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15 junio, 2016

Reported Multiple Orlando Gunmen - #OrlandoShooting

Stephen Lendman

Whether true or not awaits credible evidence proving it. A previous article called it highly unlikely for one gunman to kill or injure over 100 victims singlehandedly before SWAT police stopped him.
Orlando shootings bore distinct earmarks of state-sponsored false flag deception, not terrorism as widely reported.
A Sunday Facebook posting, now deleted, by a man named Cody Agnew, claimed “bits of information that the media are not telling us. There were two others that were in the club slaughtering people last night that were not caught.”
He said his “employee’s sister…was at the club when the whole situation went down…She took 12 bullets…She is coherent, fairly stable, and VERY lucky to still be alive.”
“(T)wo others (involved) are still out there and they are armed and dangerous. The media (are) not reporting this because they don’t want to scare people…”
The post went viral on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter and Instagram before being deleted. No evidence of bodies exists, no video footage inside the Pulse nightclub - nothing verifying what did or didn’t happen.
Connecting Orlando to ISIS is spurious, created and supported by Washington. Why would its members or supporters want the hand feeding it bitten?
Orlando is being used to stoke fear, Clinton and Trump using the incident to show who’s toughest. Chances of being struck by lightning are greater than becoming a terrorist attack victim - death or injury by auto accident or disease infinitely higher.
Separately, Belgian and French authorities claim ISIS fighters returning to Europe plan attacks on their countries. Why would they when NATO supports them?
A video circulating online before being deleted, attributed to someone called Abballa, pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
It showed the attacker killing a police commander and his partner on Monday. After police raided his house and killed him, they allegedly found a list of other potential targets, according to Paris prosecutor Francois Molins.
These type incidents are used to stoke fear, manipulating public opinion to go along with what otherwise would be opposed - facilitating endless wars and police state crackdowns on vital freedoms fast disappearing.
The only major threat Americans and Europeans face are extremist elements infesting their governments - deploring peace, waging endless wars, force-feeding austerity, legislating tyranny, intending it to be full-blown.

Mourning for Orlando: What About for Millions of Imperial Victims
Stephen Lendman

First some important points. Paul Craig Roberts and several of my readers pointed out the absence of
video and other credible evidence, no proof showing dead bodies from Sunday’s Orlando incident. Was it staged, not real?
With 49 reported dead (plus the alleged shooter) and over 50 wounded, where’s the casualty count proof? Why hasn’t there been widespread coverage of the implausibility of a lone gunman attack?
Orlando resembles Sandy Hook (December 14, 2012). Professor James Tracy conducted exhaustive, independent research into what happened.
He questioned the official narrative, presented credible evidence, indicating the incident was staged, not real. Key reasons he presented included explaining:
1. “Proof of death (was) suppressed.”
2. “Emergency protocols were not followed.”
3. “Drill protocols were” used instead.
4. “(F)oreknowledge of the event” existed.
5. Reports about weapons used were “contradictory.”
6. No verifiable evidence indicated Adam Lanza’s responsibility for the shootings - after supposedly killing his mother, then taking his own life after the incident.
7. Authorities and media sources “displayed inappropriate behavior.”
8. Photos of the crime scene and victims “look(ed) staged or fake.”
9. The crime scene was deliberately contaminated and destroyed, making it unusable for investigation.
10. Alleged “(d)eceased children sang at the 2013 Super Bowl.”
Sandy Hook was US state-sponsored false flag deception. Orlando appears more of the same, another incident to be exploited for imperial advantage.
Global media-led worldwide mourning for and solidarity with alleged victims diverts attention from accurately assessing what happened, challenging the official narrative, and assigning blame where it belongs.
The staged global spectacle stands in stark contrast to near-silence, along with public ignorance about and indifference for millions of imperial victims, numbers increasing daily.
They’re slaughtered with impunity by America, NATO, Israel, their rogue allies and proxy terrorist foot soldiers - mass murder called humanitarian intervention.
The UN Charter’s Preamble vow “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war” was hollow. Endless wars rage, America the world’s leading belligerent - world conquest and dominance its objective.
False flags like 9/11, Sandy Hook, very likely Orlando and more to come create fear to enlist public support for what demands committed opposition.
The lesson of Sunday’s incident is things aren’t often as they seem. Accept nothing at face value. Challenge official and scoundrel media accounts.
They’re consistently proved false, willful deception. What’ll it take to get Americans to act against what most threatens their lives, welfare and futures - their own government!

Presidential Politics Exploits Orlando
Stephen Lendman

US presidential aspirants, their supporters and media scoundrels are taking full advantage of Sunday’s incident - likely US-sponsored false flag deception, not radical Islamic terrorism as widely reported.
What’s happening in plain sight should appall everyone, a disgusting display of willful misinformation, intolerable Islamophobia and chauvinism, along with calls for escalated militarism and homeland crackdowns on what remains of constitutional protections.
Hillary Clinton called Orlando’s incident “an act of terror” despite no evidence proving it or showing the incident took place as widely reported. A same day article discussed this.
Clinton saying we “need to redouble our efforts (to defeat) international terrorist groups” ignores their US creation and support.
Claiming America’s homeland defenses need “hardening” is code language for urging greater war on remaining fundamental freedoms than already.
Trump used Orlando to bash Muslims for their faith and ethnicity, outrageously saying “(w)hen I’m elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there’s a proven history of terrorism against the United States.”
“We cannot continue to allow thousands upon thousands of people to pour into our country, many of whom have the same thought process as this savage killer” - meaning Omar Mateen, the alleged Orlando shooter, killed by police, unable to speak on his own behalf.
Sanders blustered about “do(ing) everything that we can…to prevent guns from falling into the hands of people who should not have them.”
He ignored their misuse in the hands of America’s military, waging war on humanity, responsible for millions of deaths, raping and destroying one country after another.
On Sunday, Obama ranted about “elect(ing) politicians…prepared to take on America’s gun epidemic” - mindless of US imperial madness along with militarized police turning the nation’s streets into battlegrounds.
In November, voters are assured of the worst possible outcome - Trump and Clinton hugely dangerous, unfit to serve, assuring endless wars and domestic repression at a time America’s only enemies are ones it invents.
Humanity may not survive the onslaught!

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