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24 noviembre, 2016

#Syria: #DirtyWar, Big #Lies, and Modern #Propaganda

Global Research News

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By Mark Taliano, November 22 2016
The following text is an excerpt of a forthcoming E-Book entitled Voices From Syria, by Mark Taliano. Taliano focusses on the broad issue of Media Disinformation and America’s Wars: Liars Versus Truthers. According to the author, the “Progressive Left” Has Been Coopted. Voices From Syria is slated to be launched by Global Research Publishers in December.

By Stephen Lendman, November 22 2016
US-supported terrorists control eastern Aleppo public and private hospitals still functioning – using them for military purposes, denying vital treatment for residents in need. For months, area hospitals controlled by US-supported terrorists virtually halted treatment for injured and ill residents, using the facilities entirely for themselves.

By Rick Sterling, November 22 2016
Late in the day Tuesday November 15, Congress convened in special session. With normal rules suspended, they passed House Resolution 5732 the “Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act”. The resolution calls for intensifying already harsh sanctions on Syria, assessing implementation of No Fly Zone in Syria and escalating efforts to press criminal charges against Syrian officials. HR5732 claims to promote a negotiated settlement in Syria but, as analyzed by Friends Committee for National Legislation, imposes preconditions which would actually make that more difficult.

By Tony Cartalucci, November 22 2016
The US-European funded “Syrian Civil Defence” also known as the “White Helmets,” have been incrementally exposed as perhaps one of the most extensive and elaborate deceptions in modern war propaganda. Posing as both “rescuers” of civilians trapped in alleged Syrian and Russian airstrikes, and “monitors” reporting alleged “atrocities” carried out against armed militants fighting the Syrian government, evidence has mounted that they are in fact accomplices with militant groups including listed terrorist organizations, as well as propagandists.

By Moon of Alabama, November 22 2016
The video in this article was originally uploaded on November 18 in the channel of the RFSMediaOffice (Revolutionary Forces of Syria Media Office), a propaganda organization supporting various groups fighting the Syrian state. It depicts the “Making of” a scene where people in White Helmets outfit “rescue” a man. For some 20 seconds the two “rescuers” and the “victim” are motionless waiting for the command to start a hectic “rescue operation” and, when that starts, adds on the usual background sound of screaming people.

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