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29 diciembre, 2015

#Russia Accuses #US of Waging #PhonyWar on #ISIS

by Stephen Lendman

A separate article discussed America’s phony war, supporting the terrorist enemy it claims to oppose, systematically lying to the public, media scoundrels regurgitating its grand deception. 

Russian officials at all levels are usually circumspect in their comments, rarely criticizing US policies, favoring mutual cooperation on all major issues despite consistent hostility against them, wholly unwarranted actions. 

Despite Moscow urging joint efforts against the scourge of ISIS and other terrorists, US officials categorically refuse, including withholding vital intelligence information, a clear indication of which side America favors.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashekov minced no words, saying Washington combats ISIS
“in words only.” 

His comment followed Pentagon spokeswoman Michelle Bandanza, saying “(w)e are not going to cooperate with Russia on Syria until they change their strategy of supporting Assad and instead focus on ISIL” - turning truth entirely on its head. 

Moscow alone among major powers wages real war on ISIS and other terrorist groups in Syria, perhaps intending to expand its campaign with permission from other threatened countries. 

America supports a common scourge vital to eliminate. It demands sole authority to decide who’ll lead Syria. Russia forthrightly insists it’s the sovereign right of its people alone to decide, free from outside interference, as required under international law. 

Konashenkov blasted Washington’s “hackneyed thesis…once agin confirm(ing) that (Washington intends) fight(ing) (ISIS) in word only, instead of taking real action.” 

“The statement by the US Defense Department spokesperson Michelle Baldanza about (America’s) refusal from any cooperation in the fight against Islamic State is a broken record, and it’s high time to change it.” 

Evidence of ISIS operations, including its oil transport smuggling, is well known to US and Moscow political and military authorities. 

Russian General Staff Main Operations Directorate General Sergey Rudskoy presented clear evidence of ISIS oil smuggling operations, including its transportation routes. 

Konashenkov said US officials were told “to take real action” against them, instead of phony words without follow-through - protecting an enemy they claim to oppose. 

Russian aircraft alone destroyed around 2,000 ISIS tanker trucks. “Thirty-seven oil wells and refineries operated by the terrorists and 17 tank truck convoys hauling oil products have been eliminated over the last week” alone. 

Separately, leaked US documents reveal an ISIS “spoils of war” department, handling revenues from oil smuggling, drugs trafficking, selling stolen antiquities, human trafficking, organ harvesting and other illicit revenue sources. 

These operations occur with outside support, nations working cooperatively with ISIS, especially Washington, the source of its viability and strength. 

Russia alone disrupted America’s hegemonic aims, a vital initiative to continue. According to its upper house Federation Council International Committee head Alexey Pushkov, his nation’s “military capabilities…were a shock to the US, apparently believing only…NATO can wage such a war.” 

Russia’s intervention changed the dynamic significantly in Syria, permitting its ground forces to steadily regain lost territories, disrupting US-led aims to spread ISIS’ pernicious influence across the region and beyond.
Has America met its match? Will its strategy be to confront Russia belligerently, risking possible nuclear war? Nothing is too outlandish for neocon-infested Washington. 

Perilous times lie ahead - a perpetual state of war with no prospect for peace and stability, no matter who succeeds Obama in January 2017.

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