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16 junio, 2016

#OrlandoShooting from June 12 to June16

Jim Stone
One thing to consider about where they took the Orlando night club shooting:
Is it not interesting that it serves Obama's gay agenda and Obama's gun control agenda in one event? And in the new story the guy shows up with an ASSAULT RIFLE? Why are all these attacks gun attacks? When are we going to finally see a variation in the official story, such as "Man pumps up Weed-B-Gone sprayer full of gas and flame throws night club?" Come on now, the "assault rifle" meme is getting a little bit repetitive. Assault rifles are really not the norm among gun owners, why is it always THAT? And if anything did happen at that night club and it is not all a false flag, it was almost certainly an MK patsy. Time to comb craigslist for "gigs" and look for terror training drills in Orlando. Yep. That again.
Ok, so we have a patsy and an escaped controller. The handler escaped, early reports said there were two people, and now they have dropped to one. That would be because the patsy was set up by the handler, people witnessed two people, (the handler got noticed) and now they have to drop the handler out of the news because he needs to get back to Israel. Just like I said in the first paragraph: SAME OLD SAME OLD, CREATIVITY IS A PERPETUAL FAIL NOW. Just always assault rifles and suicide vests. They can't have a pissed off homosexual in the mix if they want a war on Islam to proceed.
I see this crap and say OH, not another one. Same story. Bat Man. Sandy Hook. San Bernardino. The "art festival". Orlando. Patsy dead.
Oh, and their variance this time I guess was that instead if innocent children getting shot by an ASSAULT RIFLE, it was the poor little gays getting shot by an ASSAULT RIFLE. Yep, they are the victim now, No one can ridicule anymore because THEY ARE THE VICTIMS and gee, if you hate gays, you will go shoot up a night club the way ISIS(tm) did. Yep. Milk it 500 ways. You can bet they will use this to silence anyone who is against the gay agenda.
I'll believe it is real and not pre planned when someone takes out a synagogue over the high holidays. That is something they would NEVER set up.
Oh, how cool! He was "ISIS" and he attacked the GAYS with a SUICIDE VEST and ASSAULT RIFLE. So if you are anti-gay, you are just like ISIS and you are a potential terrorist. That is how they play this crap. . . . .wait for it.
What they will try to get from this: 1. Hate crimes legislation. 2. Increased surveillance. 3. A gun ban. 4. An increased hatred for Muslims, thus justifying more wars, all the while the other head of the hydra talks "tolerance" to bury the fact that the hydra hatched it out of thin air.


I might as well put item 8 on top, because it confirms everything that follows that I reported earlier. The man who wrote this post obviously does not know about false flags, and that most likely ALL non patsy shooters returned to CIA/Mossad headquarters unhurt. He thinks they are not letting the public know about the other two shooters who "got away", when really, they "got away" because they were not the assigned patsy and are not part of the story line. This explains the high death toll, and other reports about it being more than a one man operation.

It was an obvious false flag and beyond that, who knows what the real truth is?

People are pursuing the crisis actor/drill angle with this. I will say this:
1. Is it not interesting that this happened right in the middle of the Bilderberg meetings?
2: Hmm, remember one of the other shootings, where the shooter's dad was running for President in an arab state? Well, this also got reported in relation to this latest "shooting", that the shooter's dad was running for President in Afghanistan. That is too coincidental, I think the same idiotic psy op team or AI was in charge of this shooting as well. I don't believe this was anything but staged, real blood or not.
3: Wait a minute: Why were so many of the injured paraded down the exact same path in front of the cameras? Just like Nick Vogt, who went back and forth in front of the cameras FIVE TIMES with his legs blown off, rather than straight to an ambulance. Now it is looking fishy.

4: Here is a big one: If you youtube "pulse nightclub orlando" you will see that people constantly make cell phone recordings in the crowd. Yet not one cell phone video of this shooting starting from the crowd in the night club has surfaced yet. AND THAT WOULD BE BECAUSE THEY CAPTURED MORE THAN ONE SHOOTER ON VIDEO, AND GET BLOWN OFF THE WEB THE SECOND THEY ARE POSTED.

Shooting victims are being listed under fake names. WHY? See this:

The picture is a link. The quote I captured is under the timeline of 6:10. and it is certainly odd!

