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29 diciembre, 2015

Why Is #Jewish Run #NBA Attacking #GunRights?

An image of the Warriors’ Stephen Curry from an ad that is the result of a partnership between the N.B.A. and the organization Everytown for Gun Safety.

NY Times (Op-Ed Column): N.B.A. Lends Its Name and Its Stars to Campaign 
Against Gun Violence
The league is teaming up with Everytown for Gun Safety, an organization that advocates gun control, and 30-second ads will air during a series of marquee games on Dec. 25.

The NBA (National Basketball Association), now said to be so "alarmed by the death toll from shootings across the country", is stepping into the gun control "debate" with an aggressive advertising campaign in partnership with 'Everytown for Gun Safety', one of the nation’s most aggressive advocates of striking down the Second Amendment.

The geniuses and scholars of the NBA will lecture the Boobus Sports Nuts of America about "gun violence."

From the article:
"In a move with little precedent in professional sports, the N.B.A. is putting the weight of its multi-billion-dollar brand and the prestige of its star athletes behind a series of television commercials
calling for an end to gun violence.
The first ads, timed to reach millions of basketball fans during a series of marquee games on Christmas Day, focus on shooting victims and contain no policy recommendations."
"The prestige of its star athletes?" Only in such a decadent and degenerate age as this could a collection of barely literate jocks be tagged with the label "prestigious". Of course, the athletes aren't the ones pushing this garbage. It is always the administrative 'head honchos' who organize this cheesy crap and then spoon-feed it down the throats of their captive audience.
And who is it exactly that controls professional basketball in America? We really hate to sound so obsessive on this subject of Jewish domination of this, that and the other thing; but gosh darnit, the chosenites seem to be are under every rock! Let's flip a few of these slimy stones over and see for yourself.

Immigrant Invasion Fag/Tranny Power Anti-Gun Rights Economic Ruin

Middle East Wars Anti-Russia / China War on Whites Media Control

Professional Sports Pornography Academia Global Warming Hoax

Seek and ye shall find them -- again and again and again and again and ....

The anti-gun-rights organization that paid for the expensive ads, Everytown for Gun Safety, was founded by billionaire media mogul Michael R. Bloomberg, (cough-cough) the former Mayor of New York. The anti-gun-rights Commissioner of the NBA is Adam Silver, (cough-cough) who only just last year succeeded long time anti-gun-rights NBA Boss David Stern (cough-cough). It was Stern, you may recall, who presided over the ridiculous anti-gun-rights name change of the Washington DC team in 1997, a franchise owned by Abe Pollin (cough cough) -- from the Bullets to the 'Wizards'. 

Bloomberg's Business Magazine ran a nice puff-piece on the NBA's "transition" of power from Chosenite David Stern (1984-2014) to his deputy, Adam Silver (2014 - present)

To give this Yiddish affair a more "grass roots" smell to it, Bloomberg, we are told, in typical string-pulling front-man fashion, enlisted the aid of the degenerate Communist film director -- the rabidly Anti-White Spike Lee. Sulzberger's Slimes reports that it was Lee who "brokered the Bloomberg-N.B.A. partnership" -- as if Bloomfilth and his synagogue buddy Silver really needed this worthless little piece of urban street trash to bring the two together and "broker" a deal. (rolling eyes)

Spike Lee, left, with Al Sharpton in New York at a protest against "gun violence". Lee "brokered" the Bloomberg-Silver deal to run the emotionally manipulative ads on Christmas Day.

What is this obstinate obsession that the Big Jews have, and have always had, with "gun control?" We can safely rule out any heart-felt concern about the mostly Black "victims" -- privately denigrated as 'schwartzas' at the Hanukkah table. Trust us on this one -- this push, at its highest levels, is not about well-meaning but stupid "liberals" innocently pursuing misguided ideas. And any "conservative" who claims that it is (FOX News, Limbaugh, Hannity et al) is doing their devotees a deliberate disservice.
You see, Messrs. Bloomturd, Silver and Stern couldn't possibly care any less about degenerate 'gang-bangers' shooting each other or even innocent Black bystanders. The same can be said about Spike Lee, Al Charlatan, Jesse Jerkoff, Mr. & Mr. Obongo and the rest of that greasy bunch of ambitious Black front-men -- true 'Uncle Toms' if ever there were. So then; what is the real reason for the never-ending push to ban firearms?
Answer: When "they" (cough cough) finally drop the Homeland Security / NWO martial law hammer down on top of us; "they" want to be sure that a few million angry 'good ole boys' (White ones) won't have anything left in their hands to shoot back with. It's that simple -- and it's that serious.

The house-to-house searches that followed the Boston Smoke Bomb were a martial law test-run -- and the obedient sheeple of Boston passed with flying colors! Other parts of the country might not be so compliant -- and THAT is why "they" want the guns.

The three most notorious and fanatical gun-grabbers in the U.S. Senate -- Schumer (NY), Blumenthal (CT), Feinstein (CA) -- all have something in common. Can you guess what it is?

Boobus Americanus 1: I read an article in the New York Times today about the NBA teaming up with Mike Bloomberg to promote gun control.
Boobus Americanus 2: That's a great idea. Famous athletes have influence and a moral obligation to be good role models.


"Role modelss my asss! Those sstupid thugss can't even read the Ssecond Amendment -- let alone interpret it!"
(Yes, but they can dunk a basketball. Sheeple respect that.)

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