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01 marzo, 2016

#USElection is Being Stolen

Jim Stone

The election is being stolen
Numerous people who voted for Trump noticed that the Diebold tabulated ballot automatically flipped the votes to Rubio. Drudge was good enough to post this. WATCH THE DIRTY GAME PLAYING, THIS ALONE SHOULD GET RUBIO JAIL TIME BECAUSE IT PROVES HE IS A FRAUD THAT WILL STEAL AN ELECTION. Don't even dream of a fair election, it will not happen and I urge other countries, espectially Iran, to ditch all forms of electronic vote counting because you cannot have a real election when Isreal and / or Kikedom provides the infrastructure.

I do not know if this election can be saved. The goal? Allow Trump to receieve the smallest fraction of his real votes possible to satisfy public opinion and eliminate backlash, all the while everything stolen goes to a single alternative candidate, to make sure Trump cannot root in and take it. But ONE STOLEN VOTE IS WORTH A REVOLUTION, AND THERE ARE MANY MANY DOCUMENTED ALREADY. It appears they will steal this election one way or another, and when they do, they will leave "lock and load" as the only rational option. 

Super Tuesday 
Total Republican delegates up for grabs today: 594.

Total classified documents Hillary might put up for grabs today: 1,033

I do not believe the democrats have enough popularity to beat any Republican candidate. Lets watch the media circus, which will keep on trumpeting how much support the Democrats have, all the while a few lonely flies attend Hillary's gatherings and 75 people show up to see Chelsea. And I bet in Chelsea's case, it was predominantly family that showed up as her audience, the same as what happens for a school play.

If Hillary is not packing them in by the tens of thousands everywhere she goes, she does not have the support she needs to go against Trump, and if one considers who does show up for Hillary, it becomes clear that she should not be in politics at all. But the ziopress can work miracles, let's see how well they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes this time.

NEW STRATEGY: They cannot "save the Republicans" by bashing Trump. So their new strategy will be to say the Democrats are much more popular overall, so they will win the final election. The writing is on the wall for that one. 

Farrakahn hates Clinton
 I never thought I would ever post anything from him, but this is good:
"How many of you are going to vote for Hillary Clinton? You dont have to raise your hands. I do not blame you for wanting a female president, but that is a wicked woman. She can be sweet but so can you. And you know when you are sweet but playing a game. All of a sudden she knows about Trayvon Martin. All of a sudden - the boys been dead two years now - she's talking about him like she met the mother and oh . . . White people, this is Satan. And you fall for that crap? Most of you went to jail for having a little blunt. They arranged that - the Clintons. Mass incarceration came about under the Clintons, Dont forget that. They call my young gang bangers super predators. And Black Lives Matter put it to her - she didnt know how to handle that. Calls you a super predator, that has no conscience, no sense of dignity like you are a dog, an animal. She's gotta bring you to heel - you, my young brothers. This is what she said about you and she didnt just say it - it became law and policy of the U.S. government under Bill Clinton and his wife, and now she is apologizing, but apologizing cant bring back the broken families. Apologizing cant bring back those that have been destroyed in prison life.

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