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04 marzo, 2016

Hateful #NYTimes Editorial Attacks #Trump

NY Times: The Party of Trump, and the Path Forward for Democrats


The first thing to catch our eye about this latest bit of disgusting and deceitful hate-journalism from that miserable little-man-behind-the-curtain Andrew Rosenthal, aka "The Editorial Board", was the graphic of a gray check-mark that appears to look like falling Twin Towers. These psychos have a long history of throwing concealed messages - as well as some not-so-concealed messages, in our faces. They evidently must derive some perverse sort of psycho-sexual thrill from doing so. Note the similarity between the image and the towers.

Coincidence? Or Sulzberger's seditious Slimes teasing us again?

As for Rosenscum's nasty editorial, it adds further evidence to the already indisputable truth that the Globo-Zionist PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) is in full panic mode over the rising popularity of the imperfect
(from our view) Donald Trump. Let us review the libelous litany of hateful adjectives and outright lies:

Paragraph 2: "shady, bombastic liar" -- "symbol of intolerance and division"
Paragraph 3: "the likes of him" -- "targeting religious and racial minorities" -- "flirts with white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan" -- "ridicules and slanders"
Paragraph 4: "anger-filled message"
Paragraph 5: "months of games" (played by Trump)
Paragraph 6: "darker elements within the Republican Party"
Paragraph 7: "exclusion, bigotry and character assassination" -- "his tactics" (negative sense)
Paragraph 8: "record of falsehoods and business failures" -- "scam that is Trump University"
Paragraph 9: "the worst of political impulses"
Paragraph 10: "foul statements" -- "shallow ideas"
Paragraph 11: "politics of rage"

Wow! "Anger-filled message?" -- Projecting again, Mr. Rosenfeces? "Record of business failures?" Really Rosenstink? The 121st richest man* (here), in the richest country in the world, is a "failure" at business?
* Trump maintains that he ranks in the top 50. 

A classic psycho-narcissist -- the little man behind the curtain is full of the red-hot hatred which he accuses Trump of having.

Sulzberger and Rosenstool's unhinged hatred for Trump, and the people who are supporting him, is every bit as deep as that of their cross-town competitor / co-conspirator -- The New York Daily News of Mort Zuckerman (cough cough). The only difference between the two newspapers is their respective target audiences -- with the broadsheet-format Slimes being written for the "educated" (ha ha!) and the tabloid-format Daily News for the "uneducated". The Daily News just acts crazier, but make no mistake -- the Yellow Journalists at The Slimes are just as vile and just as radical -- albeit much more reserved in their presentation.

The "serious" Jew York Slimes and the "outrageous" Jew York Daily News work in tandem -- spreading the very same lies to different classes of readers. 

Boobus Americanus 1: The New York Times Editorial Page really ripped Donald Trump to shreds today. And they did it with tact and gravitas.
Boobus Americanus 2: I have always appreciated the respectable manner in which The Times makes its points -- unlike the low-brow New York Daily News with its sensationalist front page headlines.

"Idiot! It'ss the exact ssame bull-#^@ brought to you by memeberss of the ssame tribe, but wrapped up in a different package -- that'ss all!"
(The sophist Boobuses are too superficial to understand the complementing dynamic between the two papers.)

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