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11 enero, 2016

#Nukes, #WarCrimes, and #FinancialCollapse. Towards #NuclearWar?

By Global Research News

By Stephen Lendman, January 11 2016
Pyongyang has just cause to fear America. It knows how it raped Southeast Asia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Truman’s naked aggression was devastating, turning most of North Korea to rubble
during the Korean War (1950-53).

By Jack Rasmus, January 11 2016
Jack Rasmus takes a look at this past week’s major event in the collapse of the China stock market, as well as the resurgence of Neoliberal policies in South America and the US pivot to that continent and destabilization of economies in Venezuela, Brazil and Argentine now underway.  What’s behind the most recent stock decline in China?

By Felicity Arbuthnot, January 11 2016
The British government under Prime Minister David Cameron’s leadership can claim absolute consistency in just one policy: towering, jaw dropping hypocrisy.

By Leigh Day, January 11 2016

Law firm Leigh Day, representing Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), has issued a pre-action protocol letter for judicial review challenging the government’s decision to export arms to Saudi Arabia despite increasing evidence that Saudi forces are violating international humanitarian law (IHL) in Yemen.

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 11 2016
This policy of nuclear bombing of targeted cities is still on the drawing board of the Pentagon. While today’s list of targets remains classified, cities in Russia, China, the Middle East, North Korea are on the target list.

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