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16 diciembre, 2016

What is #FulvicAcid?

By Dr. Dan Nuzum

Fulvic Acid with active carbon and high molecular oxygen is one of the most powerful antioxidants and cleansers in the world.

What are Fulvic Acids?

Fulvic acids are soluble in both alkaline and acidic solutions. A short chain active carbon and high molecular oxygen is one of the most crucial carbon factors in the reversal and prevention of disease, as well as the maintenance of good health. Carbon is a major component of DNA. In fact, the center of life is carbon.
Fulvic acid is composed of highly active (unspent) carbon, hydrogen, molecular oxygen, an
organic form for maximum bio-availability. This nano-sized molecule passes through cell membranes with ease. Fulvic is plant-derived, ionic, and contains high concentrations of organic acids. Fulvic has a composition consisting of natural carbon rich polydisperse polyanions.

Fulvic Acid Benefits

Fulvics, when in their proper form, provide the catalyst that allows vitamins, which is another CHO (Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen) molecule, to be utilized and are essential for 96% of all metabolic functions of the human body. Fulvics have the ability to complexation, chelating, buffering and pH effects. Without a Fulvic molecule active carbon and high molecular oxygen, vitamins and minerals are of little value.
A good Fulvic complex increases retention, absorption, and utilization of all the nutrients in food, vitamins and supplements. Due to the higher concentration of active carbons, Fulvic can extend the time that the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen remain active in the body. A balanced electro-chemistry is a requirement in the human body.
Using a good source of active carbon, hydrogen, and molecular oxygen will provide an effective food source for the beneficial aerobic bacteria. The body will fundamentally have the means to repair itself. When Fulvic with active carbon, hydrogen and high molecular oxygen encounter free radicals with unpaired positive or negative electrons, it supplies an equal and opposite charge to neutralize the free radical.
Fulvic Acid

Can Fulvic Acid Aid in Proper Cellular Function?

It is essential that the electrical potential of all cells remain balanced and “charged.” A high quality electrolyte is essential for proper cellular function. An electrolyte is a substance that dissolves in water or other suitable medium that will conduct electrical current. An electrolyte is essential to cells because in molecular processes it permits electrons to be set loose, transferring electrical current, by allowing the flow of ions.
Fulvic acid is a polyelectrolyte which means “much electric.” The value of an electrolyte can be shown by an experiment that was done by researchers on a giant amoeba, which is a microscopic single cell animal. Under a microscope the electrolytic potential of the amoeba, which is normally 20 millivolts, was depressed to zero.
The researchers then noticed astonishing changes as the amoeba became dysfunctional, the outer membrane then ruptured in several places, and internal components began to flow out into the surrounding fluid. At that point the researchers visually concluded that the form and structure of the amoeba had disintegrated and it was for all purposes dead. But upon increasing the electrolytic charge, the form of the amoeba reconstructed and became active and healthy again.

What Potential Health Benefits Can This Complex Molecule Give Us?

Our cells are designed to run at -25 millivolts of electron donor, when the voltage drops to +30 millivolts of electron stealer, a cell-wall-deficient bad microbe forms appears and disease is the result. Dropping voltage causes oxygen levels to drop and the results are chronic diseases, including the inability to make new cells to repair those that are worn out or damaged. Fulvic electrical potential has been measured in a laboratory showing impressive conductivity of 132,600 uS/cm @ 25 degrees centigrade.

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