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01 marzo, 2016

Did #Esquire Just Call For #Trump To Be #Killed?


Published by the Hearst Corporation, Esquire Magazine, though not primarily a political magazine, is clearly aligned with the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class). Like most major media organs, Esquire operates under the influence of Jewish oversight -- with Jay Fielden serving as Editor of Esquire, and Steve Swartz as President and CEO of Hearst. The highly unflattering Donald Trump cover stories which the monthly magazine has run therefore come as no surprise.
http://esq.h-cdn.co/assets/15/34/768x1092/gallery-1439844171-esq0804covtx-trump-donald.jpg http://esq.h-cdn.co/assets/16/01/768x1060/gallery-1451926582-esquire-march-cover-trump.jpg
Pure hatred! -- August 2004 & February 2016

What your intrepid reporter and his trusted feline sidekick did, however, find surprising - shocking to be more precise - is what appears to be a cryptic death threat suggested by an Esquire online story posted on February 24, 2016 (full article here). The headline reads: 'How to Stop Donald Trump', and is written by Charles Pierce. It's a very intriguing headline, but, in and of itself, nothing much to cause alarm. 

But just two paragraphs into his hate-filled piece, we find an extended reference to Louisiana Senator Huey
Long, the anti-Establishment insurgent who was planning to challenge incumbent President FDR in the 1936 election. From the Esquire article:

"In his magisterial biography of Huey Long... T. Harry Williams explains the thinking behind the long game that the 'Kingfish' saw himself playing as the Great Depression played out.
There was no doubt in Long's mind that that all would go as he had planned it. Of Roosevelt he said scornfully, 'I can take him. He's a phony…He's scared of me. I can outpromise him, and he knows it. People will believe me and they won't believe him.'"
The energy behind the two men is as similar as the parallel is inexact. 
Huey Long ... relentlessly vilified the economic and social elite, first in Louisiana and then in the entire country. He, Trump, on the other hand, was a child of that elite, and he had never departed from it, except in his public persona, which is where we find him now. A huge portion of the Republican electorate—and, sadly, a not-insignificant portion of the American people—wants a strongman, the more vulgar the better. Huey Long came by his vulgarity naturally. He, Trump has had to work at it .... I am one of you, they both said, you poorly educated suckers. Look how common and vulgar I am.
There does not appear to be any way to stop him now. Unless something completely untoward happens, He, Trump will be the Republican nominee for president."
 http://www.realclearpolitics.com/docs/2013/IRShueylong.jpg http://www.bookwormroom.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/fdr-cigarette.jpg
Long was larger than life, and he hated FDR and denounced the Eastern banking class. The Globalists, who were already making plans to enflame Europe in war, had to stop this charismatic outsider. How did they finally do it?

Initially a Roosevelt supporter, fellow Democrat Long came to view FDR as a phony and a tool of the Eastern Bankster Class. FDR despised Long in return, referring to him and General Douglass Macarthur as "the two most dangerous men in America." To discredit Long, FDR ordered his IRS to investigate his finances  
The chilling part of Pierce's hate-fest is not what he wrote about history pertaining to Huey Long, but rather, what he did not write. What Pierce deliberately withheld from his readers, but is certainly already well-known to the PRC, is that Long's Trump-like rebellion was finally "stopped" by a bullet to his abdomen, followed by some dirty work at the hospital. On September 8, 1935, a Dr. Carl Weiss, we are told, confronted Long and shot him. Rather than take Weiss alive, bodyguards shoot him 60 times. (Dead men tell no tales!)

As the "conspiracy theory" goes, Weiss was just a patsy, set up only to punch Long in the face while a bodyguard actually shot the Senator. Long was rushed to the hospital and died two days later due to what some say is "medical incompetence". No autopsy was performed (just like none was performed on Justice Antonin Scalia). More than 100,000 mourners attended the funeral of the anti-Wall Street "rock star" who would have been President.

1: Long was mourned by millions throughout the South.
2: Carl Weiss, the patsy-assassin, was needlessly shot to death
 (ala Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth)
3: Long was actually recovering before his condition "worsened'.

The answer to the question which Hearst's Esquire posed as: 'How to Stop Donald Trump' is not, as the story suggests, "all of us realizing who we are." No! The message being broadcast only to those 'in-the-know' is simply: "That son-of-a-bitch Trump has to die, just like Huey Long!"      -- Believe it!
Be careful, Mr. Trump. These boys don't play around.


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