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21 diciembre, 2015

#JihadistPropaganda, #UncleSam, and the Formation of Anti- #ISIL #Islamic #Alliances

By Global Research News

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By Alex Lantier, December 18 2015
At least one of the guns used in the November 13 terror attacks in Paris was purchased by Century International Arms and then re-exported to Europe. One of the largest arms dealers in the United States, Century Arms has close ties to the CIA and has faced charges in America and Europe of involvement in
illegal arms deals. 

By Eric Draitser, December 18 2015
What [...] analysts often overlook is the determination of the core of the Bolivarian Revolution, the radical base that is committed to preserving what Hugo Chavez began building more than 17 years ago. This is not a revolution that can be undone with one election, nor can it be simply legislated out of existence. 

By RT, December 18 2015
US intelligence services have mapped Islamic State’s media installations producing terrorist propaganda for the internet, yet none of them have been bombed out for fear of collateral damage and the need for intelligence to monitor the jihadists’ operations. 

By Almasdar News, December 18 2015
Lebanese people received on Tuesday the news about the Republic of Lebanon joining the Islamic Military Alliance. The announcement was made by Saudi Arabia the midnight before, and is aimed at fighting terrorism. 

By President Vladimir Putin, December 17 2015
The President’s news conference was broadcast live by Rossiya-1, Rossiya-24 and Channel One, as well as Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii radio stations.

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