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08 enero, 2016

#WarCrimes, #DoubleStandards, #Corruption, and the #Israeli #Palestinian #Conflict

By Global Research News

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By Richard Silverstein, January 07 2016
The silence of the U.S. government when American citizens are actively engaged in anti-Palestinian terrorism
suggests that we condemn Islamist terror while condoning Jewish terror. 

By Matt Peppe, January 07 2016
As the American Historical Association (AHA) prepares to vote this week on a symbolic resolution that affirms support for the right to education in the occupied Palestinian territories, apologists for the Israeli regime’s policies against Palestinians are putting forward nonsensical rationalizations for their opposition to the measure. 

By Stephen Lendman, January 06 2016
Israeli soldiers and militarized police extrajudicially execute defenseless Palestinians with impunity. They’ve been denied justice for nearly seven decades. Nothing in prospect suggests change. 

By David Swanson, January 07 2016
The United States’ 20 wealthiest people (The 0.000006 Percent) now own more wealth than the bottom half of the U.S. population combined, a total of 152 million people in 57 million households. 

By Dylan Matthews, January 07 2016
The book in question isn’t a UN document — it’s a doctoral thesis from the University of Lucerne by Ramona Pedretti, pursuing the question of when heads of state and other government officials can be charged in foreign courts. Generally, she explains, there are two forms of immunity in international law from which heads of state can benefit.

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