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05 agosto, 2016

The #Billionaire #BoysClub vs #DonaldTrump

NY Times: Warren Buffett Is Latest Billionaire to Excoriate Donald Trump


The following is just a partial list of the billionaires (including Democrats, Republicans and foreigners) who are known to oppose, and even hate, Donald Trump. 
It is by no means a complete list! 

Jeff Bezos Amazon, Washington Post / Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway /David Rockefeller Chase Manhattan / Bill Gates Microsoft / Mark Cuban Investor /Arthur Ochs Sulzberger New York Times / Mort Zuckerman New York Daily News / Mark Zuckerberg FaceBook /George Soros Hedge Funds / Meg Whitman Hewlett Packard / Mike Bloomberg Bloomberg Financial Media / Charles & David Koch Koch Industries /Sam Zell Real Estate, Media / Carlos Slim Mexican Investor / Lloyd Blankfein Goldman Sachs / Michael Eisner Media Mogul / Sir Evelyn de Rothschild International Finance / Prince Charles Useless Eater (UK) / Michael Moritz Sequoia Capital /Tom Steyer Farallon Capital / Barry Diller Hollywood - Media

And there are plenty more! So, why all the hate for a fellow billionaire?

There is a common misconception that super-wealthy "capitalists" and big socialist government are enemies. In reality, monopolistic "capitalists" and big government elites are natural allies! You see,
monopoly capitalism should not be confused with free market entrepreneurship. Free market entrepreneurship is your local farmer, and a bunch of other friendly competitors, bringing their tomatoes to your local fruit and veggie market. Monopoly capitalism is Warren Buffoon's wholly-owned Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad getting to ship the oil from Canada that would have been transported through the Keystone Pipeline project which Obongo obediently killed.

Commie-Capitalist Buffoon's endorsement of Obongo was HUGE in both 2008 and 2012. The payoff came in the form of Obongo killing the Keystone Pipeline to benefit Buffett's railroad business. These types of dirty deals won't happen under Trump. 

The Billionaire Boys Club (which has some girls in it too!) have always sought to bend the raw power of government in order to get subsidies, favors, bailouts, cheap financing, stock manipulation, bad trade deals, foreign wars, corporate welfare, inside information, cheap immigrant labor, unlimited outsourcing and, most of all, a means to beat down their smaller competitors with excessive regulations that the big boys are able to afford, but the upstarts cannot. 

In return, preferred career politicians like the Bushes and the Clintons are showered with financial support from the Billionaire Boys Club; and are also provided with favorable publicity by their stable of wholly-owned TV talking heads, wholly-owned Hollywood stars and wholly-owned university "intellectuals". Together, they all work for a New World Order -- a nightmarish criminal world in which the taxed-to-death and indebted-to-death "human resources" toil in perpetuity for whatever crumbs the fatted Billionaire Boys Club and their underlings drop off of their Globalist dinner table.
It is a sick, twisted, rigged, "bipartisan" game of "you-scratch-my-back-and-I'll-scratch yours" -- a system that suddenly feels threatened not so much by the enigmatic Donald J. Trump, but rather, by the rising population of varying political, social and economic backgrounds that is rapidly closing ranks behind him. The battle lines have been drawn. Regardless of Trump's personal flaws and whatever he turns out to be or not be (and we are still not 100% "sold" on him), this upcoming election is no longer about him. It's about our last hope for a political realignment and reawakening; our last hope to break free from the mental control of the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) and its ever-howling propaganda media; and our a last hope to avoid World War III with Russia and China. 

Ignore the vicious 24/7 attacks against Trump emanating from the Piranha Press and corrupt "celebrities." Those people all thrive off of the current system and they are not your friends! Forget all that jive talk about "liberal vs "conservative" --- "rich vs poor" --- "blacks vs whites" --- "labor vs management" --- "millenials vs baby boomers" etc. It's about the Billionaire Boys Club vs. We the People. ... Who's side are you on?

"Yeah, I find I get along better with the construction workers and the cab drivers. The people who count in the world. Working people respect the fact that I built this company by myself."
Donald Trump, Quote from 1989 (here)

Boobus Americanus 1: I read an article in today's New York Times about all of the billionaires coming out against Donald Trump.
Boobus Americanus 2: Well, if someone of the financial acumen of Warren Buffett thinks Trump's plans will hurt the economy, I would listen. 

"The 'financial acumen' of Warren Buffoon liess in hiss ability to rig the ssytem againsst you, dumbasss!" (Amazing. Any other time, billionaire businessmen are portrayed as evil. Suddenly, we are supposed to listen to their political advice?)

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