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14 diciembre, 2016

#StopArmingTerroristsAct, #India’s Demonetization #Blitzkrieg, #US #CounterPropagandaBill

By Global Research News

Url of this article:http://www.globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-stop-arming-terrorists-act-indias-demonetization-blitzkrieg-us-counter-propaganda-bill/5561965

Selected Articles:
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s “Stop Arming Terrorists Act”
By Stephen Lendman, December 11 2016
Gabbard’s legislation requires the Director of National Intelligence to identify nations, groups and individuals involved in terrorist activities or supporting them. She endorses ending US interventionist practices against nations like Syria threatening no one. Her measure is a courageous act going nowhere in neocon infested Congress.
India’s “War on Cash”: The Demonetization Blitzkrieg. The “Ice Nine” Solution
By Sridhar Chakravarthi Raman, December 11 2016
The demonetization blitzkrieg of the NDA government was served to the unsuspecting Indian public as a moral crusade to destroy the twin evils of black money and counterfeit notes. But as the days went by the stated objects of the demonetization fell apart and the government did a series of embarrassing flip flops to put forth the view that the object was to usher in a cashless society where the digitally baptized citizens would swipe their plastic cards and waft to and fro in digital wallets with consummate ease.If the overt objectives of the demonetization, i.e eradication of black money and counterfeit notes were indeed laughable, then other concerns about its covert objectives gave rise to legitimate concerns. What then is the hidden agenda of the demonetization exercise?
Report from Aleppo: A Historic Moment
By Revd Andrew Ashdown, December 12 2016
Over the past few years, I have been listening to the voices of ordinary Syrians whose cries and experiences of brutality and violence at the hands of extremist terrorist factions supported by the international community have been ignored by the outside world ; and whose suffering in the conflict has been exploited and heightened by the arrogant intransigence and bloody-minded single-mindedness of an international agenda that has nothing to do with the interests or human rights of the Syrian people.
By John Laurits, December 12 2016
On Thursday December 8th, the US senate quietly passed the National Defense Authorization Act ( or the ‘NDAA’ ) for the fiscal year of 2017. Basically, the NDAA is passed every year to re-approve & add to the United States’ so-called “defense” spending — which is sort of like Christmas for the officials who run the profitable death-machine called “US foreign policy.” However, many would likely be shocked by the ridiculous and terrifying laws that our treacherous congress usually buries inside the yearly bill

Life on Earth is Dying. Thousands of Species Cease to Exist
By Robert J. Burrowes, December 12 2016
On the day that you read this article, 200 species of life on Earth (plants, birds, animals, fish, amphibians, insects, reptiles) will cease to exist. Tomorrow, another 200 species will vanish forever.
Anarchism, A False Hope? Nineteenth Century Cuban Independistas Explain
By Sue Babbitt, December 11 2016
Around the globe, activists are turning to Emma Goldman and Alexeyevich Kropotkin. The word anarchy swims through twitter feeds and Facebook shares. “Anarchy” means unmediated people power. It means people divesting from hierarchical systems. Or so we are told.

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