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11 enero, 2016

What One #CanOfCoke Does To Your #Body In Less Than #OneHour


Hardly anyone these days is under the impression that drinking sodas is in any way, healthy. In fact, sodas may well be the very unhealthiest of all the unhealthy possible options available to us. Soda serves no health benefit. They have no fiber to help blunt the massive sugar loads they deliver. They aren’t a natural source of vitamins or minerals. They aren’t calorically dense. In fact, as you will see in the graphic below courtesy of the RenegadePharmacist, they add in chemicals to help you refrain from vomiting the poison sugar loads. 
And don’t think for a second that “diet” versions of these drinks are any better. In fact, many studies show them to actually be worse than their regular version counterparts. Sounds insane, right? Well often times the body treats fake sugar like real sugar, illicit an insulin response. Many people report huge weight loss and big health benefits just from ceasing consumption of sodas. If you still drink sodas, you might consider this.

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