6: Obama: "We" are to blame, not Islamic terrorism, for massacre" MY TRANSLATION: You have guns. You refuse a gun ban. It is your fault, and I will fix that!

7: At least a third person had to have been involved in the night club false flag, because a witness was on the air saying someone was outside holding the doors to the night club shut while the shooters did their work. His testimony ended when he was cut off abruptly by the censors. That would make 2 shooters (minimum) and one outdoor accomplice (minimum). That kills the official story dead, THIS CORROBORATES CODY AGNEW'S TESTIMONY ABOVE, A TOTAL BUST OF THIS FALSE FLAG: see this

Ok, so we have no pictures from inside the club. We have no video from inside the club. We have witnesses saying the "victims" cannot be located, because they are using fake names. We have the shooter's supposed dad already apologizing, and running for President of Afghanistan. We have a shooter who worked for the world's largest mercenary providing security firm. We have ridiculous camera placement catching footage of every victim going by. We have a witness saying there were two shooters. We have another witness saying there were three shooters. We have an entirely different witness saying someone was holding the doors shut. And it is all happening during the Bilderberg meeting. I am not going to state an opinion about this being yet another total false flag, but I will ask people to think! (ok, that position is becoming a joke I admit)

I made a few mistakes early on, but I can at least post the following portion of my original report (it survived my mistakes) while I sort things out, and I'd also like to say that if whoever staged this thought it would do any good, all it will really do is increase support for Trump.

I came up with a major dig!
G4S security is featured in a MAJOR WAY on Mercenaryjobs.org and that certainly does not look good. But wait, it gets better! SEE THIS: "a growing number are military specialists dispatched by the company into what are delicately known as "complex environments" to take on jobs that national armies lack the skill or the will to do" That certainly fits his ex-wife's description of him being evil and violent. yada bada bing! Hey, he worked for a Mercenaryjobs.org featured "security firm" but where did he actually do his security work? I'd bet NO WHERE, and that he did gigs, and was the fall guy for this particular gig. Now we have the perfect explanation for why witnesses at the scene reported 3 shooters and other helpers, and the MSM is saying nothing! 

THIS ONE IS WEIRD: Mateen was a regular at the Pulse for 3 entire years!
Yep. If this Gawker report is accurate, (and I bet it is) Mateen was gay. The story from the dad is a lie. It is all a sham. Most likely Mateen thought it was going to be a drill, and they went live. Because he was gay and he would have spoken up, his mercenary team killed him. He was supposed to be the fall guy.
I have embedded the report here on the left hand side of this page, because I don't know if this one will be allowed to live. This would confirm EVERYTHING - the other shooters, and that Mateen really was a patsy. Mateen went to the pulse and got drunk off his butt repeatedly and often had to be kicked out while drunk. Though someone grasping at straws could then say he was bitter about being thrown out so much and went back and shot the place up, it can't explain how he would have convinced several other people to do it. Only one thing fits: He was on a mercenary team with his security firm, they decided to do a drill, the club owners knew what was going to happen and they let it all happen. They might have even been complicit with the doors being held shut. The shooters show up, drill goes live, they shoot patsy and others AND WALK. And if I heard it right NO GUNS WERE RECOVERED FROM THE SCENE. How could that be? Well, read the embedded Gawker report here to the left and THINK, they try to uphold the official lie but that is an OBVIOUS FAIL.
There is another obvious angle to this story now, and that is that a mercenary team showed up to shoot up the night club, did the job and left, Mateen was among the dead because he was there so much anyway, and Afghani, so they pinned it all on him to frame Muslims. There is a huge chance that is what really happened.
UPDATE: They have caved and are going to "arrest someone else" in relation to the Orlando shooting
QUESTION: Why did they let them go to begin with? If our patsy is the only one dead, and at least two other shooters were inside the club while the police had it all locked down, HOW DID THEY GET AWAY? How could people be outside holding the doors through this shooting when the police were obviously ALL OVER THAT PLACE? I'll tell you how: BULLLLLLLLLLLLSHIT!
The story line: ONE SHOOTER. Everyone else walks. But now that social media provided a way for that to get blown up, they are back tracking desperately and trying to plug holes they never thought anyone would open. And the arrest would be made over the next few days??!!?? WHY? If they could make an arrest at all, it should happen INSTANTLY without announcement. But it might take them a few days to scolpamine up a retarded patsy and hypnotize him into saying he did it, THAT IS WHY IT WILL TAKE A FEW DAYS AND THERE IS NO OTHER CONCEIVABLE REASON. This stuff is not a video game, where you can predict you will be off a level "in a few minutes". The only way they can predict an arrest over the next few days is if they already have their back up patsy drugged, in programming, and waiting for the electric chair.

