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17 diciembre, 2015

#InterestRates, #TPP, and the #Smuggling of #Oil and #Arms

By Global Research News

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By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, December 17 2015
Because of the Turkish government’s role in the multi-spectrum US-led war against the Syrian Arab
Republic, a war of words has ignited between Ankara and Moscow. Russia, however, is not alone in accusing Turkey of being involved in the theft of Syrian and Iraqi oil. 

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 17 2015
The Federal Reserve raised the interbank borrowing rate today by one quarter of one percent or 25 basis points. Readers are asking, “what does that mean?” 

By South Front, December 17 2015
On Monday, the SAA and the National Defense Forces (NDF) took control of the village of Marj Al-Sultan where the militants’ command and control center was located. On Tuesday, the pro-government troops captured the main Helicopter Military Base and the P-35 Radar Base that is situated to the north of Marj Al-Sultan and liberated the whole area of the airport. 

By Andrew Korybko, December 17 2015
The TPP Strikes Back The greatest threat to the multipolar world’s economic relations with ASEAN comes directly from the TPP. The US is pushing this exclusionary trade arrangement in order to obstruct the existing trade partnerships that non-allied countries (Russia and China) plan on enhancing with each of the bloc’s members. 

By Telesur, December 17 2015
U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was also a favorite of the arms producing giants during her 2006 senate campaign. Hillary Clinton has received more money from arms and military service companies than any other candidate during the 2016 presidential campaign…

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