute for Historical Review to spread a revisionist view of the Holocaust TM through its glossy, heavily footnoted Journal of Historical Review and conferences of historians from the U.S. and Europe. Dismissing the Holocaust TM as “atrocity propaganda,” the Institute offered a reward of $50,000 to anyone who could prove that Jews had been gassed at Auschwitz. Though there were plenty of insults hurled toward Carto, there were no takers to the generous offer!
Amid allegations of "financial fraud", Carto was forced out of the Institute of Historical Review in the mid-1990s. Not surprisingly, the new IHR has since watered down its position on Holocaust TM. Carto eventually lost The Spotlight, but replaced it with The American Free Press. He also started another publication, The Barnes Review, named after the great revisionist historian, Harry Elmer Barnes.
Harry Elmer Barnes -- his work also inspired Willis Carto
As Francis Parker Yockey opened the eyes of Willis Carto, so too did Carto open the eyes of many others. Indeed, were it not for the trail-blazing work and courage of men Willis Carto and David Irving, your intellectually liberated reporter here might still be hanging on Rush Limbaugh's every utterance!
It's a weird kind of funny how the flame of truth can be suppressed, but never fully extinguished, isn't it? Yockey & Barnes begat Carto -- Carto, in part, begat TomatoBubble / Anti-New York Times (and many others) -- and TomatoBubble has enlightened many of you (so say many of the grateful E-mails that we receive).
Now, it's up to YOU to not only keep the flickering flame of truth alive in your own heart, but to keep passing the torch until it one day becomes an inferno again. Godspeed Mr. Carto; and give Saint Adolf a big hug from Sugar and me.
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Boobus Americanus 1: I read an obituary in The New York Times today. The notorious holocaust denier Willis Carto just died.
Boobus Americanus 2: I didn't know that anti-Semite still alive all this time. Hopefully, his hateful ideology will die with him.
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