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22 diciembre, 2015

Trump 'Throwing The Game' To Ted Cruz?

“Ultimately, it’s probably going to come down to me against Cruz.”
- Trump / NBC’s “Today” 

NY Times: Donald Trump Campaign Lags in Mobilizing Iowa Caucus Voters


As an astute businessman and savvy public relations genius, surely candidate Donald Trump understands that if he is to beat the Republican't Establishment, success in the early primary states is absolutely essential. And
surely he must know that poll numbers can be rendered meaningless if your 'get-out-the-vote-operation' is not primed and ready to roll like a well-oiled machine come Election / Caucus Day.

Poll numbers are important, but without a strong telephone & "ground game" to get voters to the polls, Trump will lose -- and Trump knows it!

It may therefore come as an unpleasant surprise to those of you who have not heeded our repeated, though qualified warnings about this man Trump and his true intentions. From the article, a very telling, and very ominous excerpt: 

"Trump has dominated much of this political season, excited an often-ignored part of the electorate, filled huge arenas with followers and upended the rules of how modern campaigns are run.
But now he faces an urgent question: Can he actually win crucial early contest states?
Translating a personality-driven campaign to the voting booth is no easy feat.....
But here in the state with the first nominating contest, about six weeks away, Mr. Trump has fallen behind in the nuts and bolts of organizing. A loss in Iowa for Mr. Trump, where he has devoted the most resources of his campaign, could imperil his leads in the next two nominating states, New Hampshire and South Carolina, where his get-out-the-vote organizations are even less robust.
A successful ground game is crucial in Iowa because of the state’s complicated method of caucus voting, but the Trump campaign has lagged in reaching some of its own benchmarks."

In the key early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina; Trump has "less than robust" ground games. Why is that Donald?

How are we to account for this strange lack of a "ground game" in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina? It can't be due to stupidity because Trump is quite competent at business and marketing. It can't be due to lack of money because Trump is a billionaire. It can't be due to lack of time because Trump has been the "front-runner" for about 5 months.
Our hypothesis? After systematically wrecking every Republican't in the field - the first and foremost being Rand Paul - Trump is going to sit back and allow the superior ground game of the odious Ted Cruz to get out Iowa's Christian Zionist vote in such force as to defeat Trump in the Iowa Caucus. Cruz's victory, combined with Zionist Mogul Sheldon Adelson's expected cash; and more of Trump's get-out-the-vote weakness in New Hamphshire and South Carolina, would then propel the Texas Senator, whose wife, Heidi, is a member of the N.W.O.'s Council on Foreign Relations, (here) even further.
Could Trump's sudden "carelessness" regarding the inexplicable failure to build an organization be related to his "secret talks" with Ted Cruz (here) and his ongoing communication with Adelson? Sorry Trump fans. We hope to be proved wrong; but we are beginning to smell a fixed-match.

1- Cruz refers to Shmuley Boteach (Adelson's bombing buddy) as his "favorite Rabbi" (here).
2- Donald & Teddy -- a love story. ('thumbs-up' photo from July 2015)

Oh -- one more thing. While Trump was "sleeping", can you guess who has quietly amassed the most formidable early-state "ground game" since the German Waffen SS? Headline from the Slimes, October, 2015:

Ted Cruz Amasses Ground Game That Covers Every County in Four States

"For every county in the first four voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, the Cruz campaign has locked down county chairs in charge of not just lending their names to the campaign, but of spearheading outreach and organizing efforts." (here)

Boobus Americanus 1: I read an article in the New York Times today that Trump has so far failed to build a strong get-out-the-vote operation in any of the early primary states.
Boobus Americanus 2: I'm surprised that Trump would make such a huge oversight.


"Oversight my assss! The game iss fixed!"

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