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13 junio, 2016

#OrlandoShooting #Hoax

NY Times: Gunman in Orlando Pledged Allegiance to ISIS Before Attack


It is the standard practice of your intrepid reporter here at The Anti New York Times to restrain his instinct-driven, ferocious feline sidekick and wait a few days before definitively slamming the stamp of bullshit on a false false-flag event carried out with crisis actors, fake blood, dead "lone gunmen," no corpses, no ambulances and goofy "spontaneous" vigils. Not this time. Sugar, the floor is yours!

"It's all a bunch of $#@*&^% ^^$%$@!!!

The producers at LHS (Langley-Hollywood Studios) have really, and we do mean really, "pushed the envelope" with this latest stunt involving the "Pulse" sodomite club in Orlando, Florida -- setting an astonishing, and we do mean astonishing "lone gunman" record of 50 kills plus 53 wounded! Eat you heart out Rambo!
How was it possible that in a small crowded club, Rambomar was able to wield a long gun without someone being able to grab either him or the barrel before he could methodically shoot 103 people -- a task which would have required at least 3 magazine replacements? Yes, they were queers, but dominant queers are often weight-lifting macho types who aren't afraid to fight. And the submissive types would have ran for their lives in terror. How did he get past the club's bouncers while wielding a rifle? How could he kill so many people, in the dark, with small .22 caliber bullets (far less lethal than .38's and .45's). He would have had to score 50 head or heart shots to accomplish such an amazing feat.
In addition to the impossible (and invisible) body count, the act of fiction managed to heavily hit upon three propaganda themes at one time:
  • Sympathy for SDT (sodomites, dykes & trannies)
  • Anti-gun hysteria
  • Anti-Muslim hysteria
On the heels of this terrible Trifecta, Homo-Obongo wasted little no time breaking out into his scripted "Comforter-in-Chief" routine:

“We know enough to say this was an act of terror and act of hate. While the violence could have hit any American community. This is an especially heartbreaking day for our friends who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender."

"Our friends?" Speak for yourself, faggot. (better get your "homophobic" slurs out now before they become banned as "hate speech" TM).

The conveeniently dead gunman, Omar Mateen, had, we are told:

"pledged his support for ISIS and invoked the names of the Boston marathon bombers in 911 calls made amid his attack on the crowded venue, according to the FBI." 

"ISIS" = B.S... The Boston Smoke Bomb = B.S... A single gunman blasting at least 103 people = B.S.(2) Play it again Sugar, and bring the Church Lady from Saturday Night Live along with you:

Omar Rambo: 50 dead & 53 wounded -- one bullet at a time (semi-automatic rifles do not spray bullets like Rambo's movie machine gun). Who knew he had such talent with a gun? And why didn't the fags run away?

Another "tell", as they say in poker parlance, is the usual crisis acting "hand-to-the-mouth" and dry-eyed crying routines. Other indicators include the dramatic carrying of victims, to no place in particular, by camera-friendly bystanders (don't they know how to call an ambulance?) and the corny scripted vigils that materialize almost instantly.

Dry-eyed "crying", hands-to-the-face "mourners", instant cheesy vigils popping up all over the world,"spontaneous" marketing logos.


These ridiculous false false-flag shooting attacks will only grow more and more "deadly" with each passing event. The planners will not stop until they either grab America's guns, or their transparent tricks are finally called out. But who in the public arena would dare to call the Orlando "massacre" an impossible hoax? Maybe, Donald Trump? Don't hold your breath. 

"Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!"

In fairness to Trump, if he were to actually question the official account of this charade, the Piranha Press would tear him apart and Boobus Americanus would run away from him by the millions. In the land of the TV mind-slave, politicians are damned for telling the truth --- and blessed if they don't. Fortunately, your intrepid member-supported bloggers (hint-hint) here don't have to bite our tongues. Count on us to keep shouting the unfiltered truth until the usual suspects finally pull the Internet plug on "hate speech" TM.

Even Rambo with a fully automatic machine gun would be hard-pressed to match Omar's laughably high one-bullet-at-a-time body count -- 50 dead & 53 wounded!


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the lone gunman down in Florida had recently pledged his allegiance to ISIS.
Boobus Americanus 2: Such a tragedy. I totally agree with Obama's gun-control initiatives and sympathy for gay rights; but I also have to agree with Trump's tough stand on ISIS.

" 'I pledge allegiance, to the black flag, of Isslamic Sstate of Isiss, and to the terrorissm, for which it sstandss'..... My God Boobuss! You really are an ass-clown!"
(Something wicked this way comes.)

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