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04 febrero, 2016

#Asia #Pacific Report

By Global Research News

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By Dr. Dan Steinbock, February 03 2016
President Xi Jinping’s three-nation tour in the Middle East heralds a shift from US regime change to Chinese economic development. 

By Samuel Davidson, February 03 2016
An estimated 400,000 steelworkers in China will lose their jobs, in line with plans to slash crude steel production capacity by between 100 million and 150 million tons. 

By Tony Cartalucci, February 01 2016
The “New Cold War” could be a potential description for the unfolding geopolitical lay of the planet as Russia reemerges as a world power, and China rises as a new one in the face of a prevailing Wall Street-Washington-London international order. 

By Saif Wahidov, January 31 2016
In late April 2014, U.S. President Obama embarked on a four-nation trip to Asia namely Japan, South-Korea, Philippines and Malaysia. Malaysia was the only country on Obama’s itinerary that was not a treaty ally of the United States. 

By Jeremy Garlick, January 28 2016
Since the start of 2016, there has been a proliferation of downbeat prognoses about the dire state of China’s economy in the Western media. Respected organs such as The Economist and The Wall Street Journal have opined that it is a question not of if but when China’s economy will suffer a sharp downturn.

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