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08 marzo, 2016

#Israel Sobornó a #SenadorRepublicano para #Sabotear el #TratadoNuclear con #Irán

El senador Tom Cotton aceptó 1 millón dólares de Israel para sabotear el acuerdo nuclear con Irán.
Al parecer, sólo costó 1 millón para sobornar al republicano Tom Cotton para que saboteara el importante acuerdo internacional nuclear con Irán, e incluso puede ser que una nación cargada de tensión con los Estados Unidos sea la que está ofreciendo el dinero. En una maniobra de sombra, Cotton aceptó casi $ 1millón del Comité de Emergencia para Israel y accedió a ser la cara de la oposición contra el acuerdo nuclear con Irán.

Israel Bribed GOP Senator With $1M To Shut Down Iran Deal
by hqanon
Representative Tom Cotton accepted $1M from Israel to shut down Iran Nuclear Deal.

Apparently it only costs $1 million to bribe Republican Tom Cotton to sabotage the globally-important Iran Nuclear Deal, and it can even be a nation fraught with tension with America that’s offering the money. In a shady maneuver, Cotton accepted nearly $1M from the Emergency Committee for Israel and agreed to be the face of the opposition against the Iran Nuclear Deal. 

Cotton has been known for his opposition to the deal and his pro-Israel actions, and now we know why. Wiretaps revealed that, “Mr. Netanyahu and his advisers had leaked details of the US-Iran negotiations
—learned through Israeli spying operations—to undermine the talks; coordinated talking points with Jewish-American groups against the deal; and asked undecided lawmakers what it would take to win their votes, according to current and former officials familiar with the intercepts.” This information came from the Wall Street Journal report that discussed the surprising find while wiretapping Israelis. 

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, and his top aides were recorded when meeting with members of Congress and Jewish-American groups and reportedly leaked information about the nuclear deal to convince those present to oppose the deal. The meeting included Israeli leaders asking the members of Congress, “How can we get your vote? What’s it going to take?” 

Credit: CNN

The Emergency Committee for Israel donated the $1M to Cotton’s campaign, knowing he was an Israeli sympathizer. Shortly after taking office in March 2015, Cotton penned an open letter to Iran, signed by 47 other Republican lawmakers, warning them that even if a deal were agreed on, a Republican president would not uphold the deal. This was meant to encourage Iran to back out of the deal, but instead it backfired on Cotton and the signees as some contemplated prosecuting them under the Logan Act. The Logan Act states that no unauthorized U.S. citizen may negotiate with foreign nations while the U.S. is in dispute with them. At the time, negotiations were still underway with Iran. 

Not only were Cotton and the other 47 Republicans not prosecuted, but Cotton has gone on to undermine America in favor of Israel by seeking to kiss the ring of Netanyahu during a visit to Israel in August 2015 and pledging allegiance to Israel and its Prime Minister. Cotton stated, “Today’s meeting only reaffirms my opposition to this deal. I will stand with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israel and work with my colleagues in Congress to stop this deal and to ensure that Israel has the means to defend itself against Iran and its terrorist surrogates.” 

Tom Cotton’s actions border along treason, as he openly has sided with another nation’s leader over America’s president and government for whom he works for. His acceptance of foreign donation money that influenced his decision to oppose the nuclear deal is unconstitutional and America should keep a close eye on him.

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