There is only ONE ANSWER, and that is that they knew about it and played their part in the script. If there was no script, they'd have all "known" and reported the truth from second one, NOT only after they were irrevocably busted.
Would the police really be that corrupt? Let me answer that with another question: Would the Bolshevik Communist security forces be that corrupt? HELL YES, and since the biggest factor in how police behave is in their psychological profiling when hired, and subsequent training, the fact they were American means NOTHING.
And I have another salient point: If some guy really was running around inside a club with a thousand plus rounds for 3 hours shooting, all the while people held the doors shut so no one could escape, it would not matter how stupid he was, with THAT MUCH TIME he'd have killed them all. So what we are looking at here is a controlled operation with a pre-determined death toll.
And howcome the police did not arrest the people who were holding the doors shut when they could just walk right up and see that happening? They could have shut that part of the shooting down instantly, why did they not stop that, report that, or have 2 more people arrested for this right from the start? I dunno! Er, Uhhh, . . . . . ask your local Bolshevik communist!
Let's close the final loophole then: Let's say the other 4 people scrammed before police arrived. Why did the police, who should have at least spoken to witnesses at the scene extensively (after all, 200 or so people were not shot, and could have and WOULD HAVE spoken to them for hours about this) - OK, so how could the 200 or so witnesses at this scene not tell the police there were other people involved? Were they all blind, Or did that simply not fit the narrative Obama or whoever else wanted - the lone nutcase doing Jihad?
Don't call Obama a bystander in this, he probably ordered this sh*t.
I can just see it now: ELECTION CANCELED BECAUSE NUTCASE JIHADIS ARE RUNNING AROUND SHOOTING UP THE POLLS. Let's see if tptb have the audacity to pull a scam like that.

Additional shooters spark outrage?
Yeah, from the Jewish community, as they blast the social media spectrum with paid trolls pushing the whole idea of "outrage", with their very own Facebook vaporizing conflicting testimony and Twitter getting the purge. But it is TOO LATE. Because their own papers at first published hundreds of articles about two shooters (scroll down, it was the first thing posted here) and their own media blasted a witness off the air who said someone was holding the doors shut. And Cody Agnew managed to faceplant a post out long enough for everyone who was quick on their toes to get a capture of it, as is also shown here, on this page. Fortunately I found that early and put it up on this site, which is the mortal enemy of the ziopress, to allow others to grab it and save it. So it was not just one "nutcase" in error, and had it been up to the Jews, They'd have vaporized the third testimony, the THREE STRIKES THERE IS NO MISTAKE TESTIMONY. Now it is out there en masse, and they can't get rid of it.
I am going to state a simple fact here: We have three witnesses here that are totally unrelated giving their own different accounts of what they saw, and ALL 3 saw more than one person acting, from three totally different perspectives. What does this mean then? It means that dozens of witnesses tried to talk, and three got through the censor bot, THAT is what it means, and it means NOTHING ELSE. And so DEAR JEWISH COMMUNITY: I AM OUTRAGED THAT YOU CENSORED ALL THE OTHER EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS OFF FACEBOOK, AND EVEN VAPORIZED THE ONE THAT MADE IT TO FACEBOOK, THUS PROVING THAT YOU REALLY ARE DELETING THEM. YOU SUCK, YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY AND EVERYONE IS QUICKLY WAKING UP.
What are you going to do when the entire public figures out you do nothing but float a raft of lies down a river of bullshit? OUTRAGE? YOU ARE OUTRAGED? OUTRAGED THAT THE TRUTH GOT OUT? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU MADE OF?
No doubt they have this file in the censor bot to prevent it from being E-mailed. If you can, just pull it into photoshop and re-save it as a jpeg with a different file name before sending. That will circumvent the censors and they will have to play whack a mole.
My god, screen captures SUCK

