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11 enero, 2016

Did #MarkZuckerberg Actually #Vaccinate His #Daughter?


Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, has stepped quickly replacing Bill and Melinda Gates as the supreme leader of vaccinations. He’s putting in billions of dollars, he’s recommending vaccination books, and now he’s bragging about allegedly getting his daughter vaccinated. I say “allegedly” because it isn’t as if we see the needle enter the child of wealth and fortune and privilege. Zuckerberg lives in a notoriously anti-vaccination community in Silicon Valley, a place which rarely meets state recommended vaccination rates.

Doctor’s visit — time for vaccines!

Zuckerberg’s post is a slight to those who have suffered vaccination injuries everywhere. It’s an ad for
pharmaceutical companies who need little more in the way of ad marketing. Facebook is the biggest stage we have and now vaccines have the biggest voice on that stage.

But a question still looms: Did Zuckerberg actually follow through with his daughter’s vaccinations? This picture merely shows a Doctor’s waiting room, not the vaccination needles going into the child. Why not post the images of the needles actually going into the child? That would be more honest, more compelling, than a mere picture of Zuckerberg in some sort of waiting room. Did he delay vaccines? Again, which vaccines did the child get (if any)? Zuckerberg could be delaying vaccines as much as he could be skipping them all together. This post looks much like government propaganda. The headlines all over the web boast Zuckerberg’s child gets vaccinated, but really we see no proof. We only see this vague post.

Rich, white people, particularly those living in Silicon Valley working for tech companies, aren’t getting vaccinated nearly as much as the rest of the country. So why is Zuckerberg any different? Well for one he’s clearly now the propaganda machine which big pharma has always dreamed of. It is difficult to think of a better mouth-piece than “Zuck” when it comes to pushing vaccines. He’s as large and influential as they come. Most of the Internet is Facebook. In some ways, he owns the Internet.

Zuckerberg has almost no incentive to vaccinate his child. Even if he believes vaccines are effective and that barely any risks are associated, he is in the privileged position to at least hold off on the schedule. His daughter is ultimately protected by his wealth and fortune. It is hard to imagine this post by him is anything less than total propaganda from big pharma. I know my post is going to strike many as “conspiracy theory” driven, but there is evidence to support the claim as I’ve noted. The wealthy and elite are commonly not vaccinating their children.

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