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17 diciembre, 2015

First #CrisisActor: 1990 #Nayirah Claimed #Iraq #Killed 312

hospital incubator infants in Kuwait to criminally incite war

2-minute clip from Barrie Zwicker’s The Great Conspiracy:

Edited and amended from a brief I wrote for interested Members of Congress in 2005 (and updated to 2009), War with Afghanistan and Iraq, rhetoric for war with Iran:

The US and Iraq: the history you didn’t know: Saddam Hussein was a vicious dictator who should have never ruled a nation. However, according to a dozen former US diplomats, US intelligence officials, and British scholars, Saddam was supported by the US beginning in 1959. The US CIA authorized Saddam to assassinate Iraq’s dictator, Abd al-Karim Qasim, who had recently withdrew from the pro-US Baghdad Pact and initiated friendly relations with the Soviet Union (49). The assassination failed, but another succeeded in 1963. Saddam rose in power, and became dictator in 1979. Saddam had US support to invade Iran in a War of Aggression from 1980 to 1988, including supplying him with biological and chemical weapons (50). When Saddam invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, US cooperation with him was suspended. The UN Security Council voted in favor of military action to remove Iraq from Kuwait.

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