They are saying "going all video" was in the works earlier, but WHY did we never hear even a whiff of this before Cody Agnew blew the lies away with this? Well, because you can easily send a capture, but video has to be hosted somewhere and they can just kill it, that's why!
Ok, so think: ISIS claimed responsibility. Who runs ISIS? THINK!!! The American government indicted itself!
The reports about police making a second arrest over the next few days have all vanished! I guess they backed up with that because trolls pushed "outrage" well enough! Why would anyone be outraged with Cody's post anyway, unless they had a lie to protect?
OOPS, I found one of those reports, and it says NOTHING about his current wife, who they are claiming they will arrest now because she is the only way out! That is because reports like this were triggered by Cody Agnew saying there was more than one shooter and Cody, being #3, provided the third leg for the truth to stand on and they can't push it over. If they suspected his wife, they'd have nailed her by 9AM that morning, not talked about doing it "in days" after Cody and others got the real word out!
1.Janiel Gonzales who said there was a second man holding the door shut and then got cut off the air abruptly
2.Javer Antonetti (53) who spoke to papers early and got quoted in hundreds of papers -"I saw 2 guys"
3. Cody Agnew, who ripped it open on Facebook saying there were 2 other shooters (for a total of 3)
Go Get'em Obama, so they can't ever speak again. GEE, they have already vanished, perhaps you did.
And all the while this is going on, the "Finding Nemo" sequel is going to feature a transvestite stingray. How cute. Considering the agenda, that fits. /rant.

So the question is, was Orlando fake also?

God I hate to go down that road every time, but San Bernardino was fake as fruit loops, complete with remote controlled SUV going down the road with no one in it, only to be shot up. And now, Mateen appears to be an actor. There is more than just the capture to the left here, take a look at this In San Bernardino they probably killed the patsies. I am not so sure about Mateen being dead. And the witnesses at the Pulse could have all believed it was real, and/or it was real and 100 percent staged by the government. Mateen has an IMDB profile which proves he was an actor. What can I say? That is quite the coincidence. I am not ready to say no one was shot at the Pulse, but Mateen? He might have been an act.
And what about his dad, who was a proven CIA asset? Seddique Mateen ran a television program in Afghanistan which received funding from "The Voice Of America". Obviously mums the word on that one, but it really drives something home. How much closer could a kid possibly be tied to an ongoing black op than that? How does a kid with a CIA asset dad shoot up a gay night club, on top of acting in movies on his own twice? The official story is falling apart like a maggot ridden fish that is about to fly away.
And now, they are coming for the guns, and saying patriotic Christian Americans are the same as Islamic Jihadists. They won't succeed in a gun grab, the attrition rate will be too high. And now, after this, I am going to let go a little secret, and tell people something that will make a gun ban irrelevant. If you do not have a gun right now, DO THIS:
Well, back in the day working in automated industrial systems, (which made it possible for me to call B.S. on Fukushima and clearly point out Stuxnet and what it was in irrefutable terms) well, I have a little secret here, There is slack time and you don't always work. You screw around.ANYWAY we did all kinds of things to kill time when nothing was going on, and one of them was finding out exactly what you could accomplish with compressed air. I have a secret: A marble in a one inch piece of EMT conduit (a big marble that fits real good, you know, like what is in a hydrofilter all big industry has so there was a good supply) anyway, one of those marbles in a five foot piece of EMT conduit will, if you succeed in getting the air to come on instantly at 100 PSI (and that takes practice) ANYWAY, when you get good at that, you can send a one inch marble through a 3/4 inch sheet of plywood. That is stronger than your skull. It takes no practice at all to get enough velocity to kill a pigeon. I never did that, but others did.
Problem: You can't run around with an air compressor, right? Well, yeah, you can. You see, even NASA says a 2 liter coke bottle will hold 100 psi of air. These are used for compressed air water rockets. Use two. Rig them together with hoses that won't come off. Use a small bike pump like what racing bikes have to pump it up. Use a smaller piece of conduit or pipe. 3 feet ought to do just fine, short enough to hide really good. Lots of electric air valves are actuated with 12 volts DC. Rig that into your gun, because those come on far more instantly than any amount of practice could accomplish with a manual valve. You can get a small one that won't weigh much at your local industrial supply. Ask for a 12 volt DC Parker air valve. One inch or as little as a half inch if you can get that cheaper and you don't use a one inch barrel. OK . . . . .
You don't want to waste all your air in one shot. So rig the two big bottles into a back pack, and have a one pint bottle actually on the gun. Take a small diameter hose, and run it to the one pint bottle from the big bottles. (upgrade this to a liter if you don't get enough oomph, but I think a pint will do with most setups) Use a big hose between the small bottle and the Parker valve, the other side of which will be attached to your gun barrel. When you shoot your gun, the small bottle will quickly discharge all of its air (and I mean in a millisecond) and the valve will shut off because when the pressure gets too low, they won't stay activated. Obviously release the trigger quickly too. When you release the trigger, the valve will definitely be closed and the small air hose from the two big bottles will re-charge the small bottle quickly, so you don't waste time pumping up between shots.
All of this can be done for $2 in conduit, appropriate marbles or your own lead shot or ball bearings sized to fit your conduit (half inch conduit will probably do just fine also for smaller rounds) and if you want, you can make killer blow gun darts out of heavy nails also. You will probably spend $30 for the Parker valve, (parker is a brand name, use it it is good) and the small 12 volt valves open up real good and are cheap. You definitely won't have to pay $100 for the valve (maybe you might have to pay $50.) The rest of the cost is a coca cola binge, and hoses from Autozone, and whatever battery setup you rig to get your 12 volts. The valves won't eat much power, they work with just a little so any battery setup arranged to hit 12 volts will work, AA and up. 2 9 volt batteries in series would be great. The valve won't care about the extra volts. Obviously your trigger will just be a momentary switch. You might want to arrange a way to breech load if you are using heavy nails set up like blow gun darts.
Obviously (absent a way to breech load) you have to drop whatever you are going to shoot down the barrel before firing, and it has to be a good fit or it will not work. You could shoot thick nails with super robust cones on the end to make a blow gun from Hell. We tried that too, and it went 100 yards on a perceptibly flat trajectory into another building that was part of the same factory, entirely through the outside wall of that building, crossed an open space in the building and buried itself in another wall inside the building. Heavy nails are wicked and we only shot one, because we got lucky and did not kill anyone with the first try. Yes we should have been fired. But no one found out.
So there you have it. Probably not the most accurate thing around, but if all you want to do is sneak up behind a blue hat and pop him in the head to get his gun, it will work fine. Same with people wearing really small hats too. Probably work just fine out to 100+ yards too, with a little luck with accuracy. The nail seemed more accurate than marbles. It is loud, but no where near as loud as a gun.
To the so called "elite": There are a million ways to do things. How do you like that tested and proven idea? It is not myth, that actually works, and works so good that as we progressed getting it better and better, we reached a point where we had to stop because what could be accomplished was TOO MUCH.

