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24 noviembre, 2016

The #AntiSemitic #March of the #WoodenSoldiers

Goose-Stepping to victory!


It had been many years, decades really, since I last watched Laurel & Hardy's, 'March of the Wooden Soldiers' (aka 'Babes in Toyland'). The stirring climax in which the heroic wooden soldiers drive the evil Silas Barnaby and his 'bogeymen' out of Toyland would always make the child version of your righteous author-to-be here jump up and down while fist-pumping and cheering. I have always hated the 'bad guys!'

This past Thanksgiving Day, having sworn off the now overtly politicized NFL (National Football League) once and for all, I opted to channel-surf instead of watching football. Stumbling across this film took me back to my childhood days, so I parked the dial on New York Channel 11 in eager anticipation of watching a colorized version of the film whose storyline I had long since forgotten, and probably never truly understood, in terms of its hidden meaning.

The "anti-Semitic" TM (whatever that term really means) and the anti-moneylender message struck the older and informed version of yours truly upside the head like a bolt of thunder. I was not at all expecting to revert to the jumping, fist-pumping and cheering of childhood; but that is exactly how I ended up, much to the bewildered amusement of those clueless family members we were compelled to break bread with on "Holidays."

Yes, your paranoid author here pleads guilty to having an overly active, overly suspicious imagination at times; but as it turns out, others have made the same observation. Let's have a closer look at the key elements of the 1934 film, and decide for yourself if the theory of "anti-Semitic" TM wooden soldiers is "crazy".


Toyland is a peaceful, healthy and happy community; in which the people and animals all know and care for one another. The setting is very similar to an 18th or 19th century Germanic village.

The predatory moneylender of Toyland with the Jewish-sounding name, Silas Barnaby, covets the young blonde maiden, 'Little Bo Peep'. Barnaby is always dressed in black, resembles Jewish-Communist Leon Trotsky, and has a side-kick who wears what appears to be a yarmulke.

1 & 2: The goatied Moneylender Barnaby resembles the Jewish Bolshevik Leon Trotsky
3: His little assistant wears a yarmulke.

Barnaby stalks Little Bo Peep and brings her flowers. He boasts of his wealth as he asks her to be his bride. When Bo Peep turns down old Barnaby's marriage proposal, Barnaby threatens to foreclose on Bo Peep's mother (the Old Lady who Lived in a Shoe), who is late on her mortgage payment.

Bo Peep wants nothing to do with Barnaby or his money. When the scorned moneylender threatens to foreclose on her mother's home (shoe), Stannie & Ollie set out to save her home.

Degenerate Marxist Billionaires George Soros and Sumner Redstone bought themselves girlfriends who were nearly 50 years younger.

"With satanic joy in his face, the Jew lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people." - Adolf Hitler

Faced with eviction, Bo Peep contemplates breaking her engagement to Tom-Tom, her true love, and marry Barnaby. Barnaby is not at all moved by the tearful pleas of Bo Peep's mother, so Stannie & Ollie devise a plan.

In an effort to sneak into Barnaby's home and destroy the mortgage note, Stannie and Ollie are found out and reported to the King by Barnaby. With Barnaby at his side, the King orders the pair to be repeatedly dunked in water and then banished to "Bogeyland", where the Bogeymen live. To stop the punishment, a heart-broken Bo Peep breaks her engagement to Tom-Tom and agrees to marry Barnaby. Barnaby then drops the charges.

At the behest of Barnaby, the King orders the water torture and banishment of Ollie. Barnaby relents when Bo Peep finally agrees to marry him.

The marriage is later foiled when a veiled Stannie impersonates the bride as Ollie induces Barnaby to hand over the mortgage note at the altar. After Hardy tears up the note, Barnaby lifts the veil to kiss his new "bride". Horrified, Barnaby explodes in anger and vows revenge.


Barnaby stages a 'false-flag' kidnapping of one of the 'three little pigs' and his henchman plants sausages in Tom-Tom's house. As Barnaby advises the fooled King with demonic delight, Tom-Tom is tried, convicted and banished across the river to Bogeyland. A distraught Bo Peep follows him.

Based on planted evidence (similar to the planted 'hijacker passports' and Anthrax letters of 9/11), Tom-Tom is banished. Bo Peep follows her lover to the caves of Bogeyland.

Stannie & Ollie find evidence implicating Barnaby in the pignapping, including the fact that the sausage links presented as evidence at Tom-Tom's trial are made of beef, not pork. They later discover the kidnapped pig alive in Barnaby's cellar. The King orders the arrest of Barnaby, who then flees from the angry villagers, escaping to Bogeyland through a secret passage-way at the bottom of an empty well. Stannie & Ollie eventually follow Barnaby.


Barnaby catches up to Tom-Tom and Bo-Peep, and attempts to abduct Bo-Peep. Tom-Tom thrashes Barnaby. Enraged, Barnaby summons a mob of Bogeymen, who chase Bo-Peep and Tom-Tom through the caverns of Bogeyland. The lovers run into Stannie & Ollie, who help them escape. They are welcomed back into town by the happy villagers, who now realize Barnaby's treachery.

Barnaby's agitation riles up the Bogeymen to attack the White Toylanders.

Barnaby leads an invasion of Toyland on a fleet of rafts. The crowd flees in panic as Barnaby's army of torch-wielding Bogeymen scale the walls and open the gates to Toyland.

"No justice - no peace!"

*We are not equating all Blacks to the Bogeymen, only the violent anti-White Blacks who are generally incited by the Jewish Marxists.


Ollie and Stannie run to the toy shop to grab a toy cannon and darts. Stannie then comes up with the idea of activating the 6-foot tall wooden soldiers. As their buttons are pushed, the goose-stepping wooden soldiers march into action as the stirring musical score of 'March of the Wooden Soldiers' plays.

The awakened soldiers goose-step into action against Barnaby and his hairy henchmen. Game over "homies'! Yeah baby!

The Great One finally came to power and saved Germany from the moneylenders more than one year before the film was released.

Barnaby and his rampaging Bogeyman are driven out of Toyland at bayonet point as the citizens of Toyland cheer for their saviors.



'The March of the Wooden Soldiers' was produced by Hal Roach and significantly altered from the 1903 operetta, 'Babes in Toyland'. Looking further into Mr. Roach, we learn that he, in 1937, conceived a joint business venture partnering with Vittorio Mussolini, son of the fascist leader of Italy, Benito Mussolini, to form a production company called R.A.M - Roach and Mussolini!

This proposed venture with Mussolini, whose father, as we all know, was very friendly with Adolf Hitler, enraged Jewish-owned MGM. When MGM intervened, Roach was forced to pay his way out of the venture. This "embarrassment" led to the end of Roach's relationship with MGM.

But in the final analysis, Hal Roach had the 'last laugh'. Although very few have ever picked up on the symbolism, Roach's goose-stepping wooden heroes stand tall as a classic "up-yours" to the powers-that-be who control Hollywood and Banking (Barnaby's mortgage business).

And that's something that no can take away from the clever producer.


1- Vittorio Mussolini (center) started a short-lived business venture with Hal Roach (right).
2- Hal Roach (3rd from left) poses with Laurel & Hardy (ends)

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