There is a strong possibility the Orlando shooting was fake.
Key portion of San Bernardino report proves that was a lie too
Here is the portion of the San Bernardino report that proves in irrefutable terms it was fake.
From THIS VIDEO I captured the SUV as you see it to the left here (it is in the very first part of the video where the SUV is being filmed from the street, where the scenes are changing so fast they are practically flickering) and I then pulled the capture into GIMP which is a free image editor that is as powerful as Photoshop (if not more powerful) that you can download for Windows, Mac, and Linux HERE for ABSOLUTELY FREE and prove I am not making this up. With the levels editor in Gimp I pulled all 3 arrows down to the dark end of the dynamic range with a small space between pointers and then moved the center slider around until it hit the correct range in the capture to show the seat was there, and empty. The levels adjustment, when used this way, expands the dynamic range to make subtle differences you can't see in the image when viewed normally pop out of the murk. Trolls smashed the inbox saying I faked the seat image. FINE. All I can say is if anyone is too lazy to download a video, pause it in the right spot, capture that frame, and pull it into a free image editor I have linked here for them so they don't even have to look for it I can't help them and they can stuff it.
As you can see from the processed capture below, THE DRIVERS SEAT IS EMPTY. 

This is the other item that has someone pissed:
This vehicle could not have possibly been acquired and driven by our patsies because the front emergency lights are flashing white in the video. Only police vehicles are allowed to have that ability, normal cars are required to flash YELLOW, BY LAW.
QUESTION: How did our Muslim terrorists manage to drive a restricted "law enforcement only" vehicle?

1 comentario:

  1. The Orlando Pulse shooting as produced by Saturday Night Live (SNL) and used many of their actors. https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=RRH67UYWKOAA
